Chapter 829

  Shen Wenqian honked his horn anxiously, mumbling ‘garbage, the shame of the singer’ in his mouth.

  Ruan Qi has felt that something is wrong since he saw the group of reporters just now. Seeing Shen Wenqian scolding like this at this time, the doubts in his heart became even greater.

   "Brother Shen, has there been any change in public opinion on the Internet?"

  Shen Wenqian, staring at the red light as if looking at the enemy, let out an angry ‘um’.

   "Just half an hour ago, Feisheng praised the shady Weibo that said you won the prize."

  Foot sounds?

  Ruan Qi was taken aback, "I seem to have heard this name somewhere..."

"Of course you have heard." Shen Wenqian sneered, "Fei Sheng and Wei Song used to be called the two gold medal productions in the Chinese National Anthem. However, later a paparazzi broke his marital cheating, and his reputation plummeted. There are always people on the Internet who take him with him. Teacher Wei Song makes a comparison. But let me say that in terms of character, he can't even compare to a single strand of Teacher Wei's hair!"

  Ruan Qi quite agrees with this, and nodded in agreement.

   "But Brother Shen, I and Fei Sheng have no grievances and no grudges, why would he like my black material?"

   "I don't know." Shen Wenqian hit the steering wheel and the car turned onto the road. "It may be due to heat, or it may be instigated by some people."


Ruan Qi thought for a moment, "You mean Cheng Yan?"

  Shen Wenqian did not answer, but gave a cold smile.

Although Feisheng's reputation has plummeted, his position in the music scene is there, and most people can tell him not to move him.

  Except for the third Miss Cheng Family——Cheng Yan.

Ruan Qi heard Shen Wenqian's sneer, and his guess was more certain.

  Her eyes slowly turned cold, and her cool gaze fell on the reporters outside through the window.


   There was a loud noise, and the security door of the guard room shook twice.

  The uncle guard was taken aback, and quickly took out the walkie-talkie and shouted at several young guards outside: "Quickly! Surround the doors and windows! Don't let them smash the windows!"

  As soon as the voice fell, only a ‘clang’ sound was heard when a stone hit the windowpane.

   "Fall, let me go!" The northeastern accent of the guard uncle came out.

  He took out his truncheon and gestured at the window twice, "What the **** are you doing! A bunch of people bullying a little girl, looking for something!"

  Unfortunately, the threat of the uncle guard did not help. The reporters were still trying to open the window and climb in.

  Feisheng praised Ruan Qi's award-winning Weibo with insider information. This is simply big news.

  If they can get any news from Ruan Qi, they might be able to see the 19-year-old music genius fall into the bottom of the cloud.

  #Genius Music Singer admits black screen#——The allure of this kind of news is enough to make all reporters lose their minds.

  They rushed up frantically, and a few male reporters with five big and three rough men were ready to smash the windows.

  Several young guards blocked the door, their uniforms were torn, and one of them was stepped on.

  Ruan Qi frowned when he looked at these reporters who were almost dehumanized for the news.

  She turned her head and glanced at the monitor screen in the guard room. Everything that happened outside the door was clearly recorded by the monitor.

  The little girl looked at the monitoring screen and let out a sneer, then picked up the phone and dialed a three-digit number.

"Sorry? Miss police sister?" Her voice was four-pointed crying, three-pointed fear, two-pointed panic, and at a loss. "There are dozens of people at the east gate of the Emperor's University who have gathered to make trouble, and the guard has been trampled on and injured. Come on, you guys are about to die! Ah——! Who beat me? Help!!!"

Ruan Qi, possessed by the drama spirit, let out a scream of affection, and then hung up the phone with a ‘pop’.

  Watched the whole guard uncle: "..."

   Guardian: I am too naive.

    ——To review the urine routine tomorrow, and then do an albumin to creatinine ratio. The mood has not been very good, and the pressure is very high. I hope the test results are all right, and the babies give me some strength.



  (End of this chapter)

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