Chapter 905 Seven Kills

  Ruan Qi did not expect that old Alphat would suddenly ask Simon and Solomon.

  She turned her head subconsciously to look at Xi Jiu.

  Since Xi Jiu rescued her from the mine, she has never asked why she knew Simon. She originally intended to say it, but later was interrupted by old Alphat's going to the hospital, and never remembered it again.

  At this time, being mentioned by old Alphat, Ruan Qi remembered Xi Jiu as if he still didn't know his relationship with Solomon.

  Looking at Xi Jiu at this time, she inexplicably felt a sense of guilty ‘husband’s diligent and thrifty housekeeping, but his wife is making private money outside’.

  The little girl pretended to calmly touched the tip of her nose, and coughed awkwardly: "Simon is my partner and also a good friend. As for my position in Solomon..."

She paused, then took a vain look at Xi Jiu, and after making sure that his face was as usual, she said with confidence, "I am indeed not just a small ordnance designer. Forgive me for the specific situation, Mr. Alphat only needs it. I know, I have enough voice in Solomon."

  Old Alphat's eyebrows beat, and there was a look of ‘Sure enough’ but ‘somewhat unexpected’ on his face.

   "It seems that I want to reassess the strength of Miss Ruan."

  The little girl sitting opposite gave a soft smile: "Mr. Alphat is absurd."

  Old Alphat let out a deep sigh in his heart.

  It seems that this harmless girl has several armouries, and Solomon, one of the three giants of ordnance manufacturing, has enough power to speak.

  But what about his little son Abed, who only knows to play every day?

  It's really harder to compare people to others, and to shop around.

  Old Alphat silently put away his envy, and handed out the folder in his hand, “Since Miss Ruan has enough power to speak in Solomon, then the information in my hand should be of great use to you.”

  Ruan Qi took the folder and opened it.

  When she saw the information inside, her surprised peachy eyes opened slightly, "Those people are going to participate in the Global Ordnance Show at the end of September?"

   "Yes." Alpha features the head.

   Ruan Qi: "Is the news accurate?"

"Accuracy is 60%." Old Alphat crossed his fingers on his lap. "As far as I know, those people have a great demand for ordnance weapons. The global ordnance exhibition is only held every three years, and every exhibition is in the ordnance field. A big earthquake. I think they will not let this opportunity pass."

Ruan Qi thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

   "So Mr. Alphat, do you already have any plans?"

  "Just some small ideas." Old Alphat smiled gracefully, and took out a piece of paper from another folder.

  Ruan Qi glanced down, and it turned out to be a map.

  Old Alphat: "The venue of the Global Ordnance Show at the end of September is in the SA International Exhibition Hall. This is the most detailed topographical map inside and outside the exhibition hall. I plan to arrange manpower to capture those people."

  Ruan Qi looked at the topographic map, was silent for a moment, and shook his head slightly.

  "Mr. Alphat, you have a good idea. But don’t forget, those people are just likely to come. What if they don’t?"

"It's up to Miss Ruan and Solomon." Alphat Bise's eyes shone brightly. "As far as I know, Solomon has a talented designer named Seven Kills. He has designed many weapons that shock the ordnance field. "

  "Miss Ruan, since you have enough voice in Solomon. Can you let the world-famous and talented designer show up at the Ordnance Show?"

   "I think anyone who has a need for weapons or weapons is very willing to come to the exhibition in order to see the seven kills."

    Ruan Qisha: Suddenly cue.



  (End of this chapter)

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