Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 811: Unsteady fetal air fainted (one more)

  Chapter 811 Unsteady fetal gas fainted (one more)

   Xi Jiu's face changed drastically.

  He clicked into the topic square, and the number of likes of a group of Ruan Qi photos supported by Shen Wenqian in the background continued to soar.

  In the photo, the little girl is wearing the black tube top skirt that she just wore on the violin. She leaned in Mo Lan's arms, her arms were supported by Mo Lan Shen Wenqian, even the thick stage makeup could not cover her bloodless face.

   Xi Jiu can't sit still anymore.

  He abruptly stood up from the sofa, and then rushed to the backstage in the astonished eyes of the guests around him.

  And now.

  Mo Lan was supporting Ruan Qi, slowly walking towards the guest table.

  When the two walked to the exit of the backstage, they happened to meet Xi Jiu who had rushed over.

  Ruan Qi opened his eyes in surprise.


  Before he said the second character, Ruan Qi suddenly saw a flower, and the whole person fell into a familiar and warm embrace.

   Xi Jiu's movements seem strong, but they are gentle.

  He cleverly avoided the little girl’s shoulder injuries, pinched her waist to his arms with his big hands, and hugged her into the safe passage next to him.

  There is no one in the safe passage.

  The atmosphere of the dim light is gloomy and cold.

  Xi Jiu gently placed the little girl in his arms on the iron low cabinet against the wall, and then took out a box of ointment from the pocket of his trousers.

  Ruan Qi saw the ointment box and blinked in surprise, "Is this my master doing this?"

   Xi Jiu let out a low ‘um’.

   "Baby bear with it, it won't hurt if you put it on."

  Speaking, he unscrewed the lid, dug out a piece of ointment, and gently and carefully smeared it on the girl's shoulder.

  The ointment is colorless, and it will soon penetrate into the skin when it is cold.

  Nie North Building's pharmaceutical level is very good, less than two minutes, the medicinal properties begin to take effect.

  Ruan Qi tried to raise his arm.

  Although it hurts a bit, at least I sweat without moving.

  "Jiu Jiu is still great!" The little girl did not hesitate to praise her.

  Xi Jiu saw that she was more energetic than before, and the corners of her tight lips formed a shallow arc.

  He tenderly kissed her on the forehead, and whispered: "The baby is more powerful, and he won so many prizes."

  Ruan Qi, the kid heard it, his tail suddenly lifted into the sky.

  Xi Jiu likes her so proud look.

  He gave a low laugh, and squeezed the tip of her nose in an affectionate manner, "Will the baby stay here or go home now?"

  "Stay here." Ruan Qi replied decisively, "This is my first time participating in the Golden Melody Awards. I must personally take away all the trophies!"


  A few minutes later, Mo Lan helped Ruan Qi back to the guest seat.

  Shen Wenqian saw her back and quickly got up and went to help.

   "Why don't you take a break? The next round of awards hasn't started yet."

   "There are a lot of people coming in and out of the lounge, and they are uncomfortable." Ruan Qi sat down with some difficulty, "Brother Shen, listen to Jiujiu said, did the photos of me in the background flow out?"

  As soon as he heard this, Shen Wenqian's face sank.

   "There are many people in the background, and it’s normal for someone to take pictures of you secretly. But I didn’t expect that the other party had such a lack of professional ethics and sold the photos to the marketing account!"

  He opened Weibo while talking.

  Ruan Qi took a look at his mobile phone, and the group of photo reposts and likes sent by the marketing account had broken tens of thousands.

  Netizens all discussed in the comment area, guessing why she almost fainted.

  Some people say she has a high fever, and some people say she has a low blood sugar. There is even Keyboard Man who thinks of the scandal about getting pregnant a few days ago, saying that she played the violin too hard, causing the fetal gas to be unstable.

  (End of this chapter)

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