Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 906: Fighting Angel Ruan Xiaoqi

  Chapter 906 Fighting Angel Ruan Xiaoqi

  After hearing Alphat’s idea, Ruan Qi: "..."

  Be cueed inexplicably, and I feel slightly complicated.

  She floated her eyes a little cautiously, and inadvertently met Xi Jiu's gaze.

  Xi Jiu's eyes are deep, and the invisible ink eyes seem to be able to see through everything.

  Ruan Qi was looking at it, and his heart grew furry, and he turned around and said to old Alphat, "Your idea is very good!"

  It's great to use her as bait or something!

  Old Alphat didn’t know what the little girl was thinking, but thought she really agreed with her suggestion.

  He showed an elegant smile, "In that case, let Miss Ruan convince the designer of the Seven Kills."

   Ruan Qi: "..."

   Just jump into the pit like this.

  The little girl cried and chirped, but she still accepted the old Alphat’s method.

  In order to find those people, their family has been waiting for too long. If the self-destructed identity can draw those people out, then she is willing to take the risk.

  Ruan Qi nodded to Alpha's characteristics, "I will let the seven kills appear at that time. It's just that Mr. Alphat, I feel that the seven kills alone are not safe enough."

   "Oh? Miss Ruan has any other ideas?"

  "Yes." Ruan Qi pursed his lips and smiled mysteriously, "Within two months, Solomon will create a new type of weapon that will shock the world. Those people will be crazy about it."


  That night, all members of the "Blade" crew spent the whole night in the manor.

  In the afternoon of the next day, everyone took the Alphat family car, left the manor and headed to the airport.

"Ruanbao, you must always contact me after returning to China." Abed reluctantly hugged the little girl, and then gritted his teeth, "When I finish that **** business management course, I will go to China to see it immediately. you!"

   "Abed, after the end of the business management course, you still have an international accountancy course to learn. From today, half a year from now, your schedule is full." Old Alphat said ruthlessly.

  Abed almost passed over without breathing.

   "Father!" he said furiously, "Now is the time for me to communicate with friends of Ruanbao, you should avoid it as an elder!"

  Old Alphat didn't care about his irritable little son at all, but turned to Ruan Qi and shrugged gracefully and lazily.

   "Miss Ruan, it is your misfortune to have friends like Abed."

  Abed: "???"

  Is this my father? !

   Witnessing Ruan Qi as father and son pinch each other, he couldn't help it anymore, and he let out a laugh.

   "Abeid is very good, and Mr. Alphat is also very good. This time I come to YL, I can meet two people, I am very happy."

  Speaking, she opened her arms and hugged both father and son imaginarily, and stepped back and leaned slightly: "Thank you for your care these days. Mr. Alphat, Abed, I'll go first, and we will keep in touch later!"

  The little girl smiled and waved her hand, then pulled Xi Jiu around and disappeared into the airport gate.

  Abeid looked at her fading back, with deep reluctance in her heart.

   "A month ago, it was here, Ruanbao saved me. She is an angel."

  The old Alphat on the side looked at him with a strange expression on hearing this.

  Abeid: "...Father, what is your look? Am I wrong?"

   "Yes." Old Alphat nodded calmly, "Miss Ruan is indeed an angel. But Abed, she is definitely not the kind of gentle angel you think, but..."

   "What is it?"

  Old Alphat: "Battle Angel."

  Abed: "?"

"And it's the kind that holds a steel fork, has eight wings on the ribs, and can splash three feet of blood with one shot." Old Alphat looked at his stunned little son and patted him on the shoulder meaningfully, "Abbe De, with your current ability, it is really unfortunate for her to have such a great friend. Tsk, Miss Ruan’s vision of making friends is indeed not very good."

   Old Alphat: daily blows to his son, complete.



  (End of this chapter)

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