Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 808: Tonight is Queen Nguyen! (Two more)

  Chapter 808 Tonight is Queen Ruan! (Two more)

  The design of this skirt is very unique.

  The upper body is a tube top, revealing the girl's delicate collarbone and proud chest line.

   There are hollow designs on both sides of the waist, not much exposed, but itchy. In particular, Ruan Qi's skin is white and shiny, and his waist is thin. With this design, it is a crime.

  The lower body of the skirt is another design highlight.

  The lower body is divided into two parts, one part is a short skirt sewn with black feathers and broken diamonds.

  The short skirt is close to the skin, but because of the black feathers, the skirt is slightly fluffy.

  The length of the skirt is one-third of the thigh, which is not exposed, but very sexy.

  Especially Ruan Qi wore a pair of black knee-length high-heeled boots, with a white thigh dangling from the top of the boots, coupled with a black short skirt pasted on it, and the flirty person wanted to get a nosebleed.

  The other part of the skirt is a black satin tail that extends from the waist to the ankle.

  The tail swing is huge, and there is no embellishment on the silky satin fabric. Clean, simple, and atmospheric, showing the queen's style.

  When Ruan Qi took off the ancient robe, revealing this dress, the sad atmosphere on the scene was wiped out in no time.

  There are countless ‘fucking troughs’ flying in the live barrage.

  At the same time, there was a heart-piercing cry in the quiet venue——

  "Ruanbao! Mom doesn't allow you to dress like this! Put my robe back on!!!"

   How hoarse!

  How come from the soul!

  This well-known fan, yelled out all the hearts of Marshmallows!

  The venue was silent for a second, and immediately burst into laughter like a tsunami.

   Ruan Qi also bends peachy eyes.

  She smiled and compared her heart to the audience, then stepped on the 12cm knee-length black high-heeled boots, swinging the black big tail pendulum, step by step towards the center of the stage.

  Everyone's eyes moved with her figure.

  Sexy long legs, hollowed out waist, proud chest line, and beautiful face are all in the sultry mind all the time.

  Especially the tail swing that flutters with the pace, it is full of breath!

  The spectators' legs were softened.

  Even the celebrities and guests who are used to watching beautiful men and women can't help but whistle.

  Si Jiu, who is sitting in the VIP table, has a dark face and Ruan Qi's skirt is the same color.

  He exudes a compelling chill, and those chills can be condensed into four big characters——

  I, very, no, cool!

  In Xi Jiu's extremely unhappy mood, Ruan Qi stepped up the stairs step by step.

  After she stood still on the high platform, the stage lights were completely turned off.

  The audience was quiet for two seconds.

   Immediately after--

   "In the flames of war, burn all blood--!"

  The explosive male voice sang like a gushing magma, tearing the dark air apart.

  The spotlight ‘pop’ hit the stage.

  Under the spotlight, An Le changed from the usual white shirt first love boy style, and put on a black studded punk jacket, full of rebelliousness.

  He stood still in front of the microphone, his mellow and hoarse voice exploded in the venue.

  The Anle fans on the scene suddenly screamed loudly.

  An Le grabbed the microphone and threw the high pitch three times with a cappella.

  After he finished singing the last word, a violin suddenly sounded on the stage.

  The sound of the piano is melodious and rapid, ups and downs like a turbulent turbulent, turbulent that makes people unable to breathe.

  Everyone's emotions are rising with the rapids, rushing to the peak in turbulent turbulence.

  Finally, a string of sudden sounds leapt over the cliff like a big wave, rolling up thousands of waves in the sky!

    It is really difficult to describe a performance vividly! Applaud for myself...



  (End of this chapter)

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