Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 818: Win five prizes in a row! Must be high profile! (Three shifts)

  Chapter 818 Cut five consecutive prizes! Must be high profile! (Three shifts)

  Looking at the countless "Ruan Qi" on the hot search list, fans are crazy, the entertainment industry is crazy, and even passersby are crazy.

  Many netizens have spontaneously organized a topic——

  # Ruan Qi has won five prizes in a row, what does it mean? #

  The popularity of this discussion topic has risen very fast, and even the authoritative music review blogger @耳皇 came to publish a Weibo.

  [Ear King: I did not expect that the Golden Melody Awards would give the best newcomer and best singer to the same person, which does not conform to the unspoken rules of the domestic music scene. But it is undeniable that Ruan Qi deserves his name. Her "Yi Nian" deserves such an honor. However, starting tonight, the balance of the Chinese national singing scene will be completely broken. I hope Ruan Qi can live up to expectations and bring changes to the Chinese national anthem. 】

  Netizens have liked the following one after another.

  【The balance of the Chinese national song world should have been broken long ago. What piece of cake do you share? Glory should belong to the best people! Why do you want to share it? 】

  【The Golden Melody Award should also be waiting for such an opportunity to break the unspoken rules. Fortunately, Ruan Qi appeared. 】

  【Tell the truth, with the results of "Yi Nian", the judges did not award the best singer to Ruan Qi, I am embarrassed for them! 】

  【Ruan Qi's is indeed well deserved. She should be the only person who has won five prizes in a row in the past ten years, right? 】

【good. I remember the last person who won the best rookie and best singer at the same time was Yan Jiuyuan. 】

  [I hope Ruan Qi can bring changes to the Chinese national anthem. By the way, it's so happy to be her fan. 】

  【Haha, as a marshmallow, I am already crazy about happiness. Our big fan is giving out red envelopes, everyone, go grab it! 】

  Netizens saw this comment and rushed to Ruan Qichao.

  Super Talk has been exploded.

  A group of high-level support clubs headed by Qin Qingdi, and a group of those who are usually cold, have all turned into lunatics today.



  Five prizes in a row! Must be high profile!

  Turn the red envelope, scroll up the topic, let the whole world know how great soft is! ~

  The marshmallows who have played a tank of chicken blood have a carnival, and the most powerful thing is the fan of the rice circle-the little sun and big ice cubes!

  The high-cold ice cube has not reposted and swiped the screen like other fans.

  He only coldly threw out a Weibo——

  【Little Sun and Big Ice: Congratulations to Ruanbao for winning five consecutive prizes. Activity: Forward the lottery, 10,000 yuan per person, a total of 100 places. The lottery will be drawn tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. 】

  Everyone: "!!!"

  One million yuan per person, one hundred places is one million!

  What kind of fairy fan is this? !

  Is there a mine at home? !

  Everyone's heads were dumbfounded, and after the reaction came back, quickly click to forward.

  The number of reposts of this Weibo broke through 50,000 in minutes, and it quickly became popular.

  Mr. ‘Little Sun and Big Ice’ is very satisfied with all this.

  He curled his lower lip in a good mood, turned off his phone, and turned his head to look out the car window.

  "BOSS," the front passenger's door suddenly opened, and the assistant wooden stooped in, "Madam has changed her clothes and is about to leave."

   Xi Jiu let out a cold ‘um’, "Is the back door cleared?"

  Mu Assistant: "Yes. I sent someone to leave through the front door wearing Mrs.'s coat, and the reporter has already chased it."

   Xi Jiu nodded lightly.

  At this moment, the lights came on outside the car window.

  A black Mercedes drove slowly and stopped at the back door steadily.

  The man sitting in the driver's seat dropped down the window and waved to this side.

   Ice cubes greatly = scattered wealth boy.

     Ask for a monthly pass. 【Clever】



  (End of this chapter)

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