Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 931: The brazen Ruan Xiaoqi (one more)

  Chapter 931 Shameless Ruan Xiaoqi (one more)

other people:? ? ?

  A group of green tea spirits did not expect Xi Jiu to even follow Ruan Qi to the toilet, and was a little anxious for a while.

   "Master Xi, it’s not convenient for you to go to the bathroom for girls, right?"

   Xi Jiu: "Convenient."

  Green tea spirits: "..."

   Convenient for a ball!

  The little girl goes to the bathroom, what are you elders doing with you? Do you pee?

  Everyone dared not say anything, especially Lin Mo and Ye Qingqing, worried that Xi Jiu would disrupt their plan, and they were a little anxious.

  Who knows at this moment, Ruan Qi suddenly spoke.

  She pulled Xi Jiu's cuff with her little hand, raised her face and looked at him: "Jiu Jiu, you don't need to accompany me. I'll be back soon."

   Xi Jiu frowned.

  Of course he knew the little girl's ability, and neither Lin Mo nor Ye Qingqing was her opponent.

  Can you know that Gui knows that his old father's heart still can't let go, for fear that the little girl will be wronged.

   "Brother Nine, don't worry, I will accompany Ruanbao." Qin Qingdi shook his fist, "If anyone dares to bully Ruanbao, I'll beat him up!"

  Finally, Xi Jiu compromised in the girl's soft eyes.

  Ruan Qi and Qin Qingdi arm in arm, and left the small box with Ye Qingqing.

Although the small box is located in the large box where Xi Xiaoran is, it has an independent exit. Push the box door open, and the corridor is connected to the outside. Walk along the corridor for half a minute and turn a turn to the bathroom.

  Qin Qingdi opened the bathroom door and pulled Ruan Qi in.

   Ye Qingqing, who was walking behind, looked at the back of the two of them, then turned his head and winked at Lin Mo.

  Lin Moby said ‘ok’.

   Ye Qing raised his lips and led the other girls in the green tea group into the bathroom.

  The toilet door slammed shut. Lin Mo looked at the closed door, chuckled, walked to the storage room next to him and took out a sign that said ‘under repair’ and hung it on the toilet door handle.

  In the bathroom.

  Ruan Qi finished going to the toilet and opened the door to walk out of the partition.

   Ye Qingqing, who was standing in front of the washstand, all turned their heads and looked over.

  There is no Xi Xiaoran, no pomp, no Xi Jiu, this group of green tea spirits no longer need to disguise, and their inner hostility is exposed.

  They watched Ruan Qi walking in step by step, and there was a deep ridicule in their eyes.

   "Miss Ruan, come and wash your hands." A girl in a red dress said.

  Ruan Qi glanced at her, walked over with a faint expression, and reached under the sensor faucet.

  The warm water pours out.

  The girl in the red dress leaned against the washstand and looked at her grinningly: "Miss Ruan has really good skin. What brand of skin care products do you usually use?"

   "There is no brand." Ruan Qi squeezed some hand sanitizer, "I made moisturizers myself."

  The girl in the red dress immediately panicked when she heard it: "Oh my God! There are still people who make their own moisturizer these days?! Can that kind of thing be applied to the face?"

  Other green tea essences echoed.

  "Handmade moisturizer? I heard about it for the first time in my life!"

   "That kind of stuff is all bacteria, right? Oh, I have sensitive skin, and I spend more than 100,000 yuan on skin care every month. How dare I use the moisturizer I made?"

   "You can't say that. I heard that Miss Ruan grew up in a rural area. Children in rural areas have grown up in the wind and sun. Of course, their skin will not be as delicate as yours. So using low-end cosmetics will not be allergic."

"You are right. Hey, since I was little, I have been nurtured by various big-name skin care products. I really dare not use that kind of Sanwu products. By the way, sister Qingqing, I remember that the skin care product you use now is G Home’s black diamond series, right?"

  Everyone immediately looked at Ye Qingqing.

  Ye Qing glanced at Ruan Qi without a trace, curled his red lips, and said, “I don’t need the black diamond series for a long time. Now I use the G’s private order.”

   Suddenly, all the little green teas exclaimed ‘Wow--’.

  "G’s private customized skin care is very expensive! The cheapest package costs more than 300,000 yuan a month!"

   "What's this? I heard my mother say that the private order of the G family is not open to the outside world, and only members with a black card or above can enjoy it."

  "Black card? I remember that you have to spend more than two million to become a black card member, right?"

   "Oh my God! Two million?! Sister Qingqing, you spend so much money on skin care? Too willing!"

   Ye Qingqing waved his hand indifferently, "It's only two million, that's nothing."

"Sister Qingqing is the jewel in the palm of Grandpa Sheng. Two million is of course nothing. But not everyone is spoiled and raised like you." The business woman in the red skirt gave Ruan Qi a pointed glance and covered her. Lips chuckled softly, "Some people, even if they climb into the famous and powerful, they are still a civilian grassroots in their bones. You must have self-knowledge, don't think that if you have a good-looking face, you can really fly on a branch and become a phoenix! Pheasants are always mountains. The chicken, even if it is plated with gold, is still a pheasant! Miss Ruan, are you right?"

   "Miss Xu is right." Ruan Qi shook the drops of water on his hand and took out two pieces of paper from the side and wiped it dry.

   Then, with a flick of his wrist, the ball of paper flew over the cheek of the girl in the red skirt and smashed it into the trash can by the wall with a ‘boom’.

  The girl in the red skirt was taken aback.

   "Miss Xu, don't be nervous, it's just a ball of paper." Ruan Qi smiled at her, "I agree with what Miss Xu said just now. You really can't live by a face."

  "?" The girl in the red skirt didn't expect that she would follow her own words and said, she was a little dazed for a while.

   Immediately afterwards, I listened to Ruan Qi slowly continuing: "It depends on luck."

  "I think I was lucky. I was born in a rural area, but I met Ajiu. It seems that God really cares about me. Miss Xu, Miss Ye, what do you think?"

  The little girl asked sincerely, with a little happiness and joy in her eyes.

  Red skirt girl, Ye Qingqing: "..."

   Strike a snake and hit seven inches, Ruan Qi's words are almost like a knife in Ye Qing's mouth.

   Ye Qing nearly spit out blood.

  How does Ruan Qi’s brain circuit grow?

  Can’t she hear that everyone is mocking her for her low birth?

  Why can she say that she has good luck so brazenly?

   Ye Qingqing was almost run away by Ruan Qi's happy expression.

The girl in the red skirt hurriedly tossed her, then smiled and said to Ruan Qi without a smile: "Miss Ruan's luck is indeed good. But I think that people's luck can't be good for a lifetime. Especially in a wealthy family, the family is right. most important."

"Sister Xu is right." Another little green tea interjected with a grin, "My uncle married a woman from grassroots. That woman was a shadow queen before, and my uncle was fascinated to death and alive. Isn’t my uncle disgusted by my uncle after getting married? I'm getting divorce now."

   "Oh, your uncle and aunt are finally getting divorced?"

  "Yeah. Now the family has re-selected a fiancee for my uncle, who is the daughter of the Jiangcheng Li family. After they get married, our family and the Li family will be able to join forces."

  (End of this chapter)

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