Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 828: Ruan Qi's body is cold (one more)

  Chapter 828 Ruan Qi's body is cold (one more)

  Shen Wenqian just finished speaking, a shout suddenly sounded at the school gate.

   "Ruan Qi is out! That's Ruan Qi!"

  Suddenly, the media reporters besieged outside the school almost rioted.

  They squeezed away the security guards blocking the road, and the hungry wolves generally rushed towards Ruan Qi.

  Shen Wenqian on the other end of the phone heard the voice, and he felt like a hum.

  "Hello? Ruan Xiaoqi? What's wrong with you?!"

Ruan Qi has no time to answer Shen Wenqian's words.

  She looked at the countless reporters who flocked to her, and she could fully imagine the tragedy of being overwhelmed by this group of people.

  For the sake of her life, the little girl immediately threw away the little eDonkey, turned and ran towards the guard room at the school gate.

  The uncle standing at the gate of the guard room opened the door as soon as he saw it.

   Ruan Qi rushed in like a gust of wind.

  The uncle guard immediately closes the door, releases the lock, and moves smoothly, all in one go.

  The reporters who followed immediately were a step late and were blocked outside the guard room.

  They are unwilling to slap the doors and windows frantically.

   "Ruan Qi, you come out and talk about the Golden Melody Award!"

   "Several musicians have liked your award-winning Weibo related to shady, does this mean you really have a black box operation?"

   "Why Ruan Qi you come to teach at Imperial University? Do you think you can't stay in the entertainment industry anymore?"

   "Ruan Qi..."

   "Ruan Qi..."

  The reporters are as crazy as they can’t wait to just remove the windows and climb in.

  Ruan Qi looked at them almost losing their senses, feeling a little strange.

Although the shady incident of the Golden Melody Awards has been going on all morning, the public opinion situation has always been in a controllable state.

  But why did these reporters suddenly become so crazy?

   Could it be that what happened to her in the past two hours?

  Ruan Qi thought for a while, ready to take a look on Weibo.

  However, as soon as she took out her mobile phone, Shen Wenqian called again.

  She quickly pressed the access button.

   "Brother Shen."

   "How are you Ruan Xiaoqi? Are you injured?"

   "No." The little girl glanced at the long guns and short cannons outside the window, "I am in the guard room now, the doors and windows are locked, and reporters can't get in."

  Shen Wenqian heard it, and his hanging heart fell back fiercely.

   "It's fine if you are not injured. I have already gone downstairs, and I will drive to pick you up right away. Remember, don't open the door to the reporter!"

  Shen Wenqian seemed to be running, his voice was a little panting.

   Ruan Qi listened to his anxious and worried gasps, a warm current surged in his heart.

   "Brother Shen, don't worry, I'll hide in the guard room and don't go anywhere. And even if they break in, with my skill, it's not necessarily who is hurting whom."

  The little girl deliberately made a joke, but Shen Wenqian had already broken his head and couldn't laugh at all.

  He rushed into the underground garage at the fastest speed, got into the car and rushed out with the accelerator pedal.

  Ruan Qi heard the loud engine noise in the earphones, and said quickly: "Brother Shen, drive slowly, I'm not in a hurry, you pay attention to safety."

"Ruan Xiaoqi, you are the most dangerous one now. Don't worry about others." Shen Wenqian looked anxiously at the red light at the crossroads, and vented the Bluetooth headset into his ears, "I have given Mo Lanhe. Ma Xixi called, and they are also rushing towards Emperor Da. But now it is a small peak at noon..."

The traffic in   Emperor Capital will be blocked for several round trips even in normal time. And now it's noon to go to and from get off work again, and when they drive to the Imperial University, Ruan Qi guesses that even the body will be cold.

   The fever has gone, so I will go and check again after I hang the bottle for another day. I promised you four more changes to reduce your fever before, but I may not be able to do it today. The abnormal indicator in the previous inspection project has been pressed in my heart like a big stone these days, even my dreams are it. Wait one more day, there will be results in the review the day after tomorrow. Hope I can be safe and sound.



  (End of this chapter)

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