Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 930: The old man teased his wife! (Two more)

   Chapter 930 The old man teases his wife! (Two more)

  With her status, she should be very flattered to be able to come to a high-end membership club like Fenglou for tea.

  After all, this is where she has been in the entertainment industry for decades and may not be able to come in.

   Therefore, whether it is Ye Qingqing or others, they feel that even if Ruan Qi is holding Xi Jiu, he will not be able to get rid of the grassroots stubbornness for a while. Even if Lin Mo invited her to eat and drink, she did not dare to order too many expensive things.

  However, reality gave them a slap in the face.

  Ruan Qi not only ordered, but also specially selected blood and expensive blood.

  This soft little girl, with practical actions, showed all the green tea spirits, what is the atmosphere! What is called "Haomai"!

  A meal worth millions of Chinese dollars is really heroic.

  The heroic Lin Mo wanted to jump off the building.

  Fenglou's service is very fast. As soon as the menu was passed down, several waiters pushed their carts into the box.

  Remy Martin Louis XIII, special national cellar, Macallan dazzling, bottles of gilded wine are placed on the coffee table.

  "Do you want to open the bottle?"

   "Open!" Ruan Xiaoqi smiled and waved his small hand, "Open it all!"

   Lin Mo: "..."

  I knock your whole family!

  Expensive foreign wines like Remy Martin require a fee to open the bottle. The waiter scribbled again on Lin Mo's bill, and then swiftly opened up all the wine on the coffee table.

  As we all know, a bottle of wine cannot be returned.

   Lin Mo heard the sound of opening the bottle, almost vomiting blood in pain.

  He rubbed his chest painfully, looked at Ye Qingqing with red eyes, and took a sip of green tea in a soft tone: "Qingqing, I'm saving my life for you today."

   "I know." Ye Qingqing glanced at the opposite Ruan Qi and said coldly, "Don't worry, I will remember your love. Also, Lin Mo, how about we make a deal?"

   Lin Mo: "What deal?"

"Tonight, you find a way to help me fix Ruan Qi." Ye Qingqing lowered his voice, "let her get out of trouble, or be ugly in front of Xi Xiaoran and Xi Jiu. If you can do it, I will let her tomorrow My mother gave you the piece of land west of the city."

  Lin Mo's eyes lit up suddenly.

  West of the city is the key development area of ​​the imperial capital in the next few years, and the land mentioned by Ye Qingqing is the top priority of the development plan.

  Lin Mo remembered that his father had said that the land was about to be tendered. As for the old man of the Lin family, he was sharpening his head and wanted to grab that piece of land.

   However, although the Lin family is rich, they are far from the real top powers. Even if Old Man Lin wanted to grab the bid, he was still powerless.

  If he could **** that piece of land through Ye Qingqing's relationship... Lin Mo's heart moved, then Old Man Lin would definitely take a high look at him, and maybe even give him the position of heir!

  Lin Mo got more and more excited as he thought about it, wishing to let Ruan Qi disappear into this world now.

   "You can rest assured." He suppressed his excitement and whispered, "Isn't that just an actor? I will let her go out of Xi's house tonight!"

  While Lin Mo and Ye Qingqing were talking, the food Ruan Qi ordered came.

  Lobster, caviar, black truffle... There is a large table full of it, which makes the index finger move.

  Lin Mo looked at the dishes on the table, and once again felt sorry for his little treasury.

  But when he thought of Ye Qingqing’s promise just now, he immediately smiled, and greeted Ruan Qi with special enthusiasm: "Miss Ruan, you are welcome, just eat it!"

  After all, this is the last feast you can eat next to the Xi family.

  Lin Mo smiled meaningfully. Ruan Qi glanced at him, his eyes also somewhat meaningful.

  One meal, two groups of people eat each with their own minds.

  Ruan Qi was not polite to Lin Mo either. It was time to eat and drink. Most of the delicacies from the sea and mountains entered the stomachs of her and Qin Qingdi.

  Xi Jiu served her dishes while drinking a glass of wine.

  In less than half an hour, two bottles of Remy was drunk completely.

Seeing Xi Jiu about to pick up the third bottle, Ruan Qi raised his hand to stop him.

   "Jiu Jiu, it's too late, drinking too much alcohol is not good for your health."

  Xi Jiu approached her and whispered in a low voice: "Baby, I can evaporate the alcohol with my energy."

   "That's not good either." The little girl shook her head, "Ingesting a lot of water after eight o'clock in the evening will burden the kidneys."

  Xi Jiu heard the word ‘kidney’ and took a drink.

   "My baby is afraid that my kidney is not good?" The man's dark eyes were dark, with a small smile under his eyes.

  Ruan Qi heard his slightly dumb voice, and the hand holding the chopsticks shook, the meatball ‘gululu’ on the chopsticks rolled to the side of the table, shaken twice and finally fell to the ground.

  Xi Jiu glanced at the meatballs on the floor, leaned to her ear and asked with a smile: "What is the baby shaking?"

   Ruan Qi: "..."

  The tips of small ears gradually turn pink.

  Qin Qingdi, who was sitting next to him, was eating while watching the movement with his peripheral light.

  She has practiced ancient martial arts with the old man from the Xi family since she was a child. Although she is not good at learning, she is more clever and clearer than ordinary people. In addition, Xi Jiu did not deliberately lower her voice, so she heard the conversation just now clearly.

  Qin Qingdi squeezed his chopsticks tightly, trying to suppress the crazy mood of wanting to scream.

  嗷嗷嗷! It is too sweet!

  Nine brothers are too good at teasing!

  No wonder it's an old beast!

  How can the simple and cute Ruanbao be able to hold it!

  Qin Qingdi said in his heart, then turned his head to look at Ye Qingqing.

  ...The latter's face is blue and green, so beautiful.

   Ye Qingqing doesn’t have as good ears as Qin Qingdi, but she is not blind! The interaction between Xi Jiu and Ruan Qi seems to be a world of its own, especially the pampering and love in Xi Jiu's eyes, as long as they are not blinded.

   Ye Qingqing was about to explode. She gripped the table cloth tightly and winked at Lin Mo coldly.

  Lin Mo secretly compared ‘ok’, then put down his chopsticks, clutched his stomach and stood up.

   "Oh, after drinking so much alcohol, do you want to go to the bathroom?"

  The other green tea essences immediately echoed, and one after another said that they wanted to pee.

  One of the female green tea stood up, smiled and said to Ruan Qi, "Miss Ruan, I think you just drank a lot of yogurt. Why don't you go to the bathroom with us?"

   "Yes, yes, Miss Ruan, let's go with us. Girls, it's fun to use the toilet as a gang."

  Everyone, everybody tells me to persuade Ruan Qi to go to the bathroom. The enthusiastic posture seemed to pull out gold by **** in the bathroom of Fenglou.

  Ruan Qi smiled and watched these people's affectionate performance, and when they were almost done, she nodded slowly.

   "Okay, let's go to the bathroom together."

  After speaking, she put down her chopsticks, wiped her mouth, and stood up.

   Ye Qingqing and the others were overjoyed and exchanged glances.

  Just before they laughed happily, Xi Jiu actually stood up.

"I go with you."

    Ruan Xiaoqi: Drinking a lot of water at night is not good for the kidneys.

     Xi·Old Beast·Jiu: Okay, I will know after trying it.

     Ruan Xiaoqi:? ? ? ? ?

    ——Another beautiful day, babies ask for monthly pass~



  (End of this chapter)

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