Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 857: Your king is back (three shifts)

  Chapter 857 Your king is back (three shifts)

  In addition to the above two things, recently there has been a non-formal lace news in the entertainment industry——

  Someone photographed Dong Qicheng, the youngest son of Fengyu Entertainment, entering the hotel with the past actress Yao Xue.

  As soon as the news was released, the first reaction of netizens was -

  Who is Yao Xue?

  Everyone thought about it for a long time, and finally remembered her identity.

  Isn’t this woman the green tea **** who slandered Shen Wenqian’s workplace and was slapped in the face?

  How did she get together with Dong Qicheng? !

   "Yeah, why did Yao Xue and Dong Qicheng get together?!" Ruan Qi looked at Shen Wenqian in the video in shock, "Isn't her original sponsor Dong Qicheng and his father Dong Wei?!"

  In order to help Shen Wenqian clear the charges, the videos of Yao Xue and Dong Wei were put online by her personally!

  How did Yao Xue hook up with Dong Qi in the past year? !

  Is your Fengyu Group's Dong family so messy? !

   "I don't know whether this is true or not, but it is a fact that Yao Xue and Dong Qicheng went into the hotel together." Shen Wenqian sighed helplessly, "I think Yao Xue should be relying on Dong Qicheng to wash away."

  After all, Yao Xue completely overturned the workplace harassment a year ago.

  At that time, in order to deal with Jinhua Entertainment, Dong Wei, the big boss of Fengyu Group, coaxed Yao Xue to smear Shen Wenqian with sweet words. Who knew that Ruan Xiaoqi was killed halfway, Yao Xue could not discredit him, and he was scolded by everyone with Dong Wei.

  After that incident, Yao Xue was completely confused. Dong Wei suspected that she had provoke herself a lot of trouble, and did not continue to support her.

  It's just that Shen Wenqian never dreamed that this woman could be so capable. Dong Wei didn't want her, she actually hooked up with his young son!

  Is she planning to sleep a whole family? !

  Shen Wenqian rubbed his temples with a headache, "By the way, Xiaoqi, did you suspect that Yao Xue was the one who splashed you backstage at the venue last time? Later Assistant Mu and I went to check."

   "Did you find out?"

"No." Shen Wenqian shook his head, "The man was very cautious. The car he drove after leaving the venue was a fake license plate. The wooden assistant called the road monitoring of all the imperial capitals, but that person should have been prepared for it and hid in the blind spot. Disappeared. But don’t worry, Master Xi has asked the Eagle Department to investigate. It’s just that you’re busy during this time, so he didn’t tell you."

  Ruan Qi gave a thoughtful "Oh".

  Shen Wenqian saw that she was silent, so he asked: "Ruan Xiaoqi, what do you think?"

   "Hmm..." The little girl squinted her eyes and stroked her chin. "I'm wondering if Yao Xue and Dong Qicheng are coming at me."

  Dong Qicheng was once the blind date that Ruan Chunhua insisted to introduce to her. Later, he went to the crew to give her flowers and money, but she explicitly refused.

  And let alone Yao Xue.

  Strictly speaking, these two people are regarded as enemies with her.

  Now that these two enemies are getting together, it is difficult for Ruan Qi not to think.

   "Brother Shen, stare at Dong Qicheng and Yao Xue, I feel they will move."

"Don't worry about this, Master Xi had already sent someone to stare at them. By the way, Xiao Qi," Shen Wenqian took a sip and continued, "You can find time to broadcast live these days. Reporting to the fans is safe. Promote "Blade" by the way."

Ruan Qi happily agreed.

   After hanging up the video, she immediately posted a Weibo——

  【Ruanruan Ruan Qi: This afternoon, at 3:30 this afternoon, we are waiting for everyone in the live broadcast room! ~[Your king is back.jpg]]

    There is one more chapter, which is being written. Hey hey.



  (End of this chapter)

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