Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 817: Whoever leaves first and who is the dog (two more)

  Chapter 817 Whoever leaves first, who is the dog (two more)

  The applause gradually subsided, and the girl's soft and soft voice spread throughout the venue.

   "Many people once asked me why I like to do academic research. I replied to them because I like to explore."

   "Actually," she tilted her head slightly, "The real reason is-I'm lazy to get out of the house and don't like to socialize. The laboratory can meet all my needs as an otaku."

  There was a burst of laughter under the stage.

   "Later someone said, since you don't like to socialize, why should you enter the entertainment circle?"

   "I answered him because this is a job."

  The laughter in the venue gradually stopped.

  Shen Wenqian, who had been crying all the time, ‘chuckled’ in his heart, and his tears instantly suffocated.

  He has a hunch, what Ruan Qi said next, is afraid that he will make a big deal!

  Sure enough, the next second, the little girl’s sweet voice sounded again——

  "For the original me, being an artist was just an ordinary profession."

   "Because of some personal reasons, I had to enter the entertainment industry."

"I regard being an artist as a profession. I try to be a qualified staff member and work hard to complete every job. I think I will continue to do this until the time is right, and I will resign and leave without nostalgia. "

  Marshmallows did not expect that Ruan Qi would actually say that he would quit his job and leave the circle. Everyone's hearts were instantly mentioned in their throats.

  But shortly afterwards, they listened to their idols and turned their heads——

   "But, I'm sorry. I was beaten in the face."

The **** the stage smiled and tilted her head, "I didn't expect that so many people would like and love me. This job has gradually deteriorated in my heart."

   "It becomes a sweet and happy responsibility."

  The girl smiled, her peach eyes full of stars looked at the auditorium.

   "Just now you said that you are proud of me. Actually, what I want to say is-you are my pride!"

   "All marshmallows, I am proud of you!"

  The words fell, Ruan Qi bowed again ninety degrees.

  The marshmallows in the auditorium couldn't hold back their emotions anymore and cried loudly.

  "Ruanbao! I love you without regrets in this life!!!"

  "Soft and soft! We walk with you! Whoever leaves first is the dog!!!"

  "I love you Ruan Qi! The whole world loves you the most!!!"

   Heartbreaking confession after another, spread through the camera throughout China.

  【Woo woo woo...Why is it a little touched? 】

  【I've only seen fans confessing to idols with heartbreaking heart, I have never seen idols confessing to fans so sincerely. 】

  【Fairy idol, I admire it! 】

  【Ruan Qi, it starts with the appearance and the character! Never leave fans in a lifetime! 】

  Amidst the waves of confession from the Marshmallows, the annual Golden Melody Award finally came to an end.

  However, the Golden Melody Awards are over, but the online carnival has just begun.

  Ruan Qi debuted for half a year, swept the Golden Melody Awards at the age of 19, and won five trophies in one fell swoop!

  This is something that has never happened before in the Chinese National Opera in the past ten years!

  This night, Weibo exploded, Zhehu forum exploded, and dog area exploded. All the topics with the word'Ruan Qi' became popular!

  The top ten on Weibo hot search list, the first-Huaguo Golden Melody Award.

  Second place-Ruan Qi has won five prizes in a row!

  The third place-Ruan Qi broke the Golden Melody Award record!

  The fourth place-Ruan Qi Anle "War Song"!

  Fifth place-best male and female singer Zhu Quan Ruan Qi!

  The sixth place-Ruan Qi confessed to the fan agent in a high-profile manner!

  The seventh place...

  The top ten in the hot search list, the word Ruan Qi occupies more than half of the country!

  (End of this chapter)

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