Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 609: Feed your daughter-in-law (one more)

  Chapter 609 Feeding your daughter-in-law (one more)

  This domineering side-leaked word "roll" has made people who are in infinite panic a little more stable.

  【Woo woo… ‘your dad’ must win! 】

  【I will definitely win! "Your dad" is an existence comparable to Old Sam! 】

  【Go on, ‘your dad’! Come on, global technical elites! 】

  Everyone is excited again, but the bad news that should come is still coming.

  Five minutes later, the communication base station of country Y was invaded by a Trojan horse and all were paralyzed.

  Everyone’s mobile phones and phones are all scraps. There is no network, no communication signal, and no contact with the outside world.

The mentality of the people of   Y country gradually collapsed.

  Network technology hall, the keyboard sound becomes the only melody.

   "The networks of the western countries in South America are all paralyzed!" A trembling voice sounded in the hall.

  Xie Ding's faces were extremely ugly.

   "Little Seven, this..."

   "What are you panicking." The voice of the delicate girl who is usually used to be at this time is like a machine with no emotions, there is no ups and downs at all.

  A pair of calm peach eyes reflected on the computer screen glowing with blue light, and the girl's fingers on the keyboard quickly became a virtual shadow.

  She stared at the code on the computer intently. After about half an hour, she suddenly laughed.

  This smile caused Xie Dingjiangyan and the others to tremble.

   "Wen Ran." Ruan Qi said softly, "Start Project No. 3 and catch the bastard."


  Everyone found that the spread of Trojan A virus has become faster.

  It was able to spread to six countries in one hour before, and now it has paralyzed the networks of five countries in less than half an hour.

  The panic is getting worse.

  Bad news keeps coming.

  R country network is paralyzed!

  H country network is paralyzed!

  Communications are interrupted in all regions of South America!

   Two days passed slowly in various bad news.

  The citizens are worried, but they can still sleep peacefully.

  But the technical elites of various countries have not closed their eyes for nearly 60 hours.

  High tension and the overloaded operation of the brain's fingers have pushed their bodies to their limits.

   With a ‘clang’, the chair fell to the ground together with the person on it.

  The medical staff rushed into the network technology hall familiarly, and carried the unconscious technicians away.

  Such situations have happened from time to time since yesterday, and everyone has become accustomed to it.

  On the podium, Ruan Qi sitting in a chair is straight.

  Compared with other people's gaunt, the little girl's condition is much better.

  She looked at the map of the world that had been invaded by Trojan horses and viruses, and her brain was like an emotionless machine, running calmly and quickly.

  At this time, a straw came over.

Ruan Qi subconsciously opened his mouth and drank a bottle of milk quickly.

   Xi Jiu looked at the little girl's bloodshot eyes and mechanical swallowing movements, and pinched the empty milk bottle distressedly.

   "Lao Jiu," Xie Ding patted his shoulder, "You go to bed for a while, Xiao Qi, I will guard."

"Need not."

   Xi Jiu shook his head, then broke off a piece of yogurt cake and brought it to Ruan Qi's mouth.

  The little girl who fluttered with ten fingers opened her mouth subconsciously again.

   Seeing her eat up a large piece of cake, Xi Jiu's face was stretched with a smile.

  Xie Ding saw the root pain of his tooth, and couldn’t help but said, “You haven’t slept for almost three days!”

   "Xiao Qi hasn't slept for three days," Xi Jiu replied.

Xie Ding choked, staring and whispered, "Little Qi is the commander-in-chief of this battle, and she can't sleep. You have been with her like this. Who will take care of Xiao Qi if she breaks down? Could it be that you let me take care of Xiao Qi? Does the teenage old man feed your wife?!"

    Ruan Xiaoqi: Then I'll starve to death.

     Xie Ding:? ? ? ?

     Tomorrow Father’s Day, I bought two Dawenwan walnuts for my father. The walnut is carved into the style of Pixiu, which looks super cool!



  (End of this chapter)

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