Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 599: Not bad money, sue to death (three shifts)

  Chapter 599 It's not short of money, I'll tell you to death (three shifts)

  No makeup photos, no posters, just a dry text Weibo, set off a huge wave on the Internet.

  Ruan Qi turned out to be the heroine of "Blade"! ! !

  All the ridicule seemed to have pressed the pause button, and stopped abruptly at the moment of the official announcement of "Blade".

  The smug snickers of the fans, opponents, and navy all solidified at this moment.

  The marshmallows who disappeared all night and the morning, like thousands of groundhogs waking up from hibernation, screaming and screaming from the hole, they came out of the hole.

  Control review!



   Fuck the heat!

  # "Blade's Edge" official proclaimed heroine Ruan Qi#!

  # The heroine of "Blade's Edge" is Ruan Qi#!

  # Ruan Qi plays the role of "Blade", a female Qi Yixuan#!

  The marshmallows were like chicken blood, and after a few clicks, all related topics were posted on the hot search.

  Jinhua's public relations department, who moved a step slower, couldn't laugh or cry.

   "Ruan Qi's fans are so powerful that we don't need to do anything." Manager Tang shook his head and asked Shen Wenqian, "What are we doing now?"

  Shen Wenqian held the thermos cup, took a sip of health tea comfortably, and then showed a stern smile.

   "Of course there is revenge."

  A few minutes later, a Weibo was thrown online.

  [Agent Shen Wenqian: Because there is a confidentiality agreement with the "Blade" crew, we can't disclose the related information of the lead actor. So we have been silent these days. Ruan Qi has been in the military camp since the beginning of March for a fully enclosed special training. Regarding the performance of "Blade", Xiaoqi and Jinhua Entertainment have never done anything such as hot hype. I don’t want to find out who made the news on the Internet, but Jinhua Entertainment will not let go of some people with impure purposes. The following is a list of marketing accounts that broke the news, spread rumors, and discredited Ruan Qi these days, as well as relatively active Weibo users. Jinhua Entertainment will take legal measures. Wait for the court's subpoena. 】

   There are two pictures attached below Weibo.

  The first one is the marketing ID of Ruan Qi’s marketing account, which was compiled by Jinhua Entertainment and rumored, as well as the Weibo users who discredited Ruan Qi.

  The second picture is a letter from a lawyer.

The meaning of    is obvious-all those on the list are reported by Jinhua Entertainment! No one wants to run!

  Shen Wenqian's hand operation simply and rudely defeated the rumor that'Ruan Qi deliberately bought a marketing account to break the news.'

  【Worthy of being the number one gold broker in the entertainment industry! The operation is fast and accurate, and directly fixed the seven inches of these marketing numbers! 】

  [After a rough count, there are at least 30 marketing numbers on the list. With so many people, Jinhua Entertainment told them all? 】

  【Should it be just a scare, right? The lawsuit consumes money and energy, and Jinhua Entertainment sue all of it when it is crazy. 】

  It’s too common for celebrities to send letters to lawyers. Most of them are warnings, and seldom litigation will be real.

  Shen Wenqian's lawyer's letter, no one took it seriously. Those marketing accounts and black fan Weibo users on the list even sneered.

  However, they soon lost their laughter.

  Because Jinhua Entertainment official blog posted a picture——

   Screenshot of the application for filing a lawsuit to the Imperial Court website!

  Jinhua Entertainment is for real! ! !

  This time, all the marketing accounts and black fans listed in the list panicked.

  The people who eat melon are also full of disbelief.

  Is Jinhua Entertainment crazy?

  With so many marketing accounts, how much does it cost to sue all of them?

  For a Ruan Qi, does Jinhua Entertainment plan to take out all the wealth of the family?

  In response to this question, Shen Wenqian threw another Weibo.

  【Broker Shen Wenqian: The prosecution fee does not go from the company. Xiao Qi said that if you dare to do it, you must dare to bear the consequences. Not bad money, sue to death! [Arrogant.jpg]]

    Xi Jiu: Tell me whatever you want.

     write four more immediately~



  (End of this chapter)

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