Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 813: Shameful transaction (one more)

  Chapter 813 The shameful transaction (one more)

  This time Ruan Qi didn’t say much about the award.

  Has already won four awards, and the tree is very popular. At this time, it is better to keep a low profile.

  She simply said a few words and stepped down amidst the screams and applause of the fans.

After returning to the guest seat, Ruan Qi handed the trophy to Shen Wenqian. As soon as I sat down, I felt gaze from all directions.

  Jealousy, envy, disgust, defensiveness, all kinds of emotional gazes, all turned into sharp edges, and I want to pierce her into a sieve.

  "Ignore those people." Yan Jiuyuan lowered his voice, "If you have the ability, you should be honored. You don't have to be like a sour chicken."

  Ruan Qi nodded in agreement.

   "I listen to Teacher Yan."

  Yan Jiuyuan showed a loving smile like an old cow watching her calf.

But then, he raised his eyebrows worriedly: "You won four prizes in a row this time, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for the rest of the day. The music scene is deep, and many people don't like newcomers to be too good. Let your agent do a good job in public relations. Prepare for it."

   "Brother Shen is ready." Ruan Qi sneaked out a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth. "He said he wants to form a public relations team that belongs only to me. When it becomes more popular in the future, I will open the studio."

   Yan Jiuyuan heard it, his face showing appreciation.

  "As expected of the first gold medal broker, the arrangements are well arranged. By the way, Xiaoqi," he paused, and hesitated, "I have something to ask you for help. I don't know if you can..."

  Not finished, Ruan Qi nodded: "Yes."

   "..." Yan Jiuyuan's words were all set aside.

  He looked at her helplessly, "Don't you ask me what's the matter?"

   "Don't ask." The little girl tilted her head softly, blinked and smiled, "Anyway, no matter what, Teacher Yan will definitely not cheat me."

  The little girl’s tone is too sincere and her eyes are too clean.

   Yan Jiuyuan was moved by the heart, but was shot by the arrow of the cute **** and declared dead.

   The exasperated former Asian king was killed for two seconds, then smiled and shook his head: "You little girl, don't trust people so easily in the future. In case you get bullied..."

  Unfinished words, he suddenly remembered that when he first met Ruan Qi in the elevator, her superb medical skills and the row of silver needles glowing with cold light.

  "..." Well, she is more likely to bully others.

  The former Asian king sighed tiredly, and brought the topic back to the right track.

   "I am preparing for the concert, and I would like to invite you to be my guest."

  Ruan Qi heard it, and immediately let out a pleasant ‘Wow——’.

   "Mr. Yan, have you finally decided to go back on stage?!"

  Yan Jiuyuan nodded: “Before it was because of a heart attack that I couldn’t get on stage. Now the heart has been cured by you, and I will make up for those years that were abandoned in the past.”

  Speaking, he raised his eyebrows at the little girl with a smile, and his still handsome eyebrows revealed the unruly and self-confidence that belonged to the king of Asia more than ten years ago.

   "How about Xiaoqi? Would you like to be my guest? The kind of singing a new song together."

   "Of course I do!" Ruan Qi agreed without thinking.

  She smiled and blinked at Yan Jiuyuan, "It is a great honor to witness the return of the Asian King Yan Jiuyuan to the top!"


  Ruan Qi and Yan Jiuyuan reached a shameful deal in two short minutes.

  After the two had finished talking, the next award-giving guest had just arrived on stage.

  The next thing to be awarded is the Song of the Year Award.

  And this award-Ruan Qi is nominated!

  (End of this chapter)

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