Chapter 791 Can you speak normally?

  Netizens are still discussing what is going on in the barrage, Feng Qin has hurried to the signature board.

  The smile on Bi Yuxuan's face, who was thrown on the red carpet by him, couldn't hold back.

  Bluestone Entertainment has a ‘star-making plan’ in the second half of the year, and selects some young and potential newcomers to focus on building.

  Because of her own good conditions, Bi Yuxuan successfully stood out among many newcomers and became a member of the ‘Star Project’.

  And Bluestone Entertainment really values ​​her very much. It not only invested a lot of money in her to train her, but also helped her get the red carpet spot for the Golden Melody Awards tonight.

  In order to create momentum for her, the management of Qingshi Entertainment all dispatched and finally persuaded Feng Qin to accompany her on the red carpet.

  Who is Feng Qin?

  The heir to the wealthy family, the helm of Bluestone Entertainment, the diamond king who even thousands of gold ladies want to marry.

   Such a handsome and golden man, it is impossible for Bi Yuxuan not to be moved.

  She even bought several media outlets at a high price and asked them to take intimate photos of her and Feng Qin walking the red carpet, and then write the more ambiguous the better.

   But Bi Yuxuan never dreamed of—

  Feng Qin threw her on the red carpet and ran away!

   Isn’t she just staying on the red carpet a little longer?

  But she is a newcomer to Bluestone Entertainment, and she often shows her face in front of the media. What's wrong?

  Bi Yuxuan was dissatisfied, but she did not dare to lose her attitude in front of the camera, she could only smile stiffly, stepping on twelve-centimeter high heels and trotting to catch up with Feng Qin.

  At this time, Feng Qin had already signed his name on the signature board.

   Seeing that he was about to run again, Bi Yuxuan hurriedly yelled Jiaojiao, "President Feng, wait for me, my feet hurt."

  As soon as Feng Qin heard the tone of the words, his handsome eyebrows frowned.

   "Can you speak normally?"

  Bi Yuxuan didn't expect the man to be so unrelenting, the smile on her face couldn't help but froze.

   "I, I think Mr. Feng likes..."

   "I only like normal humans to speak in normal language and tone." Feng Qin interrupted her mercilessly.

  Bi Yuxuan almost lost control of her facial expression management after two months of practice.

  Her manager had previously stated that Feng always liked little girls with a soft tone!

  Ran Qi, who has a good relationship with Shen Shi, didn’t it because Jiao Didi came into Feng’s eyes?

  How could it be impossible to get to her? !

  Bi Yuxuan's mentality was about to collapse, but Feng Qin didn't have the thought of comforting her at all, so she raised her foot and left.

   "President Feng!" Bi Yuxuan was anxious, "My feet hurt!"

   "Take off your shoes if your feet hurt!" Feng Qin was completely impatient. "You just stayed on the red carpet for nearly five minutes. Why didn't you feel that your feet hurt?"

  "..." Bi Yuxuan was speechless.

  Feng Qin no longer looked at her, he thanked the female receptionist who led the way, raised his foot and hurriedly chased Ruan Qi.

  At this time, Ruan Qi and An Le have almost entered the infield.

   Suddenly, a bright red back figure hurriedly passed in front of them, and disappeared into the gate of the venue in the blink of an eye.

  Ruan Qi and An Le looked at each other.

   "Just, the one just now..." An Le pointed to the gate of the venue, "Gu, Gu..."

   Ruan Qi: "Gu Feiyang."

  An Le nodded immediately.

   "He looks, looks very, very very..."

   Ruan Qi: "I am very anxious."

   "..." An Le despaired of stuttering when she saw Ruan Qi.

  He was tired and pointed to the door, "Want, do you want to chase, catch up to fight, make a move..."

   "Little Seven!" The sudden male voice interrupted An Le again.

  Since seeing Ruan Qi, the child An Xiaole, who hadn't said a word sharply, fell into great sadness.

    Anle: Seeing Xiaoqijie is so nervous and shy, I really want to stammer.

Mr.     :...... It seems that you have found a way to count water words? ? ? [狗头保命.jpg]

    ——I came to my aunt today, my stomach hurts so much that I can’t write. Good night, babies~



  (End of this chapter)

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