Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 600: The return of the missing! (Four more)

   Chapter 600 The Return of the Missing Person! (Four more)

  Ruan Qi's not bad money remarks caused a lot of marketing accounts to panic.

  As the driving force behind the whole thing, Jiang Qiang did not expect Jinhua Entertainment to be so rigid.

  She panicked, but quickly calmed down.

  Neither Jinhua Entertainment nor Ruan Qi can threaten her status.

   is just a second-tier actress, even if she knows that all of this is what she does?

   Jiang Qiang chuckled and closed the official blog page of the "Blade" crew.

  Two days later, the news of Ruan Qi's participation in "Blade's Edge" just dropped, and a topic once again detonated the whole network——

  #Jiang Qiang crew palm avatar#! ! !

  Dozens of marketing accounts were dispatched at the same time, and a video was swiped across the entire network.

  In the video, Jiang Qiang is wearing an ancient costume with a down jacket.

  A woman wearing the same clothes as her approached, and the two of them didn't know what to say, Jiang Qiang suddenly overturned the small table in front of him, raising his hand to slap.

  The crisp applause was extremely loud, and the crew members around were shocked.

  The assistant hurried up to pull Jiang Qiang, but Jiang Qiang slapped her away, and then slapped the woman again.

  This is the end of the video.

  The network exploded.

  This time, without the use of the water army to lead the rhythm, the netizens have unanimously aimed at Jiang Qiang.

  What an enemy?

  If you have a disagreement, just say it. It’s really not a good idea to scold it. It’s not the right thing to do it.

   And one slap in the face is two slaps, and in front of so many people, isn't this stepping on the dignity of the opponent?

  The sudden riot caused Jiang Qiang's team to mess up.

  They immediately contacted Weibo to drop the hot search. But what is unexpected is that when they withdraw one, some people buy one.

  Jiang Qiang’s team is furious, it is obvious that someone is doing something!

  The agent surnamed Shen, who loves to do things, was sitting in the office at this time, watching the abuse of Jiang Qiang on the Internet in a happy mood.

  When Manager Tang opened the door and walked in, he happened to see the gloating smile on his face.

  Manager Tang gave a ‘tsk’, always feeling that Shen Wenqian’s smile had a faint Ruan Qi temperament.

   is the same to make your back cool.

  Manager Tang slandered in his heart, closed the door and said, "I just received news that Jiang Qiang smashed a computer in the studio."

   "Retribution~" Shen Wenqian was very happy, "Who made her do so many disgusting things, this is called the present day report!"

  Manager Tang nodded in agreement, but then frowned, "Jiang Qiang’s public relations team is very powerful. This matter..."

"How can the public relations team be more powerful?" Shen Wenqian sneered like Wang Zhi, "They have only two ways to go. Either apologize or remain silent. But no matter what you do, Jiang Qiang's beating is a fact, and it's forever washing. The stain that doesn't go down."

   "You're right." Manager Tang wanted to say something, and the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

  He answered the phone and said a few words, then smiled and said to Shen Wenqian: "It's a real world report. The extravagant blue blood endorsement that Jiang Qiang just negotiated is yellow."


  Jiang Qiang’s affairs have been in trouble for several days, and the half-month-long closed training of Ruan Qi has also come to a successful conclusion.

   is about to leave soon, everyone is a little bit reluctant.

  It’s true that you’re tired from training, but the comradeship you get along these days is also true.

  Ruan Qi signed and took photos one by one with the comrades in the second team, and then left the barracks with red eyes.

  That night, the missing persons who disappeared for fifteen days have finally returned!

  【Soft and soft Ruan Qi: I, King Ruan, is back again! ! ! [阳天长笑.jpg]]

    Hot search: The one named Ruan Qi is back, I want to stop again.

     It is said that there will be a power outage at my home tomorrow. There was a power outage in June, and the air conditioner could not be turned on, so desperate.

     ask for a ticket



  (End of this chapter)

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