Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 877: Who is Jiang Chunian? (Two more)

   Chapter 877 Who is Jiang Chunian? (Two more)


  Mo Lan nodded with a faint expression, "Xiao Qi and Mr. Wei both know medicine, and they are brothers and sisters of the same discipline. I am not convenient to elaborate on the details, but you can rest assured with the brief introduction of Mr. Wei’s medical skills."

  Jian Guoqiang heard these words, suddenly came to mind the scene of Ruan Qi and Wei Jiaming saving people with a silver needle at the YL National Airport before.

  He moved in his heart, and a guess loomed in his heart——

  Ruan Qi and Wei Jiaming, wouldn’t they be the closed disciples of the hermit sect?

  Because of having been in contact with the big bosses at the top of the Chinese pyramid for many years, Jian Guoqiang has more knowledge and knowledge of the world than ordinary bosses.

  For example, he knows that there are ancient warriors in this world, there are ancient warriors who have passed on for thousands of years, and there are many seemingly low-key but extremely powerful hermit sects.

   Jian Guoqiang didn't think about it carefully before, but now remember it carefully... Ruan Qi and Wei Jiaming seem to be a little bit mysterious.

  For example, Wei Jiaming, holding a big tea mug every day, the health-care tea that he tinkers with looks like Sanwu products, but the effect is really good.

  There is also Ruan Qi, who used all kinds of small pills to advertise on the crew like a pyramid scheme. Even people like him with clean pockets and faces were fooled by her to buy several boxes of Changqing pills!

  Jian Guoqiang tried his best to think about it... Since taking Changqing Pills, it seems that his enteritis has never happened again.

  ...These two people seem to be a bit fascinating!

   Just when Jian Guoqiang was crazy about Ruan Qi and Wei Jiaming in his heart, Abed looked curiously at Xi Jiu, who was leaning on the opposite wall.

  "Are you Ruanbao's fiance?" He asked straightforwardly.

  Unfortunately, Xi Jiu, who was tied to Ruan Qi, was not in the mood to answer any questions.

  He leaned straight against the wall, his whole body was so cold that the surrounding air was frozen, and his handsome but frost-covered face was brightly written with eight characters-I am unhappy, don't want to die, get out!

  Abed, whose curiosity was not satisfied, let out a lack of interest.

   "How can Ruanbao like this kind of guy like Bingtuozi?"

   Standing aside, Xi Xi heard this, and immediately wanted to give this young boy who didn’t know what he loved, to popularize the romance between his family’s owner and his wife.

  But before he could speak, the light in the emergency room went out.

Ruan Qi, who was unconscious, was pushed out.


  Ruan Qi felt that he had a very long, very long dream.

  The dream is strange, like a golden hoop, which has messed up all her memories over the years, and can't tell which is true and which is false.

  In her dream, she seemed to be an eight or nine-year-old girl.

  The little girl wore a small braid with a yellow sun flower hair ring tied around the braid.

  But that hair tie, it seems that she didn't buy it herself, it seems... it was given by a little brother in a white shirt.

  Which little brother is it...

  Drowsy Ruan Qi frowned tightly, and his hand under the quilt wrinkled the white bed sheet.

   "Little Qi, don't be afraid, I'll save you."

   "Little Qi, close your eyes, don't look!"

  "Little Seven..."

  "Little Seven..."


  Water splashed all over the sky, and the teenager in the white shirt was like a dead wood with no vitality. He was thrown into the lake mercilessly and slowly sank to the bottom of the lake.

  "Bingshan brother..."

  Sweat beaded on the forehead of the sleeping girl, and her pale lips kept groaning with crying.

   "Don't hit him! Don't!"

  "Don't come here! Brother Bingshan save me...Mom...Master..."

   "I am not a cargo! Nor are they!"

  "Go...Go away...Jiang Chunian...Jiang Chunian...I want you to die!!!"

   The shrill and startled scream was like a pair of rusty scissors, tearing the quiet air fiercely.

  The **** the hospital bed suddenly sat up, her bright red peach eyes were full of panic, panic, helpless, and... bone-etching hatred.

  Xi Jiu, who was discussing the condition with Wei Jiaming outside the ward, heard this scream, and his face changed.

  He brutally opened the door and rushed in, just to see Ruan Qi's face full of horror.

   Xi Jiu felt a pain in her heart.

  He walked quickly to the hospital bed, reached out and took the trembling little girl into his arms.

   "The baby is not afraid, I am here, I am."

Ruan Qi, still immersed in the nightmare, smelled the familiar cold and loose fragrance, and subconsciously grasped the man's clothes.

  She shrank her body tightly, like a group of injured little milk cats, clutching her master's clothes tightly.

   Xi Jiu felt the trembling of the little girl's body, and her heart was about to split due to pain.

  He lowered his head, and kept kissing her on top of her head one after another.

  "Don’t be afraid, baby, Jiu Jiu is here, Jiu Jiu has always been with you."

  The man’s voice is very gentle, and the distress and petting in the tone, like a warm current, slowly injected into Ruan Qi’s cold heart.

  Her trembling body gradually calmed down, but her little hand still held his clothes tightly.

  "Jiujiu..." The little girl's voice was crying, "I have a nightmare, a terrible dream. Many children died in the dream, and I sleep with their bodies every day!"

   Xi Jiu's face changed suddenly.

  Nie Beilou and Nie Heng said that the reason why Ruan Qi had forgotten about ten years ago was because of the stimulation she could not bear.

  She didn't want to remember those things subconsciously, so she chose to forget, and even the related nightmares she had had would be completely forgotten.

   But since the past few months, Ruan Qi remembered the nightmares he had had more and more clearly. And the content of those nightmares...Nie Beilou speculated that it was probably what she had experienced back then.

  If Nie Beilou’s speculation is true, then Ruan Qi said just now...she slept with the bodies of many children...

  In a flash, Xi Jiu's killing intent was like a volcanic eruption, sweeping every inch of blood.

  He hugged the little girl tightly, his handsome face looked like a stern Yan Luo, and his cold eyes filled with violence.

  Wei Jiaming, who opened the door and walked in, saw this scene and almost threw the silver needle out of his hand in shock.

  He quickly stopped, "That...Xi, Master Xi? Xiao Qi?"

Ruan Qi, who was shrinking in Xi Jiu's arms, heard Wei Jiaming's voice, and immediately acted like a small milk cat, holding the man's shoulders and showing half of his head.

   Xi Jiu didn't want her to see her abnormality, and calmly suppressed her murderous aura.

  He gently pressed her moving little head back into his arms, "Your head is hurt, don't move."

  The little girl immediately gave an obedient ‘Oh’.

   Xi Jiu looked at her obediently, and couldn't help but think of the nightmare just now, and her heart started to hurt again.

  He closed his eyes, restrained his inner emotions with the greatest strength, and then dropped a gentle kiss on the little girl's head.

   "The baby will lie down for a while, I will call the country to report safety."

  Ruan Qi didn't doubt the others, and nodded obediently.

   Xi Jiu touched her face, smiled with her lips curled, then got up and left.

  The moment he left the ward, Ruan Qi grabbed the phone on the bedside table and sent a WeChat message to Wen Ran, who was far away in Country M.

  【It’s Xiaoqi: Brother Wen Ran, help me find a person named Jiang Chunian. 】

    Master Xi: You can't make your baby worry, you have to check it secretly.

     Xiaoqi: Don’t let Jiujiu worry, you have to do it secretly.

    ——It’s late at night, go to bed after reading the update. Good night everyone~



  (End of this chapter)

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