Chapter 843 Explosion 4

  In the comments, Qing Yishui praised Mrs. Yu. Although there are also concerns about Ruan Qi's acting skills, most netizens still have good intentions.

  And because of this trailer, Ruan Qi’s Weibo fans have increased by more than two hundred thousand in a short period of time.

  The little girl happily waited to open the cabin door and stand shoulder to shoulder with the wings.

   "Go, go drive." Bai Li sneered coldly while pinching his beard. "According to the laws of your time, you will have to pay at least a few hundred thousand for opening the cabin door during a flight, and you will also have to go to jail."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  You, an old man who has lived for tens of thousands of years, why do you want to study our modern laws?

  The little girl rolled her eyes silently and asked: "Uncle Bai Li, is there any reward for this system upgrade?"

   "Yes. But let me tell you about other things first."

  Bai Li waved a big hand, and an energy pillar of belief value appeared in the void.

  "So far, all the faith points you have collected are here. Converted into health points, it is enough to support you to live for almost twelve years."

  Twelve years...

  Ruan Qi counted with his fingers, and then sadly discovered that he was only thirty-two years later!

  She worked hard in the entertainment industry for nearly a year, falling off a cliff and getting shot, but she couldn't even survive forty years?

  The little girl was sad and angry.

  She turned her mental power into a body, rushed into the system and took a vicious bite with the energy pillar of faith value.

   Bai Li on the side looked at her like a fool.

  Ruan Qi cried and gnawed for a while, and didn't let go until his toothache.

  She raised her head and asked Bai Li, "Uncle Bai Li, is the life guaranteed for these twelve years? If one day I take off powder on a large scale, will these health points still exist?"

   "Yes." Bai Li raised her eyebrows, "I am an honest merchant, how can I do that kind of speculation. But Ruan Xiaoqi, there is one thing you should pay attention to."

   "The health value will not change due to large-scale powder removal, but once your body has a life-threatening problem, these health values ​​will automatically be converted into aura to repair your functional damage."

   "The more you hurt, the more your health will be lost. For example, the last time you fell off a cliff on the set, I almost emptied all of your health to save your life."

Ruan Qi nodded clearly.

  In order to keep these hard-earned health points, she must take good care of herself and never step on the line of life and death.

   "I know Uncle Bai Li, I will take good care of myself. What about the system upgrade gift? What is it?"

  The little girl blinked her peachy eyes and looked at Bai Li expectantly.

  Bai Li smiled mysteriously and waved his hand to open a large empty screen.

  "This time upgrade rewards, there are three options, you choose one."

  Ruan Qi stood up and walked to the big screen.

  There are three lines above——

  Upgrade reward 1: Thirty-six degrees, all-round perfect repair.

   "Perfect repair?" Ruan Qi blinked, "What does this mean?"

  Bai Li: "It means to restore your appearance, body shape, and even your toenails to the point where the country is invincible."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  Can the toenails also be allure?

  Will she not be able to cut her fingernails in the future?

  No, this skill is not good and it is too unhygienic.

  The little girl shook her head resistingly.

   "I'm already beautiful, how can someone live if I am beautiful? Don't choose this!"

  She waved her hand and deleted this option.

  Upgrade reward two: super physical fitness.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, I suggest you don't choose this." Bai Li touched his beard, "You can already tear a car with your bare hands. If you choose this skill again, you may become a Chinese Godzilla."

   Ruan Qi: "..."


  For the sake of Brother Shen's hair, she didn't choose it.

  The little girl reluctantly deletes this option, and then looks at the third skill option——

  Upgrade reward 3: Weapon data collection.

  Ruan Qi saw these words, and his heart suddenly moved.

   "Uncle Bai Li, this is..."

  "It's all the weapon and equipment information I collected when I went to other planes to go to the door in these years." Bai Li reached out and clicked on the option, and a drawing of a laser gun appeared on the big screen.

  The left side of the drawing is a photo of the laser gun, and the right side is the technology, materials, and all related information needed to make it.

  Ruan Qi looked at the information, the beautiful peach blossom eyes bloomed with radiance.

   Bai Li: "There are many technologically advanced planes in this universe. We can't even imagine how powerful the weapons they use. I have collected this information in order to provide a boost to my plane one day."

   "Little girl, what do you think of these materials?"

   "Very good." Ruan Qi looked at the drawing fascinatedly, and muttered, "It's awesome."

  Bai Li's eyes immediately showed a bit of pride.

   "Of course, the information I personally collected is of course the essence! Ruan Xiaoqi, do you think that applying these technologies in modern society will benefit this plane?"

  Ruan Qi didn't expect that this lazy and greedy old man who loves to play games would actually ask such in-depth questions.

  She retracted her gaze, turned her head and glanced at him.

  The latter is looking at her expectantly with a stylish white hair and dirty braids.

  At this moment, Ruan Qi suddenly realized that Bai Li is not only her partner, but also the only artifact left in the history of this world.

  He was born from heaven and earth, nourished by all things.

  Every inch of soil and every strand of air in this world are his parents and his family.

  No one loves this world more than Bai Li, and no one wants this world to be better than him.

  Ruan Qi suddenly wanted to cry.

  Bai Li has lived alone for tens of thousands of years. Every day, is he looking at everyone on this land with full expectation?

  When he saw the land of China that was once devastated by war, did he secretly cry?

  The thought that this horrible old man who loves to play games and eats meat will hide and feel sad and sad, Ruan Qi's emotions can no longer be stretched.

  Her eye circles quickly turned red, and then she whimpered, tears gushing.

  Bai Li didn't expect the little girl to be fine one second before, but the next second she would cry and cry.

  He was startled, "What's wrong with you girl? Why are you crying well?"

  Ruan Qi was crying and speechless, only shook his head.

  Bai Li was scared.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, let us have something to say, can't you? Are you here? Are you here? Why is the emotional change so big?"

   "Fuck my little ancestor, don't cry! My ears hurt!"

   "Auntie, did you forget that you were still on the plane? Your mental strength is crying, and your body will cry too!"

Ruan Qi, who was crying so much that he couldn't help himself, heard this and finally realized that the occasion was not right.

  (End of this chapter)

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