Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 814: Girl, are you short-sighted? (Two more)

   Chapter 814 Girl, are you short-sighted? (Two more)

  Before the award ceremony, no one regarded Ruan Qi as a strong enemy.

  Although she has received 14 nominations, her qualifications are too low, and no one thinks she can win any heavyweight awards.

  But reality slapped everyone.

  The best variety music, best newcomer, best composition, and even the annual popularity award were all taken away by Ruan Qi.

  A 19-year-old girl swept the Golden Melody Awards, which has never happened in the past ten years in the music industry.

  Everyone felt the sense of crisis, and this sense of crisis reached its peak at this time.

  Song of the year is the most important award except for the best male singer and best female singer.

  Ruan Qi has already taken away the annual popularity, if the annual song is taken away, then all the seniors in their music scene can form a group to jump the moat.

  Various defensive gazes fell on Ruan Qi from all directions.

  The atmosphere in the guest seats is extremely tense.

  Everyone stared at the stage, watching the award-presenting guest take out the envelope with the name of the winner.

  "This year, the winner of the song of the year is—"

  ""Free Wind", singer, Chen Ling!"


   There was thunderous applause.

  The camera immediately cuts the shot to the guest seat.

  Everyone had a smile on their faces, but they all breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

  Fortunately, not Ruan Qi.

  The judges are still a little measured, and they understand the principle of ‘the cake should be eaten by everyone’.

  Everyone smiled satisfied and relieved, and there were even some people who like to pick things and looked at Ruan Qi with smirking eyes.

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  Are these people sick?

  She has won four awards. What are they gloating about?

  The little girl with a slightly straight brain circuit doesn’t quite understand what these people think.

  She ate another piece of beef jerky slowly, and then leaned back in the chair lazily.

  There are two more awards, you can go home after the awards!

Happy! ~

  The little girl laughed happily when she thought of the big bed at home and the yogurt in the refrigerator.

  This makes people who want to watch her lively feel very depressed.

  Is this girl stupid?

  I didn’t get the song of the year, and I was still smiling!

  Lack of heart and soul, right?

  These people cursed a few words in their hearts, then withdrew their gazes with a dissatisfaction, and looked at the podium.

  On the award platform, Chen Ling held the trophy and excitedly said a series of acceptance speeches.

  Everyone applauded in cooperation.

  However, after she stepped down...

  The atmosphere of the audience was like a stretched rubber band, which was immediately tightened to a critical point.

  The last two awards of the Golden Melody Award, and the two most important awards——

  Best male singer and best female singer will be announced soon! ! !

  In the tense mood of everyone, the voice of the host Lu Nan resounded through the venue——

  "Please present guests Yan Jiuyuan and Xu Qin to present the best male singer award on stage!"

  Music sounded and thunderous applause.

  Ruan Qi also clapped with everyone, and he was very excited.

  Because the award ceremony is about to end!

  She can go home and sleep!

  Shen Wenqian, who was sitting on the side, saw that the little girl's hands were all red, and couldn't help but ask: "It's not you who won the prize. What are you excited about?"

   "I'm having fun with the people." Ruan Qi smiled happily, as if she had taken the best male singer.

  Shen Wenqian shook his head speechlessly, and set his sights on the podium again.

  Yan Jiuyuan and Xu Qin didn't have much ink, and the final winners of the best male singer were announced with a few words of greeting.

  After the winners came to the stage to receive the awards, the last award of the Golden Melody Award-the best female singer will be announced!

  (End of this chapter)

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