Chapter 833 A resounding kiss! ~

  The trend of public opinion on the Internet has turned into a shocking reversal.

  In the black sports car, Ruan Qi turned off his mobile phone and turned to look at Xi Jiu who was driving.

   "Jiu Jiu, why are you here?"

  Just now, with so many reporters in front of the emperor’s gate, Xi Jiu drove over by himself.

  If the reporters blocked the car just now, his identity would definitely be hidden.

  The person at the helm of the Xi family drives a sports car to pick up starlets. This kind of news is enough to make any reporter go crazy.

  Ruan Qi thought of this, and couldn't help being afraid for a while.

  She patted her small chest in shock, "Jiu Jiu, next time you can't come here alone, it's too dangerous."

  Xi Jiu saw the little girl with a look of horror, her thin lips hooked, and a soft ‘um’ was made.

   "I am in a hurry to save the baby, so I forgot to bring a bodyguard. Not next time."

  Although the man’s voice is cold, he is extremely gentle, like a docile lion, full of pampering and conniving.

  Ruan Qi heard it as if a cat's paw was scratching in his heart.

  She blinked her peachy eyes, turned her head to look at the red light at the crossroads, and rolled her eyes.

  Then, he made a particularly mighty action—pounce in the direction of the driver's seat.

  啵! ! ! ~

   Loud kisses, the sky fell apart.

  Xi Jiu's extremely handsome right face, there was a pink, soft, watery lipstick mark!

   Xi Jiu didn't expect Ruan Qi to sneak attack.

  He was stunned for a moment, and when he reacted, he reached out to hug her.


  A harsh car whistle came from behind, and the red light turned green.

  Xi Jiu's action paused, and a touch of regret passed in his black eyes.

  He looked at the little girl who was snickering on the co-pilot, shook his head helplessly, and restarted the sports car.

  The black sports car, like a cheetah, ran towards the distance.

  Ruan Qi turned on the phone and dialed Shen Wenqian.

  As soon as the phone rang, it was picked up.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, how is your side?"

   Ruan Qi: "I and Jiujiu are already on the way back to Yuyuan."

   "What about those reporters?" Shen Wenqian was surprised, "They let you two go so easily?"


  When I mentioned this, the little girl smiled slyly like a fox, "Those reporters should not care about me for the time being, because when I was leaving, I happened to see a police car passing by."

  Police car?

  Shen Wenqian was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered the sorrowful operations of his cubs in those years.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi..." He swallowed, "You called the police car over, right?"

Ruan Qi smiled and said with a pleasant tone, "They removed the windows of the guard room, scratched the security guards, and restricted my personal freedom. I was frightened, so I reported to the police. !~"

  Shen Wenqian: "..."

  He really is invincible.

Shen Da’s agent silently lit a wax for the reporters in his heart, and then said: "Now the public opinion on the Internet has completely reversed, and the artists who discredited you are making the navy delete Weibo frantically. But I He and Manager Tang have taken screenshots and left evidence, what do you plan to do next?"

"Sue." Ruan Qi casually yawned, "Of course I have to pay a price for scolding me for so long. Catch a few of the happiest guys, and even bring the marketing company behind them to sue. To death. It’s not bad for money~"

  Shen Wenqian felt confident when he thought of the pocket of diamonds that Grandma Ruan gave him.

   "Yes, we are not bad for money, we are going to die!" He nodded vigorously, and then turned around, "But that Cheng Yan..."

   "Cheng Yan?" The pretty little girl gave a soft smile, "Tomorrow I will make her Cheng Yan!"

    Xi Ye: Happy being kissed.

     Ruan Xiaoqi: I'm so happy, happy.

     Shen Wenqian: Not bad money, happy.

    -a painful and happy life of raising the body: I ​​can’t eat more than 3g of salt a day, spicy skewers leave me, and boiled medlar instead of fat house happy water. Ah~! My youth is gone! 【Kneel.jpg】



  (End of this chapter)

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