Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 865: Was smashed to death (one more)

  Chapter 865 was smashed to death (one more)

   Really exploded!

  Everyone suddenly thought of a little--

  Below Alu Mountain is the Alu Mine!

  The explosion sound should have come from the mine!

  Suddenly, everyone's face turned pale.

  Jian Guoqiang was the first to react. He picked up the loudspeaker and yelled at everyone: "Quick! Run with your machine! Run now!"

  The power of a real explosion is much more powerful than a set blast.

  What's more, there is a mine below. The explosion in the mine can be large or small. If it is serious, even the mountains may collapse.

  Jian Guoqiang didn't dare to bet everyone's fate, and shouted repeatedly to let everyone run.

  At a critical juncture, everyone didn't care about the image or the image, holding the expensive machine and rushing down the mountain.

   Fortunately, the location chosen for this blasting was not on the top of Mount Aru, but halfway through the mountain, not far from the foot of the mountain.

  Ruan Qi followed everyone behind. With great strength, she directly picked up a heavyweight machine to run with the wind.



  The deafening explosion sounded throughout Mount Aru.

  The ground trembled again.

  Because it is still dark and everyone can’t see the road clearly, they dare not run around under this kind of ground shaking, so they can only support nearby supports.

  Ruan Qi put the machine on the ground, stood firmly with his feet open, and supported the two female workers with his right hand.


  Boom——! !

  The second explosion sounded through the dark clouds.

  The ground trembled more than before.


  Everyone heard the reputation, just to see the afterimage of the stylist stepping on the air and sliding down the hillside.

   "Little Zhang!"

"Teacher Zhang!!"

   "Zhang Qian!!!"

  The landslide of Alu Mountain is not the kind of overgrown soil, but a smooth **** with rugged rocks.

  Zhang Qian slides down from such a high place, she will definitely die!

  Everyone's eyes were splitting, and at this moment, a camouflage-colored figure flew past everyone in the blink of an eye like a hurricane.

  She rushed down the hillside at a very fast speed, then stretched out her small hand and grabbed the clothes of the stylist Zhang Qian.

  With the dim moonlight, everyone could see her face clearly.

   "Little Seven!"

   "Teacher Ruan!"


  Thunder and scared souls all fly.

  He quickly threw the machine in his arms to his companion, and his long legs quickly slid down the hillside.

  At this time, Ruan Qi was holding Zhang Qian's clothes in one hand, and randomly grabbing a raised stone with the other hand.

   "Sister Zhang, I can't use my hands, please grab my wrist!"

  Frightened Zhang Qian raised her hand tremblingly, and grabbed the girl's thin white wrist.

  Ruan Qi dragged her up, little by little.

  But this is not a wooded forest, but a rocky slope. There are not too many focus points around, and the bald ones can't use them at all.

  Ruan Qi can only hold the stone with one hand, and slowly pull the person upward with the other.

   "Little Qi!" A familiar shout came from above, Mo Lan's voice.

  Ruan Qi raised his head and shouted with all his strength: "Sister Lan! Zhang Qian and I are here! Both are still alive!"

  The people above heard the little girl's shout, and all heaved a sigh of relief.

   "Xiao Qi! Captain Bo has gone down to save you!" Mo Lan replied loudly with a loud speaker, "He has a safety chain on his body, you can climb up with him!"

  Ruan Qi replied with a loud "OK".

  Mo Lan's words didn't last for a while, and Bo also came down.

   "Sister-in-law, are you okay?" He stared at Ruan Qi nervously and looked up and down.

   "Captain Bo, I can't be troubled by this little thing." Ruan Qi smiled lightly.

  Bo also saw that she was really unharmed, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   "Then I will take you up first." He said, unfastening the safety chain around his waist and putting on her.

   However, Ruan Qi waved his hand and refused.

   "Captain Bo, you send sister Zhang up first. She was frightened and couldn't hold it for long."

  The safety chain can only carry the weight of two people at a time.

  Bo also had to send her up first, Zhang Qian had to stay here and wait until Bo also came back to pick her up.

  But Zhang Qian, a weak woman who had never practiced martial arts, was frightened, how could she last so long.

  Bo also thinks what Ruan Qi said is reasonable.

  Although he wanted to save his sister-in-law first, Zhang Qian was an ordinary person, without such a great psychological quality, and was injured again. If he had rescued Ruan Qi first, it would not last so long with Zhang Qian's strength.

  Bo also hesitated for a few seconds, and finally made a decision.

   "Sister-in-law, you stay here, don't move. I will be back as soon as I send Zhang Qian."

Ruan Qi smiled and nodded at him.

  Bo did not dare to delay any more, he quickly put the safety chain on Zhang Qian, and then climbed up as fast as possible, and soon disappeared.

  Ruan Qi loses the weight of Zhang Qian in his hands, and the whole person is much more relaxed.

  She firmly squeezed the raised stone, trying to make her body flat against the landslide to reduce the bearing capacity of the stone.

  I don’t know how long it took, Mo Lan’s shout came from above again.

   "Little Seven! Captain Bo is down to pick you up!!! Hold on again!!!"

  Ruan Qi replied with a loud "OK".

  Who knows, the echo of the word ‘good’ has not dissipated yet, and a loud and earth-shaking noise has drowned everything.

  Boom——! ! !

  The **** explosion sounded again.

  Aru Mountain trembled wildly.

  Ruan Qi was shocked, and quickly raised his head.

  Above the head, many gravels of different sizes are rolling down the landslide at a very fast speed.

  A few pieces just rolled to this side and slammed heavily on the raised rock that Ruan Qi was holding.


  The raised rock made a piercing crack.

  A crack appeared on the rock body slowly, quickly became bigger, and finally broke completely with a ‘click’.

  Holding on to the raised rock, Ruan Qi quickly slid down as soon as he felt light in his hands.

  She hurriedly grabbed the rock face with her hands, but the rock face was too smooth, and there was no support point for her to cushion her.

  Helpless, Ruan Qi could only watch as he fell down the landslide.

   "Uncle Bai Li, I might be wasting faith again." She sighed as she fell.

  Bai Liqi's face in the system turned blue.

   "Ruan Xiaoqi, why did I choose you as a troublesome host!"

   Ruan Qi: "...This may be fate."

  "..." Bai Li was upset with anger.

   He pulled his beard fiercely, and said ruthlessly: "Don't talk to me! Hurry up and protect your head! I can save your life, but if you fall into a fool, I can't save it!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Ruan Qi's head clearly heard the rolling sound of stones.

  She clicked in her heart, and subconsciously wanted to raise her head.

  But before she could see what the stone looked like, she was smashed in the head.

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  If I am smashed by a stone, can the crew reimburse it?

  ——This was her last thought before she fell into a coma.

  (End of this chapter)

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