Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 862: Destroy her last hope (four more)

  Chapter 862 Destroying her last hope (four more)

  What did Cheng Run hide from him so far?

  What has he been in hospital?

  The old man doesn’t even blush when he tells a lie!

  He is an ancient warrior who can kill a cow with one punch. How could he be in bad health?

  Still in hospital, don’t you know?

  You live in the private hospital of the Cheng family. Even the chickens raised in the backyard are your ‘people’. How could you not know it?

   "The remarks Cheng Qi said today are nothing more than abandoning the car to save the handsome. Cheng Run is also miserable, with such a selfish father. Not Cheng Qi has always been like this, otherwise he would not..."

  Speaking of this, Ruan Qi suddenly reacted and quickly closed his mouth.

  Fortunately, Liu Wanwan has been immersed in the joy of Cheng Yan's death, and has not noticed her abnormality.

The little girl secretly breathed a sigh of relief and changed the subject: "Sister Wanwan, don't worry, Cheng Yan is afraid that she will really lose the Cheng family backer this time. Even if Cheng Qi wants her to come back, the rest of the Cheng family I would not agree."

   To drive away the Cheng family’s four houses is equivalent to missing several rivals who are competing for heirs.

  The other three rooms of Cheng's family are too happy to be happy, how can they agree to let Cheng Yan come back?

Liu Wanwan felt that Ruan Qi's analysis was reasonable, and she let out a long sigh, "As long as Cheng Yan can't return to Cheng's family, I'm relieved. It's just a pity. Although she has no Cheng's family, she still has the nobleman. "

  Cheng Yan invested in the Monarch Club before. So even if she was kicked out by the Cheng family, she was still the boss of the Monarch.

  Liu Wanwan was very irritable when he thought of seeing this woman in the finals in the future.

"Sister Wanwan, in fact, you can think so." The little girl who looked good-tempered said slowly, "Cheng Yan now only has Monarch. If we defeat her in the final, it will not be the same as destroying her at the end. Hope?"

   Liu Wanwan's eyes lit up.

  This makes sense!

  Destroy the last hope or something, just listen to it!

  Sure enough, when it comes to black abdomen, Xiao Qi is the softest rabbit.


   Cheng Yan’s affairs have been on the Internet for a few days, and have gradually been replaced by other news.

  Ruan Qi did not pay attention to this matter anymore, because the last large-scale blasting scene of "Blade" in YL country is about to begin.

  At three o'clock in the morning, the crew and related actors got in the car and left the hotel.

  The little girl who hadn't woken up leaned on Mo Lan's shoulder in a daze, yawning one by one.

   "Introduction, where are we going?" female number two Suai asked.

  Jian Guoqiang took a puff of cigarette to refresh himself, "Go to Mount Alu."

   "Alu Mountain?" Zhan Rong, who had just returned from China during the roadshow, rubbed his eyebrows tiredly, "I heard that there is an Alu mine in YL..."

  Jian Guoqiang: "Alu Mine is named after Mount Alu, and the two places are next to each other."

  Zhan Rong said ‘oh’, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  Ran Qi, who was still half asleep and half awake, listened to the conversations of several people in a daze. The dream was full of Alu Mountain and Alu Mine.

  I don’t know how long it took, the bumpy car finally stopped.

   "Little Qi, wake up." Mo Lan's gentle voice sounded in her ears.

  Ruan Qi let out a bewildered ‘huh’, and strenuously opened his eyelids.

  It is still pitch black outside the window, and you can only vaguely see the undulating outline of Mount Aru in the night.

  The little girl yawned sleepily, "Sister Lan, are you here?"

  Mo Lan: "Here. The staff is setting up the venue, you can go make-up."

   More than an hour later, Ruan Qi walked out of the nanny car wearing camouflage short-sleeved trousers with a temperature of seven or eight degrees above zero.

    Ruan Xiaoqi: I am not cold.

    ——Fatty four watch sent. I'm going to the hospital for a review tomorrow, and I hope everything is normal. I was so worried, my hands and feet got cold. Hey……



  (End of this chapter)

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