Chapter 812 Tianda’s Satire (two more)

  Looking at what the keyboard guys said they had noses and eyes, Ruan Qi almost believed it.

  "Let the public relations department press the hot search first, Brother Shen." She returned the phone to Shen Wenqian, "Tonight is too high-profile, this kind of hot search can be moderately less."

Shen Wenqian nodded: "I have the same idea. You won three awards, and the hot search list is already dominating the list. We have no shortage of topicality, and there is no need to faint on this hot search. I will let Old Tang talk about this topic first. Take it down and wait until the award ceremony is over for the rest."

  Manager Tang moved very quickly, and the topic of #阮柒傷傷場邊掛落# quickly disappeared from the hot search list.

  Although netizens still want to gossip, the next round of awards soon attracted everyone's attention.

  The last round of Golden Melody Awards, the six most important awards: Album of the Year, Production of the Year, Song of the Year, Popularity of the Year, Best Male Singer, Best Female Singer.

  ——Who will get it?

  The atmosphere in the venue suddenly became tense.

  While everyone was waiting tense and anxiously, Lu Nan’s broadcasting voice spread throughout the venue.

  "Please give the award-presenting guest Mr. Xiang Heng, come on stage to present the annual album award!"

  Ruan Qi has a short debut time, with only three songs, and there is no time to make an EP, let alone an album.

  So, neither the annual album nor the annual production has anything to do with her. The little girl is very comfortable sitting in the position to eat melons and watch the excitement.

  She found that the atmosphere of the guest table was different from the moment when the award-giving guests took the stage.

  In the previous awards, although everyone was nervous, at least the superficial harmony could be maintained.

  But after the start of this round of awards, there was a smell of gunpowder over the guest seats.

  She even worried that the nominees would fight directly.

  The worried little girl secretly stuffed a piece of beef jerky into her mouth while worrying.

  Wait until she finishes a small bag of beef jerky, the winners of the annual album and annual production are all announced.

   are two very famous Chinese music circles, one of whom is also a good friend with Yan Jiuyuan.

  And the next award-Popularity of the Year!

  Ruan Qi has nominations!

  Shen Wenqian's heart hangs for the eighteenth time tonight.

  At the same time, the Marshmallows are also nervously brushing their emoticons in the group.

  【Ruanbao’s Bunny: Popularity of the year, Ruanbao should win a prize, right? 】

  【I love soft and soft: The annual popularity rating is the audience's love of the song. "Yi Nian" and "First Love" have such a high degree of singing, it should be ok? 】

  【Ruanbao is on my bed: Ahhhhhhhh! So nervous! For Ruanbao to win the annual popularity, the believer is willing to gain ten pounds as the price! 】

  Maybe the fan’s thinking power is too strong. A few minutes later, the award-presenting guest announced the final winner of the annual popularity on the stage——

  ""First Love", singer Ruan Qi!"

  There was a moment of silence in the venue.

  Immediately afterwards, the fans burst into deafening screams.

  Ran Qi stood up amidst the exciting stage background music and walked onto the stage carrying his skirt.

  All the artists in the guest seat looked at her, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

  A 19-year-old girl who has just debuted for less than a year, actually won four awards at the Golden Melody Awards!

  One of them is actually popular of the year!

  This is a great irony to the predecessors who have been in the music industry for ten or twenty years.

  However, the popularity of "First Love" is there, and everyone can only hold back even if they are dissatisfied!

  In the dull gaze of some singers, Ruan Qi smiled on stage to take the trophy from the award-presenting guests.

  (End of this chapter)

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