Chapter 792

  Ruan Qi was amused by the peaceful and aggrieved expression.

  She cocked the corner of her mouth, patted his shoulder comfortingly, then turned around and saw Feng Qin who had just called her.

  Because of going to the red carpet with Bi Yuxuan, the stylist of Qingshi Entertainment specially chose a dark blue suit for Feng Qin.

  The suit is very slim, and the men’s wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs are all outlined.

  In addition to the blingbling starlight dotted on the clothes, Feng Qin's whole person looks very...


  Ruan Qi was snarled with a ‘Wow~’.

   "President Feng, you are so flashy today!" She gestured in front of him with her finger, "The most beautiful boy on this red carpet!"

  Feng Qin was dumbfounded by her boasting, but the irritability caused by Bi Yuxuan also disappeared.

  He pushed down his glasses with a smile, and looked around the little girl with a gentle and polite look.

"you look pretty today."

  The man’s tone is sincere and not frivolous, just like a business talk between good friends.

  No woman does not like to be praised, anyway, Ruan Xiaoqi really eats this set.

  She bent her peachy eyes very happily, and was about to speak, Feng Qin suddenly raised her hand and touched it on top of her head.

   Ruan Qi: "?"

   "There is something on your head." Feng Qin spread out his hand, a small piece of silver sequin lying in his palm.

  Ruan Qi suddenly realized with a ‘oh’.

   "It should have been blown on my head by the wind when I was talking to the host just now. The host's hair is full of sequins."

  As she spoke, she pulled her hair twice, and after she was sure that there was nothing, she walked into the venue with Feng Qin Anle.

Ruan Qi didn't know that the scene where Feng Qin touched her hair just now happened to be filmed by a live broadcast fan.

  The live broadcast room has been exploded.

【Oh my god! Touch the head to kill! ! I'm dead! ! ! 】

【Ah ah ah ah ah! Mr. Feng is good Su! ! ! 】

  [The daughter of the Cheng family said that Feng Qin and Ruan Qi have a normal relationship? Wouldn't it be Ruan Qi's own hype again? 】

  【Hope a fart! Ruan Qi forced Feng Qin to touch her head? How did Feng Qin smile when he talked to Ruan Qi just now, can't you see? ! 】

  【I see it! Feng Zongxiao's super gentle! I don't believe they were killed if they said that they were in a similar relationship! 】

  【Do not believe +1. When President Feng and Bi Yuxuan walked on the red carpet, their faces were dark, and they saw Ruan Qi immediately catching up. Touching his head so tenderly, if it's a normal relationship, I'll eat **** live! 】

   [So, the daughter of the Cheng family was beaten in the face? 】

  【In the live broadcast room during the day, Feng Qin and Ruan Qi had a normal relationship, but at night Feng Qin came to kill him. Cheng Yan's face was beaten and swollen, right? 】

  Netizens ridiculed Cheng Yan in the live broadcast room, and by the way put the topic #封秦阮柒打头杀# on the hot search.

  Ruan Qi didn’t know what happened on the Internet. She and An Le Fengqin walked into the venue, and at a glance they saw Shen Wenqian and Gu Feiyang standing in the front of the VIP seats.

  There are several men in suits and leather shoes around the two of them.

  The men seemed to have said something, and Gu Feiyang replied with an unpleasant expression.

   Suddenly, a few men were doing bird-and-beast dispersal. When they left, they did not forget to greet Gu Feiyang flatly.

  Gu Feiyang turned his head with a sneer, and hit Ruan Qi with his hostile eyes.

  Ruan Qi waved his small paw at him.

   "Gu Shao, Brother Shen, those people just now..."

  Shen Wenqian was about to answer, ‘I’m the one who wants to sleep with you’, and Gu Feiyang kicked his leg with a leather shoe.

  Shen Wenqian: "..."

  You can die with a light kick!

  The agent surnamed Shen, who was so painful that he wanted to burst into tears, wiped his face tiredly, and replied to Ruan Qi, “No one, just come over and chat casually.”

  When he saw the little girl still wanting to ask, he lowered his voice to her ear.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, look at your direction at nine o'clock, who is sitting on?"

    Xi Ye: Be nice and wait for your daughter-in-law to see yourself.jpg



  (End of this chapter)

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