Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 876: Does Ruan Qi have other identities? (One more)

  Chapter 876 Ruan Qi has other identities? (One more)

   Suddenly, Ruan Qi was surrounded by the familiar cold rosin.

   Jiu Jiu?

  The little girl who was taken out of the mine blinked in a daze.

How could   Jiu Jiu be here?

   Isn’t he in country M?

  Don’t be an illusion from being hit by a stone in your head, right?

  The little girl fell into self-doubt, but in the next second, the man holding her tightened his arms, embedding her tightly in his arms.


  The man’s voice was hoarse, and his tone of voice was a little panic and trembling.

  He held the person in his arms tightly, as if as soon as he let go, the little girl would go with the wind.

  This time, Ruan Qi is finally determined-Xi Jiu is really here!

  It has been more than seven hours since the accident. He just traversed the entire Pacific Ocean and arrived here not far away.

   Suddenly, Ruan Qi's head no longer hurts, and his eyes are no longer dizzy. The whole person and the whole heart are as warm and comfortable as they are in the hot spring.

  "Jiu Jiu~" She hugged the man's neck with her backhand, rubbing her little head against his shoulder, "Jiu Jiu, I miss you so much!"

  Hearing the little girl's delicate and soft voice, Xi Jiu's heart that almost flew away finally returned to its place.

  He hugged her tightly, then bowed his head and kissed her—

   kissed blood.

  Xi Jiu smelled the strong **** smell, and his returning heart frightened away again.

  He quickly stripped away the little girl’s hair——

  Sterious wounds, scarlet bloodstains, stabbed him with pain in his heart!

  Xi Jiu's face was instantly cold and frosty.

   "Xi Bei, contact the hospital, Xiao Qi is injured!"

  After that, he lifted Ruan Qi upright and walked out quickly.

  Mo Lan He Ma and others immediately followed.

  A group of people walked out of the mine arrogantly. Jian Guoqiang, who had been guarding outside the crew, saw the little girl in Xi Jiu's arms. He thought that something had happened, and his soul was frightened.

   "What's wrong with Xiaoqi?!" He hurried over.

Ruan Qi, who was shrinking in Xi Jiu's arms, heard Jian Guoqiang's voice and quickly revealed his small head.

   "Introduction, I'm fine~"

  It’s okay, fart!

  Jian Guoqiang looked at Ruan Qi's blood in his head, and his whole body was not good.

   "Why do you shed so much blood?!"

   Ruan Qi: "I was hit by a stone, it doesn't get in the way. Brief guide, the rest of the crew..."

"Little ancestor, don't worry about snacks!" Jian Guoqiang was almost exasperated by her careless appearance, "Your head was almost smashed, and you are still thinking about other people! I will let them go back to the hotel first, and stay here. Can't help much. Fortunately, I left a babysitter car, hurry up! Drive to the hospital!"

  Xi Jiu came too in a hurry to have time to adjust the car. It's not very convenient to go to the hospital by helicopter. Jian Guoqiang's nanny car just helped a lot.

  Xi Jiu hugged Ruan Qi and got into the car quickly, while He Ma got into the driver's seat first.

  The nanny car started quickly, but at the moment He Ma was about to step on the accelerator, several extended cars drove toward this side at a very fast speed, and stopped outside the mine gate in the blink of an eye.

   Jian Guoqiang saw these cars, and his spirits suddenly tightened, "What's the situation? Isn't it troublesome?"

  As soon as the voice fell, the door of the extended sedan headed opened, and a blond teenager wearing a short-sleeved hoodie, denim shorts, and skateboarding shoes walked down quickly.

  ——The young master of the Alphat family, Abed!

Abed rushed out of the car, his bi-colored eyes quickly swept around the mine, and then began to shout loudly: "Ruanbao! Where are you Ruanbao! My goodness! Where are you my Ruanbao!" "

Ruan Qi shrinking in the nanny car: "..."

   didn't really want to answer him.

   Abed outside the car didn't get a response, and kicked the car with a grumpy kick.

   "Damn it! I said to come early! Why are you procrastinating! Ruan Ruan must have something wrong! I am going to save her!"

   After all, the irritable teenager raised his foot and was about to rush into the mine.

  Ruan Qi in the nanny car saw Xi Jiu down the window.

   "Abed!" She shouted out the window.

  Abeid, who was about to become a Tyrannosaurus rex, heard this familiar voice, and the golden retriever that exploded above his head instantly became submissive.

  He turned his head quickly, and when he saw Ruan Qi's small head exposed from the babysitter's car, he immediately rushed over like a big Sahuan dog, wagging his tail and looking excited.

   "Dear Ruanbao! Are you okay?"

   "I can't die yet." Ruan Qi's pale lips raised a smile, "Abed, why are you here?"

"It was the Alphat family bodyguards who were in charge of protecting the crew who told me." At this point, Abed stared angrily. "I should have come long ago, but at the time I was in the next country. I’m going to take me to a terrible meeting! Dear Ruanbao, I’m sorry, I’m late."

  The blue eyes of the young man were full of guilt. Ruan Qi looked at him and suddenly thought of Nie Heng, who was far away in the imperial capital.

  Her smile became softer unconsciously.

   "Abed, you don’t have to apologize. I am very grateful for you to be here so quickly. But I may not have time to talk to you now. My head was hit by a stone and I need to go to the hospital right away."

Abed had already noticed the blood on the little girl’s head. He quickly grabbed the window frame and said anxiously: "Go to the Alphat’s hospital! I have arranged it. As long as you go there, you can accept it immediately. The most private and best treatment!"


  Finally, Ruan Qi accepted Abed’s proposal.

  A line of vehicles drove towards the private hospital of Alphat’s home at a very fast speed.

  It has been nearly eight hours since the injury. Although Bo also helped Ruan Qi in the mine to do a simple hemostasis, but after such a long time, even if only one drop of blood bleeds in a minute, it is estimated that a large pot can be filled in eight hours.

  When the car drove to the private hospital, Ruan Qi was already in a coma due to excessive blood loss.

  This scared Xi Jiu, Abed and others.

  After waiting for the car to stop, Abed was the first to rush down.

  "Quick! Stretcher! Oxygen machine! Quickly save people!"

  The doctors and nurses who had been at the door for a long time saw that they were their own young masters, and immediately ran over on the stretcher like flying.

  Xi Jiu carried Ruan Qi onto the stretcher. The doctors helped her with first aid, and then pushed the stretcher into the hospital gate.

  A few minutes later, the door of the emergency room was closed tightly, blocking everyone's eyes.

  Everyone guarded in the corridor anxiously.

   "Xiao Qi will not have an accident..." Jian Guoqiang twisted his fingers nervously, and the **** appearance of Ruan Qi was lingering in front of him, lingering.

  Mo Lan, who was standing by, patted him comfortably on the shoulder.

   "In brief, please be relieved, Mr. Wei has already followed up in the emergency room, Xiao Qi will be fine."

  Jian Guoqiang did not quite understand why Mo Lan trusted Wei Jiaming so much.

  He raised his head with a look of confusion, "Mo Lan, tell me the truth, do Jia Ming and Xiao Qi have other identities besides actors?"

  (End of this chapter)

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