Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 855: In my heart you are a man (one more)

  Chapter 855 You are a man in my heart (one more)

   "???" Ruan Qi looked bewildered, "Why? I fell in love and affected your breathing?!"

"You affect more than my breath, and my desire to create hot weapons." Simon put down the newspaper, light amber sharp eyes rolled around her, "Seven kills, in my heart, your gender Always a man."

   Ruan Qi: "?"

  Simon: "Although I am not opposed to homosexuality, I am sorry, I can't see you and another man show affection in my circle of friends. Because I think your home should be married to weapon drawings."

   Ruan Qi: "???"


  Brother, do you have any misunderstandings about me?

  Is my gender characteristic so obscure? !

  The little girl's mentality was a little broken, she glanced at the man opposite, "Simon, are you here today to **** me off?"

   "Of course not, I never do such boring things. Seven kills, I heard that you saved the young master of the Alphat family when you were at the airport?"

  Ruan Qi nodded: "Yes, what's the problem?"

   Simon did not answer.

  He raised his head and looked around, then stood up from the sofa.

  "This is not a place to talk, go to the restaurant, you invite me to dinner."

   Ruan Qi: "..."


  A few minutes later, two people appeared in the French restaurant on the twenty-ninth floor of the hotel.

  Simon has thoroughly implemented the style of Western capitalists, holding the menu to select expensive points.

   Ruan Qi clutched his little purse with a heartache, and wished to push the dead man with a crimson crest on his mouth from the twenty-ninth floor.

   "Order these first, please hurry up and serve, thank you." Simon handed the menu back to the waiter, and when he looked up, he saw the little girl's little painful expression.

  He raised his eyebrows lightly, and leaned back on the black velvet chair with grace.

   "Seven kills, I remember half a month ago, I just transferred 200 million M coins to your account."

Ruan Qi didn't know why he mentioned this suddenly, and nodded blankly.

"I just looked at the menu. This meal adds up to about 20,000 M coins." Simon paused, his beautiful chin raised proudly, "I gave you 200 million, but you even had a lunch of 20,000 M dollars. Reluctant to invite me to eat! Seven kills, I am very disappointed in you!"

   Ruan Qi: "......??????"

  Big brother, are you fooling me?

  You give me 200 million ass!

  That is what you picked out of the BC manufacturing company!

  Don’t think I don’t know you are confusing concepts! snort!

  The little girl puffed her cheeks angrily, then rolled her eyes viciously in front of the man.

  Sure enough, Simon, who could not bear the rude manners, frowned fiercely.

  He glanced at the little girl disgustingly, and the little girl looked at him disgustingly.

  Other people sitting in the restaurant may not even dream of it--

   These two people who hate each other and are so naive and have no friends, one is the big boss of the world's weapons manufacturing giant Salomon, and the other is a genius designer in the famous ordnance industry.

  Two people pecked each other at the table for a while, and the waiter pushed the steak over.

  Caiji temporarily truce and enter the dining mode.

  Ruan Qi cut a piece of cattle into her mouth, and when she swallowed it, she looked up and asked: "Simon, what happened to the Alphat family just now? What's the problem with them?"

   "The Alphat family is okay," Simon twisted his eyebrows and put the broccoli fork on another plate, "but the father of the young master Abed you saved is not closely related to you."

  Ruan Qi's face showed a look of surprise.

  "You mean old Alphat? How is he related to me? I don't know him."

  "He doesn't know you either." Simon took the last piece of broccoli away, and finally let out a sigh of relief.

  He took a sip of red wine contentedly, looked up at the little girl, and said, "But you have a common enemy."


  Ruan Qi's expression was dazed, and then, a trace of solemnity slowly appeared on his face.

  The Alphat family is so powerful that it can almost be called the king of the Middle East.

  As the patriarch of this family, the elder Alphat holds great power and is rich in the enemy's country. With his power and status, it is impossible for ordinary people to become his enemies.

Apart from……

  ...The beasts with hands and eyes open to the sky, who nearly killed her whole family for their own sake!

Ruan Qi's face became more and more ugly.

  Simon glanced at her, reached out and put the mousse cake on the side in front of her.

   "Sweets help improve mood."

  Speaking, he put the small fork next to her again, "After eating this cake, I will tell you about old Alphat and those people."

  Ruan Qi is not in the mood to eat cake now.

  But when Simon said that, she immediately picked up the fork and ate it bite by bite.

  A trace of satisfaction crossed Simon's pale amber eyes.

He took a sip of red wine from his glass, then leaned back in his chair and spoke slowly: "At the end of last year, Solomon and the Alphat family had an intersection. You should know my style. Whether it is a partner or an enemy, I will touch it. Know the details of the other party. So, I sent someone to investigate the old Alphat, and I learned something unexpectedly."

   "Old Alphat has a brother named Bru Alphat. Their brothers have a very good relationship and they have supported each other for many years. But just ten years ago, Bru Alphat disappeared."

  Ruan Qi's hand holding the fork slammed tight.

   "Did you get taken away by those people?" she asked coldly.

"Yes." Simon nodded slightly. "When Bruce disappeared, old Alpha sent a lot of people to find it, and even the police cymbals all over the city were dispatched. Unfortunately, they only recovered Bru's body. and……"

  He paused, frowning his eyebrows and said: "His body is very horrible, and he was treated cruelly before he died."

   "This is indeed the style of those people." Ruan Qi's peach blossom eyes showed a cold light, "My father almost suffered such a bad hand back then."

   Simon glanced at her sympathetically.

Continued: "Old Alphat couldn't stand the shock and fainted after seeing his brother's body. Later, he spent a lot of money and manpower to investigate the cause of Brue's death. However, you should know about those people in the Seven Kills. , They are very mysterious."

   "Yes." Ruan Qi narrowed his eyes dangerously. "It took me several years for my master to find their clues."

"It's the same with old Alphat." Simon took another sip. "In the first few years, old Alphat's investigation was off the track. Until the sixth year after Brue died, old Alphat found out in his room. A strange symbol."


  Ruan Qi suddenly widened his eyes.

   "What is that symbol?" she asked anxiously.

  Simon was clearly prepared. He took a piece of paper from his suit pocket and pushed it in front of her.

  (End of this chapter)

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