Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 809: Peak performance! (Three shifts)

   Chapter 809 Peak Performance! (Three shifts)


  Finally, the waves flew down from the sky, merged into the sea, and finally calmed down.

  The sound of the violin gradually became gentle and melodious.

  The hearts of all people are also at peace.


  The stage lights up ‘pop’.

  A girl in a black dress, holding a white violin and bow in her hand, like the queen of swan, standing gracefully and noblely on the most beautiful stage.

  At the same time, a few lines of large characters appeared on the big screen——


  Singing: An Le

  Performance: Vivian (Ruan Qi)

  Accompaniment: Swan Orchestra

  Everyone: "!!!"

  Ruan Qi play!

  Vivian! ! !

  【Gan! I almost forgot that Ruan Qi is a talented musician! 】

  【Fuck! Damn it! As a music student, I can see Goddess Vivian playing the violin in my lifetime! 】

  【Ahhhhhhhhhh! ! ! sounds amazing! I heard that my blood pressure went up just now! 】

  【As expected to be a genius musician, I have been learning the violin for more than ten years on my knees! 】

  It is not only the audience who wants to kneel down, but also the big players in the music industry who have heard the sound.

  As early as a few days ago, Ruan Qi adapted "War Song".

  Except for the peaceful singing part, the difficulty of all performance parts has been improved.

  So, the version you are hearing at this time is the 2.0 version after the adaptation of Ruan Qi, which is full of all kinds of difficult playing skills!

  "War·Song" was originally a song full of fighting spirit and passion.

  And the music effect brought by the difficulty after the difficulty is full——

  Burst! ! !

  In the exciting and rushing music, Ruan Qi played the violin while walking towards Anle.

  The queen in a black dress holds a white bow, and the black satin tail flutters in the wind as she walks.

  She stepped on twelve centimeter high-heeled boots and walked quickly to An Le.

  Then, the bow, a string of difficult tricks to make all music students and big guys kneel on their knees!

  And the laymen who hear this music only have one feeling--

  Too exciting!

  It's suffocating!

Can you arrange Suxiao Jiuxin Pills and antihypertensive drugs?

【I can not make it! The heart can't stand it anymore! This performance is amazing! 】

   [Does Ruan Qi want to kill us? Singing "Yi Nian" first made us cry, and then playing "War Song", the emotions were ups and downs and we couldn't stand it! 】

  【No wonder you won the Best Composition Award! With this composing skill, Huaguo’s music business has the ceiling! ! ! 】

【Oh shit! Turn fans! ! I didn't expect that one day he would become a fan of a musician! ! ! 】

  The fans present did not expect that their idol would be so awesome!

  The **** the stage seems to be shining, so dazzling that people can’t remove their eyes.

  She is like a unique sun, and the light that blooms makes everyone's heart boil.

  The bow and strings in Yingbaisu's hands seem to be magical, making everyone crazy.

  At this moment, no matter the artist, the management or the staff in the venue, they all forgot their identity and became a real audience.

  As the violin becomes more and more intense, the screams on the scene are like huge waves, drowning everyone's sanity!

  This is an extremely luxurious auditory feast!

  Everyone will remember this peak performance tonight!


  A song of "War·Song" pushed the entire award ceremony to the climax.

  When Ruan Qi finished playing the last piano note and He An Le bowed to the audience, there was a deafening scream from the audience.

   "Encore! Encore!"

   "One more song! Encore!!!"

  The audience held ‘Encore’ uniformly, and even the barrage flew over countless "one more songs".

  Ruan Qi smiled happily when he heard everyone's voice.

  She thanked everyone again, and An Le, who stood beside her, noticed--

  Ruan Qi's hand holding the violin was shaking slightly.

  (End of this chapter)

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