Chapter 848 Explosion 9

  He leaned on the information desk and sat cross-legged, his blue eyes swept across the faces of everyone on the crew.

   "Miss Ruan, are you here to travel to YL?"

   "Mr. Abed, I am a normal person and would not choose such a war-torn country as a tourist attraction." Ruan Qi handed him a small pill slowly, "We are here to film."


  Abed was extremely surprised. He threw the little pill into his mouth and asked curiously: "Are you Chinese actors?"

Ruan Qi nodded.

  Abed suddenly realized, "Oh~".

   "No wonder they all look so beautiful! You are the most beautiful Chinese I have ever seen!"

  The blue-eyed boy had a sincere face, and all the actors present were a bit embarrassed.

  Although they have many fans and are often praised by others, they are separated from the Internet and mobile phone screens.

  Hua is a reserved and reserved country, such as this kind of face-to-face boasting is still in the minority.

  Everyone is a little bit shy, but Ruan Qi has no nerve called ‘Sorry’ in his mind.

  She nodded in agreement, "I also think that I am the most beautiful, you have real vision!"

  The girl's calmness made Abed's eyes brighten.

  This beautiful girl really has an appetite for him, much better than those twitching ladies in the family!

   "Miss Ruan, you are so good!" Abed looked at her with bright eyes, and then asked a shocking question, "Can I be your boyfriend? I think we have a good appetite!"

  Everyone: "??!!!"

  Ruan Qi: "..."

  Bo, who was guarding the side, almost took out the gun, and everyone else was bewildered.

  Why did you start talking about feelings after less than ten sentences?

  Are your Alphat family members so efficient?

  Ruan Qi also didn't expect that Sao Nian's routine would be so weird.

  She helped her forehead and sighed helplessly: "Sorry Mr. Abed, I don't like men younger than me."

   "This is really a sad story." Abed's blue eyes showed disappointment, "Miss Ruan, don't you think about it anymore? I think my mental age is enough to be your uncle."

   "That's even worse." Ruan Qi replied quietly, "I don't like intergenerational love."

  Abed’s first courtship in sixteen years has failed.

  He was sad for half a minute, and then changed the subject enthusiastically.

   "Miss Ruan, where are you filming? Can I go and see it?"

  "No!" Ruan Qi sternly refused, "Our crew is not open to the outside world!"

  What's the joke?

  This kid can cause so much trouble at the airport. If he were to go to the crew, wouldn’t his enemy blow up the set?

  For the sake of his own life, Ruan Qi refused very decisively.

  Abed’s upbringing is also very good, since the other party disagrees, then he will not force it.

"After that, we have time. Let's have dinner outside the set. I invite everyone to go to my villa for a party." He said as he took out his mobile phone with a broken screen, "Miss Ruan, can we add a contact information? "

  Finally, after repeated requests from the teenager, Ruan Qi taught him how to use WeChat.

  The two people added WeChat accounts to each other. Just after Abed finished changing the remarks, the phone rang suddenly.

  He quickly answered the phone.

   "Dear Eminem, if I don't see you again within a minute, tomorrow you will take your wife to the farm to feed the pigs!"

    Abed: Be my girlfriend.

     System message: A large wave of Master Xi is about to arrive on the battlefield.

    —The first nine chapters will be released. The son can't stay up late now, and continue to write when he wakes up in the morning. I will definitely write, but my codeword speed is a bit slow, so you can read it in the afternoon. Good night, go to bed early.



  (End of this chapter)

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