Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 610: "Your father" lost (two more)

  Chapter 610 "Your father" lost (two more)

  Xi Jiu heard this and looked at Xie Ding’s eyes with a bit of ‘you are a pervert’ dislike.

  Xie Ding's eyelids jumped when he saw, "You..."

  "I can hold it." Xi Jiu threw the milk bottle that Ruan Qi had drunk into the trash can, "Xiao Qi is inseparable. If I am sleepy, I will sit on the chair for a while. Thank you, don't worry about it."

  Xie Ding: "..."

   Yes, I don’t care!

  Xie Ding hummed the beginning, glanced at the map on the big screen, his face changed suddenly.

  He only slept for four hours. How did the Trojan horse virus invade so fast? !

  The spread of Trojan A virus is increasing exponentially.

  Network interruption, communication interruption, and a large number of network users are annihilated in a terrorist virus attack.

  The mentality of netizens has gone from seeing the excitement at the beginning to gradually collapse.

  One day later, all three-fifths of the seven continents of the world were killed.

  At the same time, a paragraph of text appeared on the LED displays of various countries——

  ‘Cherish the last twenty-four hours. ’

   Signed, the head of the sharp bee organization, the dark night.

  The scarlet clown smiled on the big screen with hideous pride.

  This time, the panicked people did not wait for the overbearing ‘go’ word of ‘your dad’.

  Everyone's hearts are getting heavier and heavier.

  Why doesn’t ‘your dad’ stop the dark night?

  Did he give up?

  Endless panic has flooded everyone's minds. If even "your dad" gives up, then who can deal with Trojan A virus?

  【Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... very scary! 】

  【The internet is gone, and the phone can’t be made. Is it going to be like this in the future? ? ? 】

  【Are there any bosses who can help us? "Your father" please win! 】

  Faced with the online panic, ‘your dad’ did not respond.

  He seems to have disappeared, letting the virus swallow wildly all over the world.

  Twelve hours later, only one-fifth of the seven continents remained uninvaded.

  After another six hours, one-fifth became one-seventh.

  Several pieces of bad news spread to everyone’s ears through various means. As the head of the Huaguo Cyber ​​Security Center, Xie Ding’s sweater has been dampened by cold sweat.

  He gritted his teeth, his eyes stuck to the computer in front of Ruan Qi.

  Suddenly, the large screen covering a wall issued a harsh alarm sound——

  "The Trojan Horse A virus is about to invade all!"

  Xie Ding suddenly raised his head.

  On the world map, except for a small area centered on China, all other places have become shocking red!

   will all fall!

  Having no rest for a few days, coupled with a huge blow, Xie Ding's eyes went black.

  He shook his body twice, and was firmly supported by Jiang Yan on the side.

   "Are you okay?" Jiang Yan asked, "Did the blood pressure rise?"

  Xie Dinggu could not answer.

  He has only one thought in his heart now, and he can't completely fall into it!

  Xie Dingqiang moved to the side of Ruan Qi, supporting his body, just about to speak, the big screen once again sounded the alarm——

   "Countdown to the fall of the world——"


  The entire network of Asian country G is paralyzed!


  Asian country C network is interrupted!


  Trojan A virus quickly swept the country E, the nearest to China.


  Most of Huaguo's network users are offline at the same time.


  On the map, the last piece of pure land was buried in a dazzling red.


  The Trojan Horse A virus has passed through the border and swept the entire country of China!

  (End of this chapter)

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