Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 592: Replace the Dragon God as a legend (four more)

  Chapter 592 Replacing the Dragon God as a Legend (four more)

  Jiang Qiang hired a lot of marketing accounts, spreading that Ruan Qi is the heroine of "Blade" everywhere, and even spent money to buy a hot search.

  After spreading the news, she bought a lot of navy soldiers and manipulated the public opinion in the comment area to say that Ruan Qi is passionate about hype.

  Many people have been led by her.

  Shen Wenqian smiled like an old fox watching Jiang Qiang jumping up and down.

  Toss it.

  The more you toss, the higher the popularity of Xiaoqi after the official announcement.


  Ruan Qi entered the Tigers and Lions special team on the eighth day, the marshmallows finally couldn't stand it.

  What about their Ruanbao?

  What about selfies? What about Weibo?

  Has been abducted and sold?

  Why didn’t even Shen Wenqian move?

   Fans who could no longer hold back all went to Shen Wenqian's Weibo to ask him to return the missing persons.

  Even the senior management of the support club asked Mo Lan over and over again, worrying about whether something happened.

  Shen Wenqian was forced to have no choice but to post an ambiguous Weibo.

  【Mr. Shen Wenqian: Xiaoqi is in retreat and will be out in a few days. 】

  At this time, Ruan Xiaoqi, who was in retreat, was mad at the WeChat group.

  Myq team hand remnant group——

  【Raytheon: @是小七呀@是小七呀@是小七呀, don’t think you can escape by pretending to be dead, come out! 】

   [Thor: @是小七呀, the Rong Yao League Spring Split on March 31st, what are your plans? 】

   [Thor: @是小七呀, if you don’t come out again, I threw all the broken pills you put in the club! 】

  Ruan Qi stared at WeChat tangledly, her face wrinkled into a ball.

  [It’s Xiaoqi:[装傻.jpg]]

  【Liu Wanwan: Ruanbao is out! Ruanbao misses me? [飞吻.jpg]]

  【Thor: Liu Wanwan, shut up first. @是小七呀, are you participating in the Rong Yao League Spring Game? 】

  【It’s Xiaoqi: I’m training in a military camp, and I have to go out on the 19th, and then I go directly to the crew. so……】

  【Thor: I will give you another chance to reorganize the language. 】

  【It's Xiaoqi: I can participate. [好巧.jpg]]

  【Liu Wanwan: Puff...soft and soft. 】

   [Thor: Liu Wanwan, you can do a hundred push-ups if you interrupt. @是小七呀, I'll report to you as an alternate first. If the crew can ask for leave, they must play for me. 】

  The little girl cried and was trained for a while.

After leaving the WeChat group, Liu Wanwan sent a video call.

  Ruan Qi presses the Connect button, and a charming girl with long wine-red hair appears on the screen.

   "Sister Wanwan~" The little girl yelled softly.

   Liu Wanwan's charming eyebrows smiled, she molested the little girl a bit, and then went to the topic.

   "At the end of last year, the Monarch team received a huge sum of money. It is said that the hand speed is extremely fast, which is comparable to yours. At the end of the spring game, this ace will be played."

  "Who is it?" Ruan Qi asked.

   Liu Wanwan shook his head: "I don't know, I only know that it's a woman, and the code name is Zhanlong."

  Slash the dragon?

  Ruan Qi repeated the name several times, and her eyebrows were slowly raised, revealing a weird expression.

  "Pin is out? Your name is Xiaoqinglong, and she is Zhanlong. Ambition is not small." Liu Wanwan smiled a little sarcastically, "And I also heard that she once threatened to replace you as a legend."

  The little girl let out a slow "Oh".

   Liu Wanwan said softly, "So soft, you have to play this spring game. The Monarch and us have always been mortal enemies. If you don't play, God knows how they will taunt you. Especially the Dragon Slash..."

   "Zhanlong?" The little girl in Wen Tun chuckled softly, "As long as there are peanuts, she won't be so drunk!"

    Ruan Xiaoqi: I’m King Kong Dragon, and she’s a courier knife, how do I cut it?

     ask for votes.



  (End of this chapter)

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