Chapter 853

"I know this." Bai Li scratched the dirty braid on his head. "When I collected these materials, I didn't plan to design them all. After all, the technology here is not advanced compared to other planes. If you risk it, However, the design of so many super-tech weapons may lead to a Resident Evil or a world war."

   Ruan Qi: "Then you mean..."

  "I hope you can extract the technology suitable for us from these materials, and use the materials of our plane to study." Bai Li replied.

  Ruan Qi understood what he meant.

   "In fact, we both have similar ideas. Uncle Bai Li, take a look at this."

  She exits the profile page and clicks on a drawing.

  "This is a new type of weapon that I have researched in the past half month, combined with the technology on the information you gave me, and it is very suitable for us modern people to use."

   Bai Li heard this and immediately grabbed the image of the drawing onto the big screen of the system.

  He stared at the image of the drawing for a long time, then nodded after a long while, “I have chosen the right person, and these materials can indeed be used to their maximum value if you give them to you. It’s just...”

  He pointed to the material column in the drawing, "Of the few materials you listed, one of them is hard to find."

   "I know." Ruan Qi turned off the ipad, "I'm considering replacing it with other materials, but the performance of the weapon will be slightly worse. If possible, I still hope to find this rare material."

  No ordnance designer doesn’t want the weapon he designed to be perfect.

  Ruan Qi doesn't care how famous she is, but she cares about the works she designs.

  Every work is her child, she does not want them to be incomplete and regrettable.

"I can understand your mood. Anyway, we don't worry, let's find it slowly." Bai Li took a sip of Wahaha and hiccuped her milk. "I'm also investigating in the system where such rare materials might exist. Ruan Xiaoqi, if you can really design this new type of weapon, then the whole world will tremble for you!"


  A few days later, Ruan Qi has been busy filming and designing drawings.

  Half of "Blade's Edge" in YL country has been completed, about eight or nine days before returning to China.

  Because of being too busy, Ruan Qi has not posted Weibo. Fans waited eagerly, and even Xi Jiu, who was on a business trip in Country M, couldn't sit still.

  Since he and the little girl are together, he rarely separates for such a long time.

  Even if they are separated for seven or eight days, they will continue to video WeChat.

  But Ruan Qi is obsessed with weapon drawings these days and can’t help himself. He basically forgot that he still has a boyfriend.

  Without the little girl’s nourishment, Xi Da’s face is getting colder every day.

  If it weren’t for the messy things on the side of country M, he really wanted to teleport to country YL directly, holding the little girl and not letting go.

   "Is there any movement in that Eden organization?" The black-faced boss Xi Da asked coldly.

"Yes, but it doesn't have much to do with Madam." Gong Qi pushed down his glasses and explained in a slow voice, "Last time the young master of the Alphat family, Abed, was injured at the airport, the old Alphat was very angry. Attacked. Eden has been very annoying lately and shouldn't have time to trouble Mrs.

  Xi Jiu gave a cold face with a ‘um’.

  He stared at the black screen of the phone, knocked on the table, and said in a deep voice, "Since Eden is annoying, it's better to let him annoy him a little more."

   Gong Qi: "Patriarch means..."

  "Notify the dark guards," Xi Jiu threw the black medal that symbolizes the identity of the Patriarch of the Xi family on the table, "Let them help old Alphat. Before Xiaoqi leaves YL, Eden must continue to worry about it."


  The hard-working Eden organization did not know that they only attacked Abed alone, but they attracted the hatred of the two forces.

  Old Alphat is the son and Xi Jiu is the wife. Although the two have never met, they hit it off. The annoying leader Eden almost hanged himself.

  Ruan Qi, who is in the crew, didn’t know what Xi Jiu did.

  Today director Jian Guoqiang gave her a holiday with compassion. The little girl who hadn't slept for more than half a month held the quilt and slept viciously until three poles in the sun.


  Annoying ringtones ring in the quiet bedroom.

  The little drum bag on the bed moved hard, and a little hand slowly stretched out from the quilt, and he fumbled twice on the bed.

  The phone on the bedside table continued to ring. The owner of the little hand finally couldn't stand it anymore, pouting his little **** and got out of the quilt.

  She closed her eyes, put her head against the chicken coop, and opened her without looking at the phone.


  The voice of the little girl who was half-asleep and half-awake was softer than usual, and her tone was a little bit irritable and irritable.

  The person on the other end of the phone paused, and then spoke slowly—

   "I am the one who gave you money."

  The bewildered Ruan Qi didn't quite understand what the man was talking about, so he closed his eyes and gave a ‘huh’.

  The person on the other end of the phone seemed to have guessed her reaction, and was not angry, but the old **** was there again and said——

   "Seven kills, I'm downstairs in the hotel where you stayed. Within ten seconds, if you get up, I'll go up and look for you."

  Ruan Qi, who was still robbing Zhou Gong for chicken legs, keenly heard the word'Seven Kills'.

  In a short time, all Zhou Gong, sleepy and chicken legs all disappeared.

  She opened her eyes quickly, and one turned over and sat up from the bed, looking down at the phone’s caller ID——



  Ruan Qi almost rolled out of bed in fright.

   "Simon?!" She raised her voice incredulously, "Are you downstairs in my hotel?! Today is not April Fools' Day!"

  Simon on the other end of the phone let out a contemptuous sneer.

  "I never had that kind of stupid holiday. Seven kills, you came to YL for nineteen days, and I actually learned about it from someone else. Should you give me an explanation?"

  The man’s voice is a bit cold, and the little girl with her head against the henhouse feels there is wind behind her neck.

   She shrank her neck and said with a guilty conscience: "That...I'm not afraid to trouble you?"

"When you almost exploded the weapon arsenal back then, why didn't you expect to trouble me?" Simon on the other end of the phone sneered again, "Give you five minutes. Either you come down or I go up. We have to see you today. one side!"

  The call fell, and the phone was hung up with a ‘click’.

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  Brother, your tone is not like ‘you have to meet today’, but...

  ‘One must die today’.


  Five minutes later, Ruan Qi stepped on the dot and appeared in the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

  There are not many people in the lobby, only the sound of gurgling water from the indoor landscape.

  Not far from the floor-to-ceiling windows, expensive leather sofas and coffee tables are combined to form a comfortable and elegant lounge area.

  On one of the single sofas, sitting a man in a British dark silver plaid suit.

  (End of this chapter)

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