Chapter 847 Explosion 8

  "Yes, yes, yes!" The blond boy was afraid that he would be thrown out, and quickly replied, "Have you heard of my last name?"

  Ruan Qi nodded softly.

   "Alphat?" The prop master crouching aside whispered, "Is there anything to say about this surname?"

  Jian Guoqiang: "Alphat is the special surname of a noble family in the oil royal family in the Middle East, the kind that is often in the news."

  The prop master gave a shocked ‘fuck up’.

  A big oil country!

  That is the richest place!

  What kind of fairy boss did they save? !

  The props master was so shocked that he lost his voice, but Ruan Qi was very calm and did not take any princes and nobles at all.

   "Alphat, I have heard, are you a prince? or a nobleman?"

  "Nobleman." The blonde boy's pale face showed a trace of confidence and pride, "I am the youngest son of the chief of the Alphat family, the largest nobleman in the oil country!"

  Knowing that the crew members of this family took a deep breath.

  The Alphat nobility of the oil country is even more powerful than the royal family. And the boy in front of him turned out to be the son of the patriarch of the family!

  My goodness, YL is really a magical place.

  Not only can you drop an order from the sky, but you can also drop a master of oil!

  The big guys were shocked, but what shocked them even more was that after hearing the identity of the blond boy, Ruan Qi only gave an understatement of ‘Oh’.

  Everyone is blocked by her ‘oh’.

  Girl, do you know what the biggest oil nobility means?

  Do you know how much this boy is worth?

  Girl, you should be more sober, don’t ‘oh’, you should be ‘ahhhhhhh’!

  Ran Qi did not hear everyone’s voice.

  After she finished ‘oh’, she raised her chin and said to Wei Jiaming, "Brother Jiaming, throw it out."

  The blond boy: "???"

  What I just said was a fart? !

  The young man was stunned, and after reacting, he quickly said: "Madam! Madam! Don't throw me away, I can pay! I will give you a lot of money!"

   Ruan Qi: "I am not short of money."

  "Then, then I will give you jewelry! My mother gave me a diamond worth 300 million M coins for my birthday last year, and I gave it to you!"

  "300 million?" Ruan Qi lifted his eyelids, "It's a coincidence. At the beginning of the year, I also received a pink diamond, more than 200 million."

  At this moment, the teenager knew that he had encountered a problem of not bad money.

He glanced at the two groups of people who were still fighting, weighed his own safety factor in his heart, gritted his teeth, and said, "Since you are not short of money, how about I give you a guarantee? Before my subordinates arrive. , As long as you keep protecting me, I will protect your personal safety in the Middle East in the future!"

  The voice fell, and the corner of Ruan Qi's mouth, who had been bowing his head, raised a successful smile.

  That was what she was waiting for.

  YL country is so chaotic, the strong dragon does not crush the snake, even if the thin and the wolf-fang have three heads and six arms, they may not be able to protect everyone.

  But the Alphat family is different.

  They are the kings of the Middle East. It is so easy to protect a crew.

  Ruan Qi finally waited for the promise she wanted. She raised her head with a smile, and the blond boy blinked with joy.


   Blonde teenager: "..."

  Did he get the trick?


  Ruan Qi and the blonde boy, namely Abed Alphat, reached an oral agreement.

  The life was saved temporarily, and Abed sighed with great relief.

  (End of this chapter)

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