Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 795: I forgot my acceptance speech (three shifts)

  Chapter 795 I forgot my acceptance speech (three shifts)

  CP fans burst into tears, but Feng Qin and Ruan Qi’s only fans, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

  【It seems that Feng Zong and Ruan Qi are really close friends. 】

  【Hey, Bai is happy. I thought they would be together, but I didn't expect to be demolished by the master. 】

  【Why do you have to love love? Isn't it fragrant for friendship? Ruan Qi, Feng Qin, plus Sister Shen Shi, the friendship between the three people CP I can linger for ten thousand years! 】

  [So, during the day, Cheng Yan said that Ruan Qi and Feng Qin are not familiar with each other...]

  【I feel sore for her. 】

  The focus of the discussions among netizens shifted from Ruan Qifeng Qin to Cheng Yan.

  Si Jiu, who was sitting in the first row of the VIP seat, turned off his mobile phone, a smile that could not be hidden in the depths of his black eyes.

  The lights in the venue slowly dimmed.

  The red carpet session is over, and the annual Golden Melody Awards ceremony is about to begin.

  The last time the staff auditioned, and immediately afterwards, all the lights in the venue were turned off.

   Two seconds later——


   Thousands of golden light beams brighten up, circle the stage and rush towards the sky, condensing into a golden eagle flying high!

  At the same time, the loud music sounded, and the host Lu Nan, along with his partner Sun Yue, stepped on the rhythm to the high stage.

   "Dear viewers, distinguished guests, good evening everyone!"

  "Welcome to the Huaguo Golden Melody Awards Ceremony, I am Lunan!"

   "I am Sun Yue!"

  Looking at Lu Nan Sun Yue on the stage, watching the barrage quickly passing by on the big screen, Ruan Qi's heart trembled suddenly.

  She entered the entertainment circle to survive.

  In order to accumulate faith points, he was forced to act and sing.

  She always thought that all this was just a job. When she saves enough lives, she can leave calmly.

  When the music of the award ceremony sounded, when thousands of light beams turned into golden eagles, something in her heart seemed to be different.

  What is different, she can't tell.

   But there is a hot current in my heart, like boiling magma, gurgling will erupt at any time.

  This strange feeling made Ruan Qi’s eyes feel a little hot.

  She couldn't help being immersed in it, and she didn't even hear the voice of the guests on stage.

   Suddenly, thunderous applause sounded in the ears.

  At the same time, the excited voices of the guests on the stage floated from the microphone to all directions.

  "The best variety music of the year-the theme song "War Song" of "Supreme Singer"!"

  "We invite the creator and singer of "War·Song", Ruan Qi, to come to the stage to receive the award!"

   Ruan Qi: "???"

  The little girl who slipped out of the solar system had a question mark in her head.

  The cameraman who loves to do things turned the camera around, and her daunting and beautiful face appeared on the biggest big screen in the venue.

  The guests present and the fans who watched the live broadcast all laughed crazy.

  Numerous hahaha barrage quickly swept across another large screen in the venue.

  Shen Wenqian also did not expect that Ruan Qi won the award at the beginning of the award ceremony, which is completely different from what he thought!

  But he didn't have time to be stunned, and quickly pushed the little girl with his hand.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, look back! Go and accept the award! People all over the country are watching!"

   Ruan Qi stood up from the position.

  She hugged An Le Yan Jiuyuan and the others, and then walked onto the stage like a wandering soul.

  The award-presenting guest smiled and handed her the trophy.

  Ruan Qi politely thanked him, then took the trophy and faced the guest seats and the national audience.

  Her brain is blank, and her heart is the same as before, as if there is boiling magma, and the gurgling will erupt at any time.

  She took a deep breath, set her mind, and tried hard to recall the acceptance speech prepared by Shen Wenqian for her.

  Two seconds later...

   "Sorry, I forgot the memorized acceptance speech."

    Brother Shen: After the awards ceremony, let's die together. [Smile.jpg]

     My aunt had a stomachache for two days and was bedridden. I am back today! ! !



  (End of this chapter)

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