Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 858: The secret was exposed (four more)

  Chapter 858 The secret was exposed (four more)

  The marshmallows who have been waiting on Weibo for nearly a month: "!!!"

  You still know to come back!

  A group of marshmallows turned into cosmic grudges, but before they went to the comment area to complain, they saw the link to the live broadcast room that Ruan Qi had thrown out.


【Ah ah ah ah ah! Ruanbao is going live? ! 】

  【Ruanbao is indeed the most favorite fan! Haven't waited in vain for more than 20 days! 】

  【You can see the moving soft treasure again! Wait for three thirty! 】

  【Rubing hands with excitement. Hehehe, Xiaoruanruan, I'm coming! ~】

  The fans were blown up by the sugar-coated cannonball in the live broadcast room, and completely forgot the torment of waiting for twenty days.

  At 3:30 in the afternoon, Ruan Qi started the live broadcast on time.

   Millions of fans poured in from the spring of Wuyang Wuyang.

  【Where is Ruanbao? 】

  【Why is the live broadcast room black? Where is my daughter? 】

  【Ruanbao! Marshmallow calls Ruanbao! 】

   "Come on." The little girl's cheerful voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

   Immediately after the live broadcast room shook, a beautiful and stunning little face appeared on the screen.

   Suddenly, countless ‘ahhhhhh’ flew over the barrage.

  Ruan Qi glanced at everyone's confession to himself, and happily bent his crescent eyes.

  She smiled and waved to the camera, "Good afternoon everyone, I have retrieved my Weibo password and live room password!~"

The ‘ahhhhhh’ on the barrage of    became ‘hahahahaha’.

  Ruan Qi saw everyone laugh, and laughed too.

   "I'm on the set now, YL country. The temperature here? The temperature is good, but the temperature difference between morning and evening is great, and the sun is a bit poisonous."

  【YL I have been there, the ultraviolet rays are super strong. But why is Ruanbao not tanning at all? 】

  【Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Haha, Uncle Ho Ma has become Uncle Hei Tan! 】

  【Real name envy Ruanbao, no matter how tanned. 】

  Ruan Qi saw these comments and immediately explained: “Actually, I also got a little tan, but it’s not very obvious. Take a look at my arm.”

  She rolled up the short sleeve on her right arm.

  The skin tone under the short sleeves and the exposed skin do have slight color differences that are basically negligible.

   Suddenly, the barrage was filled with all kinds of ‘distressed and soft’.

  "Don’t feel sorry for me. This is my job, and it’s the same reason that you need to work hard and study hard. What's more, when I was a child, I was much more tired of martial arts than this."

  The words of the little girl directly broke the atmosphere of everyone's love for idols.

  For a while, fans didn’t know whether they should love her tanning or whether they should love her martial arts.

  Or...Don't feel bad.

  Anyway, my idol seems to be quite resistant.

  A group of fake fans thought secretly in their hearts, and then changed the topic decisively.

  【Ruanbao, is YL country dangerous? I heard that there are a lot of wars over there. 】

  【Yes, yes. Always see wars over there in the news. You have to be careful! 】

"Thank you for your concern. YL is indeed quite messy." Ruan Qi took a sip of the yogurt from Mo Lan, "Didn't Zhan Rong tell me during the domestic roadshow a few days ago? We just got off the plane. There was a gun battle. Everyone was very scared at the time, but fortunately, they escaped."

  The hearts of the fans are all hanging up.

  Good boy! That's a gunfight!

  The kind that kills if a gun hits the body!

Seeing that everyone was worried, Ruan Qi hurriedly said: "Don’t worry too much. This time I come to YL country, in addition to the crew, there are also the little brothers and sisters of the special forces. They are amazing, one can play ten. indivual."

  "And have you forgotten it? I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child. Although I can't fly over the walls, self-protection is fine."

  As soon as I finished speaking, a colored barrage floated over the live broadcast room——

  【Ruanbao can not only protect itself, but also save a child and a handsome guy in a gun battle! Ruanbao little angel! I call for Ruanbao! 】

  All fans: "???"

  Save people in a gun battle? !

   Ruan Qi: "!!!"

  She used Simon’s head to assure that this product must be Abed! ! !

    Little Master of Petroleum: Hidden deep in merit and fame.

    ——The fourth update is over today~ Good night everyone, go to bed early~



  (End of this chapter)

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