Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 796: Acceptance speech: I love you (one more)

  Chapter 796 Award-winning speech: I love you (one more)

  The guests and audience in the venue laughed kindly.

  Young people, they won awards as soon as they debuted, and it is normal for them to forget their words due to excitement.

  Everyone didn't think there was any problem, but at this moment, the cameraman who loves to do things suddenly turned his lens.

  A young man in a suit appeared on the big screen.

  He didn't seem to know that the camera was taking pictures of himself, he just leaned on the seat silently, covering his face with exhaustion.

  ——It's a well-known broker surnamed Shen! ! !

  This time, the kind laughter turned into a roar of laughter.

  On another big screen in the venue, the fan’s barrage was swiped directly to take off.

  【Brother Shen is really miserable and he is executed publicly. 】

  【Since signing our Ruanbao, Brother Shen has suffered. 】

  【Brother Shen, is your hair still there? 】

  This is all right, the roar of laughter turned into hilarious laughter.

Ruan Qi, who caused all this, after seeing the desperate face of Shen Wenqian on the big screen, he also laughed with a ‘punk’.

  A young girl in a blue sky skirt, standing under the bright light, smiling.

  The eyes of the peach blossoms are filled with thousands of stars, the beauty is dazzling, and it is also unbearable to disturb.

  Everyone was attracted by those bright eyes unconsciously, and the laughter gradually stopped.

  The venue became quiet again.

  Ruan Qi slightly raised the trophy in his hand and looked at a place in the guest seat with a smile.

   "Brother Shen," she said softly to the guest seat, "Although your hair is gone, it doesn't matter, at least we still have a trophy."


  The venue that had just stopped, once again broke out a terrible laugh.

  【Hahahahaha! Oh my god! Brother Shen's face is green! 】

  【Ruanbao is really sad, Shen Ge is really miserable. 】

  【Glory belongs to Ruanbao, and sadness belongs to Brother Shen. 】

  There was laughter at the venue and the barrage, and everyone burst into laughter.

  Even the celebrities who pay attention to the image are stumbling with laughter.

   But apart from the hilarious laughter, everyone had to sigh: Although Ruan Qi's brain circuit is a bit straight most of the time, her EQ is really high on big occasions like today.

  As soon as she said what she said just now, is there any agent in the entertainment industry who doesn’t envy Shen Wenqian?

  What happened to the hair loss? What happened to the soaring hairline?

  Which of your artists can get such a big prize right after their debut? !

  The agents present here just want to cry with envy.

  If they have an artist like Ruan Qi, let alone lose their hair, they would be happy to lose their entire head!

  Everyone’s laughter continued for a long time.

  Until Ruan Qi covered the neckline of the tube top with his hand, he slowly bent down and bowed to the camera.

  The venue is quiet again.

  Ruan Qi maintained the bowing position for three seconds, then she straightened up and smiled at everyone.

  "I am most grateful to my mother for receiving this award."

  "If it weren't for my mother, I wouldn't go on the road of music, nor would I feel the beauty of musical notes. So this award belongs to me, to Brother Shen, to all the cotton candy, and even more to my mother, Ms. Yang."

  "Ms. Yang, the most beautiful in the world, thank you. Without you, there would be no current Xiaoqi. I love you."

  The little girl finished speaking, and bowed deeply.

  The venue was quiet for a second.


  On the sofa in the center of the VIP seats, there was a strong applause suddenly.

  The bosses sitting in the VIP seats all looked at Xi Jiu in surprise.

  Xi Jiu didn't look at them. He clapped to himself, his scorching and focused gaze stuck tightly to the blue sky and water.

  (End of this chapter)

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