Chapter 851

  The little girl’s tone was full of screams. If she had a tail, she must have been raised up high now.

  Xi Jiu likes to see her triumphant little appearance, he gently lifts his lips, and the depths of his ink eyes are full of affection.

   "The baby is amazing." He slapped a rainbow fart skillfully, and then asked in a low voice, "Xi Bei said, did you have a gunfight at the airport?"

   "Yes. It was the attack on the young master of the Alphat family of the oil giant. We are all soy saucers. Jiujiu I am not injured. Don't worry!"

  Ruan Qi knows how nervous Xi Jiu is. After she said this, she immediately set up the phone, then stood up and turned around in front of the camera.

   "No injuries at all, not even scratches~"

  The heart that Xi Jiu had been hanging before finally fell back into his stomach.

  "It’s fine if it’s okay. Next time the baby encounters this situation, let Xi Bei and Xi Xi save people. Your safety is more important than anything, you know?"

  The little girl nodded obediently.

  The two people were tired of chatting for a while, and the crew began to eat dinner.

  Ruan Qi had to hang up the video and left the suite with Mo Lan and others.

  On the other side, Xi’s Mansion.

  Xi Jiu stared at the hacked mobile phone screen in a daze. He didn't even notice Gong Qi walked in with the look of dissatisfaction.

   "Patriarch," Gong Qi put down the coffee and said faintly, holding the tray, "You just stared at the screen. Madam can't get out of the phone. Give up."

  Being pricked, Xi Jiu raised his head and gave him a cold look.

   Gong has grown accustomed to the death gaze of men.

Without fear, he raised his hand and pushed down the gold-rimmed glasses. Sven smiled and said: "You told me to investigate the gun battle at YL Airport, and the results of the investigation have come out. This matter really has nothing to do with Madam, attacking Alphat. The leader of the wave of young masters in the family is called Eden."

   "Eden?" Xi Jiu's handsome eyebrows wrinkled fiercely, "A frantic organization in the Middle East?"

Gong Qi; "Yes. The Alphat family has been entrenched in the Middle East for many years, and Eden has always wanted to get a share of their hands. But the old Alphat disagreed, and Eden hit the young master as a killer. This matter and his wife. There is no connection at all, she is indeed a soy saucer."

  Speaking of this, Gong Qi expressed full admiration for his wife.

  Whether something goes wrong, even going abroad to shoot a movie, you can also meet the biggest Alphat family in oil countries.

  This luck, this fate, I am afraid it is harder than diamond.

  No wonder she can kill the family chief, it's really a strange woman.

   Gong Qi gave Ruan Qi a great appreciation, and then asked Xi Jiu: "Patriarch, what are you going to do?"

  "Contact the Eagle Department." Xi Jiu tapped his fingers on the table without a moment, "Let them transfer people to YL country, secretly protect Xiao Qi, and stare at that Eden by the way."

   Gong Qi: "The owner is worried that his wife saved the young master of the Alphat family, and the Eden organization will retaliate against her?"

   Xi Jiu let out a cold ‘um’.

   "I will never allow Xiao Qi to be in any danger. Let the Eagles stare at Eden, and as long as they have any signs of dealing with Xiao Qi and the crew, they will be killed immediately."


  Ruan Qi didn’t know that Xi Jiu had pulled the Eden organization into the blacklist for himself.

  She and the crew enjoyed a sumptuous dinner at the hotel. Waiting for the next day, everyone devoted themselves to the shooting of "Blade".

  Abeid also kept his promise very much and sent three teams of bodyguards to protect everyone's safety.

  Not only that, he also harassed Ruan Qi on WeChat 24 hours a day.

  【Abed: Ruan, Uncle Rand won't let me leave the ward, I'm going crazy. 】

  【Abed: Ruan, WeChat is really fun, do you have any other interesting Huaguo apps to recommend? 】

  【Abed: After seeing your circle of friends, I really want to be an actor! Filming is so interesting! 】

  【Abed: Dear Ruan, my star dream is shattered! My father asked me to heal my injury and go to the company to help! [Sad.jpg]]

  【Abed: I watched your performance of "Xian Qing" today, Ruan, you are really amazing! I will be your diehard fan! 】

  Abed carried out brutal and inhuman mental attacks on Ruan Qi with a frequency of at least 30 WeChat messages a day.

  Ruan Qi endured for three days, and finally became unbearable and dragged him into the blacklist.

  Then, in the next second, the call from Young Master Petroleum came in.

   "Dear Ruan, why are you..."

"Don't ask me why I blocked you." Ruan Qi interrupted him with a smile, "Little Abed, if you send me more than fifteen messages every day, I will use a silver needle to pierce you into a hedgehog! "

  The young master on the other end of the phone thought of the thin and long silver needles, and the whole person was sad.

   "Dear Ruanbao, you threatened me with such a terrible thing."

  Ruan Qi was made eyelids jump by his name.

   "Don't call me Ruanbao!"

  Abeid: "But your fans call it that."

   "But you are not my fan!" The little girl was very angry.

   "Who said I am not?" Abed smiled triumphantly, "Yesterday I joined the Ruan Qi Overseas Fan Support Club and successfully became one of the senior members of the Club!"

   Ruan Qi: "???"

  Is it easy to be a senior member of her support club?

   "...Abed, what crooked ways did you use?"

   "Ruanbao, how can you say that I am a crooked way? I just spent a little money and bought all your surroundings."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  The little bit of money from the little oil master may not be the same as the little money of their ordinary people.

  Ruan Qi didn't want to ask how much this ‘a little bit of money’ was, anyway, she didn’t want to hear the number.


  After half a month, Ruan Qi has been devoted to filming.

  YL country’s scenes are mostly war scenes. There are so many dangerous scenes like blasting and fighting. Everyone lives in the ‘rain of guns and bullets’ every day.

  Ruan Qi is the number one female, and her blasting scenes are full of pages. The little girl is rolling in the smoke and dirt every day, and she doesn't even have the energy to play with her mobile phone.

  The marshmallows in China are waiting and waiting every day. The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is--

  Did Ruanbao post Weibo today?

  Have the missing persons returned?

  But, let everyone down, not only did Ruan Qi not come back, she was so busy that she almost forgot her Weibo password.

  If Mo Lan occasionally used her assistant account to post two photos of her filming on the set, fans would have thought that the little girl was kidnapped by the frenziers of YL country.

  In such a busy studio life, half a month passed in a hurry.

  Before the movie "End of the World" was released, there were only less than ten days left.

   "Little Seven, "The End of the World" is about to be released, won't you go back to China for publicity?"

   "Director Wu said that I don't need me for the time being." Ruan Qi raised his head from the ipad, "I am a female role player in "End of the World", and there are not many scenes. Brother Zhan Rong is the protagonist. Hasn't he already asked for leave to go back."

  (End of this chapter)

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