Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 861: Cheng Yan is over (three shifts)

  Article 861 is over (three shifts)


  A clear applause broke the silence in the elevator.

  Cheng Yan was beaten and shook her head too much.

  She was stunned for a moment, until the fiery tingling on her face finally came back to her senses.

  She covered her face and raised her head, watching Cheng Jinyan scream in disbelief: "You hit me?!"

   "Cheng Jinyan! You beat me for that bitch?!"

  Cheng Yan's unpleasant screams like a gong pierced Cheng Jinyan's eardrums.

  He frowned uncomfortably, a daze hidden deep in his eyes.

  To play Cheng Yan in public for Ruan Qi, this was something that Cheng Jinyan had never expected.

  When Cheng Yan viciously said that Ruan Qi had been slept by him, he had no other feelings. He only felt anger that he had never had in more than two decades.

  That kind of anger makes him unable to control, and his heart does not want to control it.

  At that time, he even had an urge to kill Cheng Yan.

  This kind of impulse has never been seen in his life of self-restraint, but he does not resist it at all.

  The person who insulted Ruan Qi deserves to be beaten—this is his most true thoughts just now, now, and possibly the future.

  Cheng Jinyan couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

  But he doesn't regret hitting Cheng Yan, even if she is grandfather's favorite granddaughter.

  Cheng Jinyan went through a series of mental activities, and the dazed touch of his eyes disappeared.

  He slowly rubbed his sore palm, raised his eyelids and glanced at Cheng Yan faintly.

  This look is indifferent and ruthless, and it makes the scalp numb.

  Cheng Yan was like a wild duck with her neck stuck, and her scream stopped abruptly.

  "Cheng, Cheng Jinyan, you..."

   "Cheng Yan." Cheng Jinyan interrupted her expressionlessly.

  He looked at her indifferently, raised his hand to support his glasses, and spoke without emotion like a precision machine——

  "Apart from your background, what else do you compare to Ruan Qi?"

Cheng Yan's face changed suddenly.

  Cheng Jinyan ignored her blue face and continued to state a fact without emotion——

  "I and Ruan Qi are friends. It is not her who climbed up, but me. Cheng Yan, even if you add up to a hundred of you, it’s not as clean as Ruan Qi."

  The words are over, Ding——!

  The elevator door opened.

  Cheng Jinyan stopped responding to her, turned and walked into the elevator.

  Cheng Yan was blackened by his words just now, and stood outside the door not to enter.

  Cheng Jinyan was not used to her either, and directly asked the secretary to press the close button, and the elevator went straight to the top floor.

  Just one second after the elevator left, Cheng Yan's cell phone rang.

  She pressed the on button with a anger.

   "Who! What phone call in the morning! Do you want to die!"

"Ms. San is not good!" The person on the other end of the phone was unaware of being afraid, and said quickly, "Just now, all employees of the Cheng Group received an email on their computers. It contains you for four years. Evidence that the group’s female employees were forced to death in order to **** men!!!"

  Suddenly, Cheng Yan's brain exploded.

   "Miss San, now a lot of employees are stuck at the elevator entrance on the top floor, and ask the chairman and you to give everyone an explanation. This matter is not trivial, the owner is already in the car on the way here!"

  Cheng Yan's eyes went dark, the mobile phone in her hand fell to the ground, and the screen shattered.

  Four years ago, a female technician of the Cheng Group did jump from the headquarters, and it caused a great sensation.

  At that time, Cheng’s explanation was that the female technician was seriously ill and could not be treated.

  It’s just that Cheng’s employees never dreamed of it—the female technician was not suffering from a serious illness, but was driven to death by the group’s daughter!

  Looking at the pieces of evidence in the email, everyone was angry.

  They worked hard for the company, but what did the company executives give back?

  The beloved boyfriend was snatched away, the person was forced to death, even after the person died, even the truth of the death would be concealed!


  Because Cheng Yan is the daughter of the Cheng Group?

  The fate of her daughter is fate, is the fate of their ordinary employees just rubbish? !

  When dignity is insulted, even the best tempered people will explode.

  Many employees organized spontaneously. Through the superb skills of colleagues in the technical department, they erased their IP addresses and posted this email anonymously on the Internet.

--Shock! In order to **** the boyfriend of the female employee, the daughter of the group exhausted all means, and finally forced the female employee to a dead end and committed suicide by jumping off the building!

  The headline with shocking characteristics instantly attracted a large number of netizens.

  Netizens smiled and clicked in, and then quit angrily.

  Ten minutes later, Cheng Group’s stock began to fluctuate.

  After half an hour, the stock began to plummet.

  When Cheng Qi, the head of the Cheng family, arrived at Cheng’s headquarters, the office building was already surrounded by reporters.

  Under the protection of a group of bodyguards, Cheng Qi walked out of the car with a cane.

  He raised his head, looked around with sharp eyes, and said the first sentence in a deep voice——

"I am sorry about what happened four years ago. At that time, I was in poor health and was in hospital. The company gave full responsibility to my young son Cheng Run. Cheng Yan is his daughter, so after the incident, Cheng Run chose I have been partial to Cheng Yan and have kept it from me so far. I am very sorry and guilty about the death of that female technician. In front of everyone today, I have to make a decision—"

"My youngest son Cheng Run and his wife were relieved of all positions in the Cheng Group, and they and their children Cheng Yan and Cheng Jiahui were kicked out of the Cheng family. From now on, the Cheng Run family and the Cheng family and the Cheng Group It doesn't matter anymore!"

Cheng Yan, who had just walked to the lobby on the first floor, was helped by the bodyguards, and she happened to hear these words.

  She trembled fiercely, rolled her eyes, and fainted completely.

  It's over.

  There is no Cheng family, this time, she is really finished.


   Soon, the photo of Cheng Yan being irritated and unconscious was posted on the Internet along with Cheng Qi's remarks.

  Ruan Qi, who was far away in YL country, saw this video and laughed playfully.

   [Liu Wanwan: Xiao Qi, you did Cheng Yan's thing? 】

  Ruan Qi replied [you understand.jpg].

  The next second, Liu Wanwan directly sent a video call.

   "Little Qibao, as expected of you! He almost killed Cheng Yan as soon as he shot it!"

  Ruan Qi smiled slightly, hiding his merit and fame deeply.

   Liu Wanwan walked a few laps in the training room excitedly before sitting back in the chair.

She took a sip and regained her mood, and then smiled with a gleeful smile, "Cheng Qi personally announced that she and the Cheng family's fourth room were severed. This time, Cheng Yan should be over. But Xiao Qi, I heard that Cheng Qi Qi is very fond of Cheng Yan, do you think he will..."

"No." Ruan Qi shook his head decisively, "I know Cheng Qi very well. He is a selfish person. For him, Cheng Yan is not so much his favorite granddaughter as a favorite pet. Now this pet is in big trouble, of course Cheng Qi knows how to choose. Otherwise, he would not say such unfeeling words in front of so many reporters."

  (End of this chapter)

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