Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 591: The most intimate little takeaway expert (three shifts)

  Chapter 591 The most intimate little takeaway expert (three shifts)

   "Who?" Su Ai asked loudly.

   "It's me!" The voice familiar to Deputy Instructor Jiang Lei came in, "Ran Qi, come out, I have something for you."

  It turned out to be Jiang Lei.

  The two girls in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

  Ruan Qi put on his coat and walked to the door with slippers and opened the door.

  A huge white plastic bag dangled in front of her eyes and fell into her arms.

  The little girl quickly raised her hand and hugged the bag, "Instructor Jiang, Jiang..."

   "Someone asked me to give it to you." Jiang Leimu said with a face, his tone was a little uncomfortable, "You must finish eating before turning off the lights, otherwise points will be deducted!"

  After speaking, she left without waiting for the little girl to reply.

  Ruan Qi looked at Jiang Lei's angry back with a blank face, and a familiar fragrance suddenly wafted from the white bag in his arms.

  She moved in her heart and quickly opened the bag—

   Burgers, French fries, ice cream, and a big pizza!

  The little girl looked at these things and was taken aback for a moment, a warm current slowly poured into her heart.

  She curled her peachy eyes, and her smile seemed to be soaked in honey, sweet to the bottom of her heart.

  At this moment, Su Ai's question sounded behind him.

  The little girl quickly reduced her sweet and greasy smile, closed the door and wrapped the big bag back to the house.

  She put the bag on the desk, and then took it out in the same way.

  Mashed potatoes, burgers, french fries, coke...all in double!

  Suai's eyes straightened.

   "Sister Su Ai," the little girl smiled and waved to her, "Come on and eat!"

  Suai blinked blankly, and then sprang out of the bed with a ‘whoop’.

She rushed to the table, staring at the table full of food with a green light, with a look of excitement: "My God! How did you do it, Xiaoqi? Isn't it forbidden to eat these things in the barracks?! And it turned out to be Jiang. The instructor personally delivered it!"

   "Maybe I am cute." The little girl replied ambiguously, but the corners of her eyes and brows were filled with uncontrollable sweetness.

  Suai saw that she didn't want to say anything, so she didn't ask any more, and all her thoughts fell on the food.

  Ruan Qi also took a pair of fried chicken wings and ate it happily.

  She turned on the phone while eating, and as expected, Xi Jiu, who had disappeared for a long time, sent a WeChat message.

  【Jiu Jiu: Have you received something? 】

  When the little girl saw the message, her peach blossom eyes couldn't help but bend into a small crescent.

  【It's Xiaoqi: I received it! Thank you Jiujiu! very delicious! ~[Careful to you.jpg]]

  The cold lips of the man on the other end of the phone slowly bend.

  At this moment, a phone call came in.

  Xi Jiu frowned slightly impatiently and pressed the Connect button.

"Xi Jiu, next time you give your girlfriend food under my nose, I'll tell my third uncle!" Jiang Lei gritted his teeth and an angry voice came from the earpiece, "You despise Faji! As an instructor! Not only did not set an example, but also took the lead in breaking the rules! I let my third uncle kick you out of the tiger and lion!"

  Jiang Lei, his third uncle, Bo Ye's uncle, Jiang Yan, the leader of the 124th Army.

  Faced with Jiang Lei’s threat, Xi Jiu was not afraid, and said indifferently, “Not a girlfriend, but a fiancee.”

  Instructor Jiang, who was stuffed with dog food in the middle of the night, almost squirted blood.

   "You, you..." He patted the table angrily, "Don't let me deliver food next time! I am the instructor, I must obey..."

  "Next time I will deliver it myself." Xi Jiu interrupted him mercilessly, "You look ugly, I'm afraid Xiao Qi will be scared."

   Jiang Lei: "..."

  I want to fight this jerk! !


  Ruan Qi and Suai feasted in Jiang Lei’s blood and tears.

  At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, the "Blade" crew finally officially announced the male lead Zhan Rong.

  The addition of Zhan Rong makes everyone more and more looking forward to the female candidate who has not yet been officially announced.

  And Jiang Qiang, who had been absent for two days before, took advantage of this heat and ran out to be a demon again.

    Xi Jiu: Determined to spread dog food all over the world.

     write four more immediately.



  (End of this chapter)

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