Chapter 844

  She gave a long sob, and her mental energy exited the system and returned to reality.

  Sure enough, her face was full of tears, and Mo Lan, who was sitting next door, was looking at her with a dazed expression.

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  After returning to China, Sister Lan will not take her to the psychiatric department, right?

  The little girl sighed tiredly, and took out a tissue to wipe her tears away.

  The Mo Lan next door couldn't help it, and said cautiously: "Xiao Qi, you..."

   "I'm okay." Ruan Qi shook his head, "I was listening to a radio drama, it was so touching, I cried when I couldn't help it."

  It turns out that this is the reason.

  Mo Lan breathed a sigh of relief, but Wei Jiaming, who was sitting in front, heard the conversation between the two and turned his head with the thermos cup.

   "Little Qi, what is the name of the radio drama you listen to? I listen to it too."

   "...Oh." Ruan Qi paused, and said slowly, "The name is, "A Bad Old Man's Single Daily"."

  Wei Jiaming: "???"


  Eight hours later, the plane slowly landed at the YL National Airport.

  After the plane stopped, Ruan Qi turned on the phone for the first time, and Shen Wenqian's WeChat popped out.

  【Shen Ge: Yao Xue? ! You said that Yao Xue was the one who splashed you backstage at the venue? ! ! ! 】

  Three exclamation marks in a row, it shows how shocked Shen Wenqian was at that time.

  Ruan Qi put his backpack on his back and returned a message to him.

  【It's Xiaoqi: I just got off the plane. That person is definitely Yao Xue, and I will not admit it. 】

  【Shen Ge:……】

   [Shen Ge: I will check it out, you can rest assured to film. [It’s bald.jpg]]

  Ruan Qi sympathetically replied [caress the dog's head.jpg] sympathetically.

  The two battled with emojis for a while, and the cabin door opened.

  Ruan Qi put away his mobile phone and followed the crew out of the hatch in order.

The temperature in   YL country is similar to that of Imperial Capital, but the sun is more poisonous. When crossing the bridge, the actors of the crew put on outer shirts to protect themselves from the sun. Only Ruan Qi, wearing shorts and short sleeves, had his snow-white thighs and arms exposed to ultraviolet rays, unscrupulously extreme.

  Wei Jiaming, who was walking side by side with her, glanced at her enviously.

   "Junior sister, why don't you get tanned?"

   "Thanks to my mother~" The little girl curled her lips with a smile, "She can't get tanned."

  Wei Jiaming sighed deeply.

  Genetic genes or something, it is really too powerful.

   Soon, a group of people walked out of the bridge and entered the landing hall.

  Different from the hustle and bustle of Imperial Capital Airport, there are not many people at YL Airport. When Ruan Qi followed everyone to take the luggage, he found that the airport lobby, which had not many passengers, had fewer people.

   "Where are all the people?" the deputy director asked in confusion.

  In the empty hall, there were only a few dozen people. On the contrary, the ground staff and security at the airport have been doubled.

   "Director," the less courageous female prop artist grabbed Jian Guoqiang by the sleeve nervously, "Didn't we encounter some terrorist attack?"

  When everyone heard this, their hearts suddenly raised.

  YL is a war-torn country, with constant internal fighting and many foreign enemies.

  Looking at the calm one second before, and the next second will be an explosive order, the risk factor is almost sss level.

  Now this situation in the airport is really uncontrollable.

  Bo Ye and several people also noticed something was wrong, and they moved quietly and fanned the crew to protect everyone.

  "Don't panic first," Bo also looked around vigilantly, and whispered, "Follow me outside, don't run around."

  The faces of everyone in the crew were a little pale, and everyone followed Bo Ye's footsteps, wishing to teleport to the outside of the airport.

  Everyone left for about half a minute. Suddenly, there was a harsh brake sound outside the airport.

  Seven or eight black cars stopped steadily, and a group of thirty big men wearing black suits and sunglasses, striding into the hall quickly.

  Everyone in the crew noticed the black guy with a bulge around their waist sharply, and they were all startled.

   "He, he, he, what else is on his waist?" the costumer asked in tears.

  Everyone is silent.

  Everyone is in a mixed crew, and what else is on the waist of those people can be guessed with their ass.

   "So..." The second female Su Ai said weakly with a pale face, "Are we really in a terrorist attack?"

  You can’t answer this, and don’t want to answer it.

  I encountered this kind of thing as soon as I got off the plane. Who else has this luck?

  Although he knew the YL country chaos, no one thought it would happen to him so quickly. Looking at the things around the waist of those big men in black, it was the first time that everyone truly realized what it means to tie the head to the waistband.

  People who were originally in a happy mood gradually lowered their moods.

  Ruan Qi noticed everyone’s emotions, scratched his head, and couldn’t help but said, “Don’t think about things so badly. I think those people in black are very polite, maybe they came to pick up people.”

  As soon as these words were finished, the big men in black all set off and walked over here quickly.

  The faces of everyone in the crew were white to the extreme, and a few little girls hid behind Ruan Qi, shaking with her backpack.

  The atmosphere is like a rubber band, tightening instantly.

  Bo Ye Hei Xiong and others calmly put their hands on their waists.

  The big man in black gets closer and closer, finally! They came to the crew.


   passed by.

  Owner of the crew: "???"

  Everyone looked dumbfounded and watched thirty or so big men walking by without squinting. The question mark above their heads could circle the airport three times.

  Ruan Qi turned his head, followed the black-clothed men's back and looked over, her pink lips let out a chuckle.

   "Look, I said they came to pick up people, right?"

  Everyone followed her gaze and looked back.

  Not far away, a handsome-looking, blond boy of about sixteen or seventeen years old was guarded by a group of bodyguards, and the stars walked out of the covered bridge like a moon.

  As soon as the thirty-something big men saw him, they immediately bent over and bowed, and then protected him in a round shape.

  It turned out to be really here to pick up people!

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a lot of joy after the disaster in their hearts.

  The makeup artist raised his hand and wiped it on his forehead, “It’s so scary. Look at my sweaty head.”

"I was scared and crying just now." The young lady props patted her chest, and then turned around. She looked at the blond boy not far away and said with excitement, "But that little brother is so handsome! Isn't he? Which celebrity from abroad?"

  "Whose celebrity has such a big battle?" The deputy director rolled his eyes, "I guess it should be the noble son of which family, maybe it is the prince of which country."

  Speaking of the prince, the big guys were all excited.

  Jian Guoqiang looked at these people as if they were nostalgic for the airport and were not ready to leave, and couldn't help coughing hard anymore.

   "You are all the memories of fish? Just forgotten the rest of your life after the catastrophe? Even if he is the chief of the UAE, does he have anything to do with you? Hurry up, you have to go to the hotel!"

  (End of this chapter)

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