Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 834: I gave it to my boyfriend! ~

   Chapter 834 Give her boyfriend! ~

  When Ruan Qi and Xi Jiu returned to Yuyuan, Weibo had been paralyzed twice because of the Lamy Award nomination.

  At the same time, Zhehu, Waterway Forum, Dog Zone and other forum websites are also flying in scarlet letters, and news of Ruan Qi and the Lamy Awards are everywhere.

  The marshmallows are so happy that everyone is just dreaming.

  Ranbao was nominated for the Global Music Awards!

  Such impressive results, the first person in the Chinese national anthem in the past ten years!

  This kind of universal celebration must be celebrated with a lottery!

Miss Qin Qingdi, the president of Ruan Qi's support club, took the lead and smashed 600,000 soft sister coins directly with a big swipe.

  Other support club executives followed closely, giving red envelopes, lipsticks, skin care products, and even a fan who was excited and sent a photo of her boyfriend directly.

  ——Send boyfriend! ~

  The onlookers laughed wildly, reposted Weibo to join in the fun and congratulated Ruan Qi.

   However, if there is congratulation, there are those who pour cold water.

  Black Fan and Keyboard Man had been slapped in the face for more than half an hour, and then they were resurrected and killed again.

  【Hehe, just a nomination, not a prize. 】

  【There are so many famous Lamy Awards, Ruan Qi is probably the one to accompany the runner, right? 】

  【I will draw a lottery and repost it before I won the prize, and I am not afraid of slapping my face at that time. 】

  【When Yan Jiuyuan won the Lamy Award for Best Pop Singer, he was not as ostentatious as Ruan Qi. He was too petty. 】

  Keyboardman and black fans have ridiculed Ruan Qi, but they didn’t think that Yan Jiuyuan, the former Asian king who was inexplicably caught by cue, suddenly went online.

  He replied to a comment directly below that comment——

  [Yan Jiuyuan: Twenty years ago, the Internet was underdeveloped, otherwise I would spend huge sums of money to buy a week of hot searches to tell the world that I won a prize. It's so petty, I'm sorry to let you down. [Tanhand.jpg]】

  Keyboard Man and Black Fan: "..."

  People who eat melons: "..."

  【Sorry, please laugh first. 】

  【As expected, he is a man who has been liked by my mother for 20 years, he is still so young! 】

  【Yan Jiuyuan said nothing wrong. Elementary school students will show off if they get a double hundred in the exam. Ruan Qi was nominated for the Global Music Awards. Is there anything wrong with publicity? 】

  【No problem. This is a good thing, the pride of Huaguo music scene! 】

  [IMHO, even if Ruan Qi didn't get the prize in the end. With these two nominations alone, you can stand on top of the Chinese music scene. Those who sour her, your family boss will not necessarily reach the height of Ruan Qi in this life! 】

  Netizens have sharp eyes in front of the big things.

  Ruan Qi was nominated for the Lamy Award, which is to win glory for the country. Even if she didn't win the award in the end, at least she was the first singer to go abroad in the past ten years.

  Such a glorious thing, do people who black her have a brain hole?

  This time, without fans doing anything, passers-by spontaneously scolded those keyboard guys.


  Yu Garden Villa.

  Ruan Qi sat on the sofa and kept refreshing the comments on Weibo with his fingers.

  After reading the last message from a netizen who maintained her, she breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of her lips curled up in a pleasant arc.

  No one hates being protected, even the invincible hero.

  The little girl happily took a sip of yogurt, then clicked on the Weibo homepage and typed a line.

  【Soft Ruan Qi: Thank you for the nomination, thank you everyone. Regardless of the result, we will continue to work hard. After all, I'm still young duck! ~[鸭鸭笔芯.jpg]]

    Black powder: She will never get the prize this year.

     Ruan Xiaoqi: It doesn’t matter, I’m young.

     Black powder: I won’t get it next year.

     Ruan Xiaoqi: It doesn’t matter, I’m young.

     Black powder: ...I won’t get it the next year!

     Ruan Xiaoqi: It’s okay, ten years later, I will only be thirty years old.

     black powder: pawn.



  (End of this chapter)

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