Chapter 849

  As soon as Abed finished saying this, there was a harsh brake sound outside the airport.

  A dozen black cars quickly stopped, and a large group of bodyguards in black suits rushed in with weapons in a murderous manner.

The dark-skinned man headed by    looked around in the hall, and suddenly, a familiar ‘Emm’ floated over.

   "Eminem, here I am!"

  The man immediately smelled his reputation.

  Behind the information desk, a small golden-haired head poked out carefully, waving at him every moment.

  The man's frowning brows loosened a bit, he gestured to the bodyguards, and then walked quickly with seven or eight people.

  Abed saw the bodyguard who had been with him since he was a child, and his tight nerves finally relaxed.

  He couldn't help but complain: "Damn Eminem, why did you arrive so long? I was almost beaten to death by a traitor!"

   "Sorry, I ran into a situation midway, and it was a delay for a while." Eminem took off his sunglasses calmly, and then moved his gaze slightly to look aside Ruan Qi.

  Abeid quickly introduced: "Emm, this is my savior, Miss Ruan. She is an excellent Chinese actor."

   Eminem heard this and looked at Ruan Qi a little more.

Ruan Qi didn't care about his gaze. She turned to Abed and said, "Mr. Abed, before your subordinates arrived, I saved your life. I hope you can keep your promise. As long as I come to YL in the future, You must take care of me."

   "Of course!" Abed slapped his chest vigorously, "Our Alphat family pays most attention to promises! Eminem, later you send a team to protect Miss Ruan's crew until they leave!"

   Eminem nodded and agreed.

  Because of the reinforcements joining, the fierce battle quickly reversed.

  All the masked men in field uniforms were killed, and the scary gunfire finally disappeared.

   "Em, help me up."

   Eminem immediately stepped forward and helped Abed to stand up.

  Abed walked out of the information desk vainly. He looked around, and when he saw blood and corpses on the ground, his pale face was even more bloodless.

   "It was my negligence that caused these innocent friends to be hurt. Eminem, immediately contact the Alphat Family Hospital and ask them to send someone over. They can save a few. It can't be saved..."

  He paused, his pale lips trembling, "Try to compensate their family."

   "Okay." Eminem nodded, "Don't be sad, Master, I will handle it well."

  Abeid pursed his lips and did not speak, but his red eyes revealed his emotions.

   "Miss Ruan," he turned his head to look at Ruan Qi, "Can I ask you and Mr. Wei again?"

  Ruan Qi raised his eyebrows and motioned for him to continue.

Abed: "You and Mr. Wei's medical skills are very good. Before the ambulance arrives, can the two of you give first aid to the injured? I will pay you at ten times the price of the family doctor's maximum consultation fee. "

   Ruan Qi looked at him unexpectedly when he heard this.

   is worthy of being the youngest son of the Alphat family. Although he is only sixteen years old, he calmly handles all subsequent matters in an orderly manner.

  And what’s more commendable is that he does not have the superiority of the royal family and nobles, but really feels sorry for these people.

  Ruan Qi suddenly felt that this blond boy didn't seem to be that annoying.

  She laughed and nodded.

  "Mr. Abed, I agree to your request. But I won’t ask for compensation. I am willing to save these innocent people. Jia Ming, how about you?"

   "Of course I am willing!" Wei Jiaming did not forget to take a sip of health tea at this time, "As a doctor, it is the responsibility to treat illnesses and save others."

  Abed did not expect Ruan Qi and Wei Jiaming to agree so readily.

  His blue eyes burst with joy and excitement, "Miss Ruan, Mr. Wei, you are really the kindest angels!"

"I accept your compliments." The little girl smiled softly, "But Mr. Abed, before I save people, please **** my colleagues to the hotel. They were frightened and needed rest and good food to cure them. Feeling."


  Finally, Abed not only arranged for the crew to send the crew to the hotel, but also swept everyone's spending in the hotel this month.

  Director Jian Guoqiang's happy mouth grinned behind his ears.

  Experienced a thrilling gun battle and saved so much money, which is too worthwhile!

  The big guy happily got in the Alphat family car and left the airport.

  Ruan Qi, Wei Jiaming, and Mo Lanbo also stayed behind to give first aid to the injured innocent.

   "A total of 19 people were shot at the scene, 4 people were seriously injured, 13 people were slightly injured, and two people died."

  Fortunately, only two people died.

   But it is also a fortunate misfortune, they suffered unsuspecting disaster.

After listening to Ruan Qi's statistics, Abed turned his head in silence.

  Ruan Qi glanced at his trembling shoulders, and sighed, "Cry if you want to cry. A sixteen-year-old boy has the right to vent his emotions."

  Abed’s shoulder shook twice again.

   "I don't cry." He stubbornly stalked his neck, his voice hoarse, "The Alphat family only bleeds, never tears! Those **** enemies should cry!"

  The young man showed stubbornness even with the strands of hair. Ruan Qi looked at him and suddenly became a little more curious about the legendary Alphat family.

  What kind of family is this? How could he educated a sixteen-year-old boy so well.

  No wonder it can become the biggest power aristocrat in the oil country. It really has its uniqueness.

Ruan Qi sighed in his heart, then raised his hand and patted Abed on the shoulder.

   "I'm busy, if you can't help it, find a corner to cry secretly. Don't worry, I will never tell anyone."


  There are too many people to be treated, and Ruan Qi and Wei Jiaming are busy with their feet.

  But soon, the medical team of the Alphat family arrived, along with the housekeeper in the family.

  "Master Abed!" The butler, dressed in a dusty manner, entered the hall and went straight to Abed.

  Abeid was hiding in the corner with his back to the crowd. He heard the voice of the housekeeper and quickly wiped his face, before turning around.

   "Uncle Rand!"

   "Master Abed!" The butler Rand saw the wound on his chest at a glance, and his face changed drastically, "Master, are you injured?! Come on! Doctor! Osser! Where the **** is Osser!"

  Osail, who was puncturing the wounded patient, said that he had not heard it.

  Ruan Qi, who was not far away, frowned because of the noise, raised his head and looked over here.

  As soon as Abed saw the look in her eyes, he knew that the girl who looked soft but had a bad temper was angry.

  He quickly grabbed the butler Rand’s hand, “Uncle Rand, I’m fine, my savior has sutured the wound for me.”

  (End of this chapter)

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