Chapter 852 Explosion 13

  As the actor of "Blade", Zhan Rong is also the actor of the movie "End of the World".

  He worked overtime a few days ago to finish the scene, and then hurried back home with his suitcase.

"Renhong is really busy!" Su Ai sighed deeply, "I heard Brother Zhan Rong's assistant say that he slept for three hours in four days in a row in order to rush back to promote "End of the World". , I was filming the rest of the time. I was worried that he would faint during the road show."

   "No." Ruan Qi laughed, "I helped him adjust his body before he left. I can barely make it through this time."

  Suai heard it, and the worry in his heart became a little less.

  Before during the special training for "Blade" at the Imperial Military Base, she and Ruan Qi lived in a dormitory.

  The two have a good relationship, and Ruan Qi did not hide her proficiency in medicine.

  So, before coming to YL, Su Ai was the only person in this crew who knew how powerful Ruan Qi's medical skills were except Wei Jiaming and Zhan Rong.

  Since Ruan Qi said that Zhan Rong was okay, he must be okay.

  Su Ai nodded in relief, she glanced at Ruan Qi, and quietly approached her.

   "Little Qi, is your premium beauty pill still in stock? I think the Daxian online store is sold out."

   "Sold out again?"

  Ruan Qi widened his eyes in surprise, "My brother only put a batch on the shelves a few days ago."

Su Ai: "That little pill is so effective that it was sold out as soon as it was put on the shelves. I was slow in my hand and didn't grab it. Baby Xiao Qi, can you help me walk through the back door? I pointed to it to completely eliminate the small face on my face. Freckles!"

  As she said, she raised her face, put her finger down her cheek, "Look, there are still a few stars here that have not disappeared."

  Ruan Qi stared at Su Ai's face with 0.5 vision for several seconds, and finally found the few little freckles that were almost invisible.

  She silently tucked the corner of her mouth, and sighed: "I will ask my junior to make a few boxes today, and then wait for Brother Zhan Rong to bring him over after the road show."

  "Little Qibaby, you are so kind!"

  Suai let out a cheer and excitedly gave the little girl a bear hug.

  Ruan Qi was almost cut off by her, and the iPad on her lap fell to the ground with a bang.

  Su Ai was taken aback, and quickly let go, bending over to pick up the ipad.

  "Fortunately, it’s okay. Fortunately, we are sitting on a pony and the screen is not broken."

  She patted the dust on the ipad, and when she saw the pattern on the screen, she gave a slightly puzzled voice.

   "Xiao Qi, what are you drawing?"

  "It's some drawings of weapons." Ruan Qi took the ipad, "I didn't draw it, but some materials downloaded from the Internet."

  Su Ai let out a bewildered ‘Oh’.

   "I didn't expect Xiao Qi, you look so soft, but you are still interested in these. So many messy symbols, can you understand it?"

   "I understand." Ruan Qi smiled and raised his eyes, "Sister Su Ai, I was a graduate student in the Ordnance Engineering College of Imperial Capital University before."

  Suai then remembered the identity of the little girl before.

  She patted her forehead annoyedly, "Yes, I almost forgot that you used to belong to the Ordnance Engineering College. Hey, look at Xiaoqi, I won't bother you."


  Suai sat for a while and went to film.

  Ruan Qi refocused his attention on the ipad weapon drawings.

  "How about Ruan Xiaoqi? After reading these materials, what do you think?" Bai Li's voice sounded in his mind.

Ruan Qi rubbed the tip of his nose, let out a slow "Uh", and slowly said: "The technology is very advanced, I have learned a lot. It's just that Uncle Bai Li, with our current level of technology, you collect Most of the weapons blueprints can’t be realized.”

   In addition, the son is writing like an old scalper.



  (End of this chapter)

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