Chapter 864 You go to die! (Two more)

  The last blasting scene officially started in Jian Guoqiang's loudspeaker.

  Qi Yixuan removed the bombing list from the last hostage, and then guarded everyone out of the warehouse.

  At this time, all the people from the Ban Toxin organization hit the front door and started a rush with other special forces.

  Qi Yixuan took this opportunity to take everyone to escape from the back door quickly.

  Who knows, just when the last two hostages were about to step out of the wall——

  "What are you doing?!" The proficient dialect of YL is like a curse from hell, shocking everyone like falling into an ice cave.

   There was a moment of silence in the air.

   Immediately after--

   "Come on! The hostages have escaped!"

  At this time, all the hostages panicked.

Qi Yixuan's heart sank.

  She quickly sent the remaining two hostages to the top of the wall, then turned around and drew weapons at the member of the poison organization.


  Qi Yixuan pointed a weapon at a member of the Ban Poison Organization, and shouted at the hostages outside the wall, “Run forward, don’t look back! There are Chinese soldiers outside the woods to meet you!”

   After that, she pulled the trigger, and the bullet burst out of the air and went straight to the enemy five meters away.

  The members of the Ban Drug Organization who were still yelling had no time to escape and were hit by a bullet in the shoulder.

  He screamed and fell backward.

Qi Yixuan did not let him go because of this.

  She decisively pulled the trigger for the second time and shot him three times in a row.

  Until the man stopped moving, Qi Yixuan turned around and climbed up the wall.

  However, at this moment--

  The man who should have died of breath moved his fingers, and then his trembling eyelids suddenly opened.

  Qi Yixuan, who was climbing the wall, only heard one sound--

"go to hell!!!"

   Immediately after--

  Boom——! ! !

  The sound of explosion tears open the night sky with a force of destruction.

  The big earthquake trembled, the house shook, and the poisonous organization's backyard disappeared instantly!


  Amidst the loud explosion, Jian Guoqiang’s loudspeaker was like a clear stream.

  He stared at the footage in the camera several times, frowning tightly.

   "It didn't work just now! Let's do it again!"

   Suddenly, there was a tragic wailing in the crew.

  That's a blasting scene!

  Do it all over again, which is equivalent to all the props have to be set up again!

   "What are you all wailing!" Jian Guoqiang yelled impatiently, "Hurry up and work! Try to finish before dawn!"


After more than half an hour, Ruan Qi returned to the blasting point.


  The deafening explosion tore the night of Alu Mountain, and Qi Yixuan, played by Ruan Qi, disappeared into the smoke of the sky.

   "Cut——! Chen Xiaotian, keep your face away when you throw the grenade! The enemy in front of you is not your girlfriend who has been in love for eight hundred years!"

   Another half hour passed.

  Boom——! !

   "Stop! Why didn't the warehouse collapse?! What did the blasting team do to eat?! Get it right!"

  Guomao Jian Guoqiang picks up faults over and over again, and the whole crew accompanies him to blast, build props, blast again, and build props again.

   "I said Lao Jian, are you a bit too harsh? I felt pretty good that time." The assistant director couldn't help but speak.

"Okay? Which eye did you see the previous time?" Jian Guoqiang pointed to Ruan Qi in the camera. "The explosion just started splashing from the left, but the large area when Qi Yixuan fell to the ground was on the right. Are you planning to play the audience as a fool?"

   "But you don't need to be so picky." The deputy director couldn't help retorting, "Xiao Qi has been cut on her body! If you continue to toss like this, the filming is not finished, the female number one is afraid that she will be advanced to the hospital!"

  Blasting scenes have always been the most dangerous in film and television dramas.

   Not to mention whether there will be accidents, just talk about the debris flow generated at the moment of the explosion, it is easy to cut the skin of the actor.

  Ruan Qi just shot three or four explosions in a row. She is wearing short sleeves again, and her arms are already covered with small wounds.

  Jian Guoqiang frowned when she heard the little girl was injured.

   "Ruan Qi!" He yelled, "Come here!"

  The little girl who was applying makeup not far away immediately ran over.

   "Introduction, what's the matter?"

  Jian Guoqiang: "Let me take a look."

  Ruan Qi reached out his hand unclearly.

  The little girl’s white tender arms were mixed with mud, blood plasma, painted wounds, and many small wounds cut by the airflow. At a glance, even a rough guy like Jian Guoqiang couldn’t bear it.

  "Can you hold on for a while?" he asked.

   "It's okay." Ruan Qi waved his hand indifferently, "Simply guide you to shoot, I can hold it!"

  Every excellent film and television drama must be polished thousands of times.

  Jian Guoqiang does not allow his director’s work to be flawed, and Ruan Qi does not allow her to appear in film and television dramas with any flaws.

  If she wants to enjoy it, she can go back to Qingyun Village and become a landlord. Why should she come here to suffer?

  The little girl had a firm face, and didn't take the injury seriously.

  Jian Guoqiang likes this kind of young man who can throw and beat. He patted her on the shoulder vigorously, “Just hold on, we will definitely be able to shoot the best work!”


  Half an hour later, the fifth blasting started.

  Ruan Qi was standing at the blasting point, the small cut on his arm had been covered up by the makeup artist with concealer.

   "Three, two, one-action!"

   "Run forward, don't look back! There are Chinese soldiers outside the woods to meet you!"

  Qi Yixuan threw the hostage out of the wall, and then squeezed the trigger at the member of the poison organization.

  Several gunshots, the man finally fell in a pool of blood.

  Qi Yixuan immediately turned around and climbed towards the wall.


"go to hell!!!"

The    savage YL national dialect, accompanied by a deafening explosion sounded behind him.

  Qi Yixuan turned her head abruptly.

  The sky is full of fire, and the scorching heat wave is rolling towards her!


  The warehouse collapsed and the ground moved and the mountains shook.

  Qi Yixuan was drowned in the billowing smoke!


  Jian Guoqiang finished shouting, stared at the machine several times, and then smiled, "Yes, it's over!"

   Suddenly, the whole crew burst into excitement and cheers.

  Ruan Qi smiled and got up from the ruins, Mo Lan immediately put her coat on.

  Jian Guoqiang who was watching the machine quickly got up and shouted: "What's the matter? Where's the blaster?! The blasting just now was not cleaned up?!"

   "No." The demolitionist scratched his head in confusion, "I have no problem here. Director, the sound just now doesn't seem to be from our side."

    Jian Guoqiang: I want to be autistic.

    ——I’ll tell you a good news: I checked the indicators today and they turned out to be all normal! so happy! Decisively time to check again, as long as the indicators are still normal, it means that there is no problem with my kidneys! Thank God, I didn't get that kind of incurable disease. From now on, I will cherish my body and will never squander my life because of my youth. Come on, babies, let's keep healthy together! ~ Low oil and low salt, get up early and go to bed early, soak goji berries in a thermos, and walk! ~

     By the way, it’s a bit tired to go to the hospital today. Four changes will continue tomorrow. Oh, love you~



  (End of this chapter)

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