Chapter 854

  The man has a typical western white skin, with short chestnut hair neatly combed to the back of his head.

  His shoulders are very wide, and his waist is blocked by the backrest of the sofa. You can see from the two long, overlapping legs that he must be in good shape.

  At this time, the man was flipping through a newspaper. The sunlight came in through the floor-to-ceiling windows and fell on him, adding a soft light to the handsome and three-dimensional profile.

  Ruan Qi saw him, a little smile appeared in the beautiful peach blossom eyes.

  She walked over quickly, raised her hand and patted gently on the back of the sofa.


  The man who was reading the newspaper turned his head and showed his full face.

  His skin is paler than other Westerners, perhaps because of the rare sunshine, and his thin lips have lost two blood.

  And what is more noticeable are his eyes.

  The eyes are light amber, a bit like cats, but the sharpness of the eyebrows is closer to the temperament of a cheetah.

  He turned his head, gave the little girl a faint look, and then looked away blankly.

  Ruan Qi rolled his eyes silently.

   "Simon, when can your dog's temper be changed?"

  The man heard this, his thin pale pink lips made a sneer.

   "You can't change it in this life, so give up."

   "..." Ruan Qi has an urge to blow his head.

  She squeezed her fists patiently, took a deep breath, walked to the opposite sofa and sat down.

  "How did you know that I came to YL?"

  "Solomon found it in the branch of YL." Simon put down the newspaper and looked at her with a cold face, "YL won't tell me when I am here, seven kills, are you planning to cut off justice with me?"

   Ruan Qi: "??!!!"

  A Westerner, actually knows "cut the robe and cut righteousness"? !

  The little girl was shocked. Simon seemed to know what she was thinking, and said coldly: "I have been studying Mandarin, and I just passed the CET-6 exam last month."

   "Seven kills, I studied Chinese Mandarin hard for you, but you came to YL but didn't tell me."

   "If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, I will hang your true identity on the gate of Solomon's headquarters, let everyone know who the famous and talented ordnance designer is!"

  This trick is simply too poisonous!

  Ruan Qi was almost poisoned with a bite of blood.

  She covered her small chest, looked at the handsome, but small-hearted man in front of him in disbelief, and complained with an injured face, "Simon, how can I be your savior?"

   "Yes." Simon shook the newspaper. "So I helped you hide your true identity for two years."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  Mom, is this man smeared with crane crest red on his mouth? !

  The delicate and soft little girl couldn't help but burst into a **** in her heart, and then she took a deep breath, calming down the great power in her heart.

   "Simon, I came to YL this time to film. I will return to China after a month. I won't live long, so I didn't tell you."

   Simon gave an expressionless ‘um’, and he didn’t know if he accepted the explanation.

  Ruan Qi saw that he was not talking, so he wanted to change the subject and talk to him about weapon drawings.

   "Simon, I..."

   "I heard you are in love?" Simon interrupted her coldly.

  This topic and the weapon drawing are too wide, and Ruan Qi was stunned for a while to complete the leap between the two channels.

   "Yes." She nodded slowly, "I've been talking about it for almost a year, haven't I posted it in my circle of friends? Did you know?"

   Simon laughed coldly when he heard this.

   "I'm sorry, since you posted the first activity related to your boyfriend on WeChat, your circle of friends was blacklisted by me."

    Simon: Love dogs will be blocked!

    ————I can’t write, that’s it for today. For the next period of time, as long as you don't go to the hospital and have nothing to do at home, you should keep four or five shifts every day. After reading the text, remember to vote for a monthly pass, thank you! ~

     I’m going to bed, old people can’t stay up late, good night~



  (End of this chapter)

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