Chapter 835 Some gadgets

  Ran Qi was nominated for the Lamy Award, and there was a lot of noise on the Internet for a whole day, and the heat did not drop until the evening.

  Night is falling, and the lights are beginning to come on.

  In the Yuyuan Villa, three large suitcases are spread out on the ground, and clothes, snacks and daily necessities are piled up as a hill next to them.

   "The temperature difference between morning and evening in YL country is big, you should pay attention to the filming there. Sister, I brought you some shawls, and put them in the first box."

Ruan Qi, sitting on the sofa, nodded to Nieheng.

   "Xiao Qi, I just asked my assistant to buy the sunscreen today. Sun poison over there, you remember to wipe the sunscreen, don't get sunburned."

  The little girl took a bite of the yogurt cake, and cleverly responded ‘OK’ to Ruan Munan.

  At this time, the entrance door opened, and Xi Jiu, dressed in a black shirt and trousers, walked in.

  He first went to the sofa and rubbed the little girl's hair, then put the paper pocket in her arms.

  Ruan Qi glanced at the black canvas bag in the paper pocket, blinked, "Jiu Jiu, this is..."

   Xi Jiu: "Some small things, self-defense."


Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows suspiciously, put his hand into the paper pocket and took out the black canvas bag, and unzipped it.


  A black fist-sized ball rolled from the bag.

  Ruan Qi thought this thing was a bit familiar, she bent over to pick it up, put it in her hand and took a closer look——

  Good guy!

  Small blasting ball, powerful!

  Ruan Qi twitched the corners of his mouth twice, then looked at the other things in the black canvas bag.

  —None of them are vulgar things.

  Just bring one on your body, and it will be put on the ground by airport security and wearing a silver bracelet.

  The little girl was holding this deadly treasure in her pocket, and looked at Xi Jiu helplessly.

   "Jiujiu, these things can't be taken on the plane."

   "It's okay." Xi Jiu helped her pull the canvas bag, "I will let the thin also carry it, and when it comes to YL country, he will give you these things."

  Good guy, even the transportation route is arranged!

  Ruan Qi was a little bit dumbfounded, but he couldn't control the gurgling bubbles in his heart.

  She put the canvas bag aside, then hugged the man's arm and kissed him **** the cheek.

  "Jiu Jiu is the best! Thank you Jiu Jiu!~"

  Xi Jiu's cold facial features suddenly rippled with tenderness and honey.

  He backhanded the little girl into his arms, lowered his head and lightly kissed her forehead.


  A heavy cough interrupted the pink bubble between the two.

Ruan Qi turned his head subconsciously and saw Nie Beilou with a dark face, standing behind the sofa like a ghost.


  The little girl was so frightened that her hair exploded, she instantly transformed into a little rabbit, and jumped up from Xi Jiu's arms.

  Xi Jiu looked at the empty embrace, and a deep frustration flashed across his black eyes.

  He turned his head to look at Nie Beilou, who sneered and glanced at him sideways, then threw off his long coat and stepped onto the sofa to sit down.

  Ruan Xiaoqi, who was caught playing a kiss, shrank her neck with a guilty conscience.

  "Master..." She yelled weakly.

  Nie Beilou let out a cold snort from his nose, and asked angrily: "What time is the flight tomorrow?"

"nine in the morning."

  Nie Beilou gave a cold ‘um’, then shook his long arm and threw out a kraft paper bag.

   "Some gadgets, take them for self-defense."

  Because of Xi Jiu’s lesson of ‘some little things’, Ruan Qi was very careful this time.

  She opened the paper bag very cautiously, and neatly packed forty or fifty coin-sized pocket paper bags inside.

  She opened one of them--

  Black powder, tasteless.

  The scientific name of this thing is Duanchangfen.

  Common name-a breath can make you die~

    Ruan Xiaoqi: I don’t believe in gadgets and small things anymore.

    ——I spent another day in the hospital today. The amazing thing is that all my indicators have returned to normal! It's a great thing, but you can't let it go. The doctor asked me to check again in half a month. If the indicators are normal after checking several times, I can be sure that there is no problem.

     By the way, No. 3 is up to date. Although there is no way to explode too much, but I will try to save the manuscript these days.



  (End of this chapter)

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