Chapter 830 Xiao Qi, get in the car

  The reporters outside the door are getting more and more noisy.

  They didn't know that Ruan Qi had called the police and slapped the doors and windows presumptuously.

  Ruan Qi looked at them expressionlessly, until a few male reporters grabbed the guardhouse window frame and pulled out——

  哐! Wow!

  The window was pulled down vigorously, and at the same time, a mobile phone shutter sounded from the guard room.

  The male reporters who dragged the window raised their heads.

  Ruan Qi, standing in the middle of the guard room, smiled and shook the mobile phone in their hands.

  And the photos in the phone are just the pictures of a few of them who just opened the window!

   "There is material evidence, a few, I have already called the police." The little girl said with a pure smile.

  The expressions of several male reporters changed.

  The nature of blocking school doors is different from removing windows.

  The former can be regarded as disrupting the order at best, and the police will be taught a few words. The windows of the guard room can be removed, which damages the property of others, and may be detained!

  A few reporters were anxious, and climbed into the guard room along the window.

  The uncle guard saw him, and immediately rushed up with his baton and cursing.

  Ruan Qi was afraid that the old man would be injured, so he quickly reached out to stop him.

   "Master, small scene, calm down."

  "I, let me calm down!" The uncle guard covered the howl angrily, "The windows that I installed last month were all demolished by this group of crippled guys! Lost money! Lost me money!"

  The old man is extremely powerful, and a truncheon dances like a tiger.

  Several reporters who climbed in through the window were beaten up, and in anger, they wanted to do something with the old man.

  "Don't move." Ruan Qi's soft voice floated over.

  She guarded the uncle guard behind her, raised the phone in her hand and shook her, "If you do, I will continue to take pictures."

  Several male reporters saw her mobile phone and immediately wanted to grab it.

   Before they could act, Ruan Qi suddenly pulled out the baton from the guard's uncle.

  She grabbed the ends of the baton, her white tender little hand slammed hard.

  Only hearing a ‘click’, the baton that can beat and cry a big man, breaks into two pieces.


  The guards both indoor and outdoor are quiet.

  The noisy reporters finally realized that the little girl in front of them, besides the identity of an artist, is really a--

  The Diamond Warrior who can smash guns and tear open van wagons with bare hands!

  If you irritate her, maybe they will blow their heads like a watermelon!

  The reporters couldn't help taking a step back when thinking of the picture of the watermelon being blown up.

  Ruan Qi's slightly cool peachy eyes swept across their faces, and a touch of sarcasm evoked at the corners of their mouths.

  She took the broken truncheon and jumped out of the guard room window while carrying the skirt.

  The skirt is fluttering, and the girl's light posture falls to the ground, and there is no sound from her feet.

  The reporters took a step back in shock.

  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows lightly.

   "Don't you have something to ask me?"

  She threw the broken truncheon to the ground, and she raised her small chin fiercely: "Ask!"

  All reporters: "..."

  嘤, I’m so scared!

  Ruan Qi snorted angrily when he saw the insults of these people. As he was about to speak, the sound of a police siren ‘Wow Wow Wah’ came from a distance.

  The police are here!

  The reporters were shocked.

Who called the police?

  Before they want to understand this, the police car is close at hand.

  At the same time, a black sports car, like a cheetah, roared towards the gate of the emperor at an extremely fast speed.


   With a harsh brake sound, the sports car stopped steadily.

  The car door popped open with a ‘click’, and a low and cold sound came from the car.

   "Little Qi, get in the car."

    Xi Ye: I, come here under the colorful clouds.

     Author: No, what you step on is not auspicious clouds, but car exhaust.

    ————The results of the review came out today. As I guessed, there was indeed something wrong with a part of the body. Dad cried directly when he knew it, and I cried too. But after crying, life has to go on. The treatment, the medicine, the code word. Tomorrow I have to go to the hospital to check two more items. I will try my best to update as much as possible. Finally, babies must have regular physical examinations, and don’t delay if there are any problems! Can't be lazy! Every part of the body, even if the subtle indicators are abnormal, may bring serious consequences!

     At the end, I hope the babies will give me some comfort. My negative energy is too heavy these days, and I cry every day. My only spiritual support is my parents, friends, and you.



  (End of this chapter)

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