Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 948: The old man Xi who protects the short (two more)

  Chapter 948 The old man Xi who protects the short (two more)

  Ran Qi on the other end of the phone listened silently, without speaking.

  It was the old man Xi, who quickly took the phone from the coffee table and pressed the hang up button.

  Sheng Lin's scolding stopped abruptly.

  Old man Sheng was startled: "Old Xi! Call..."

  "Hang up." There was no smile on Old Man Xi's face.

  He coldly looked at Sheng Lin, who was still a bit hideous on his face, and the coercion that belonged to the superiors slowly dissipated from his body.

   "Since I can't speak human language, I will wait until I learn how to meet people again. My family is seven years old, and I can't hear those horrible ghosts."

  After that, he stood up.

   "Gong Qi, see off!"

After Grandpa Xi finished speaking, he ignored Grandpa Sheng's pleading and left with a cold face.

  This time, Sheng Lin stopped scolding, and was dumbfounded.

  The sanity that had been burned with anger was restored again, and she looked at the back of the old man Xi leaving, her heart was cold.

  However, Gong Qi didn’t care whether the Sheng family’s father and daughter’s heart was cold or not. He hung a detached and standard smile, and his white gloved hand moved to the side of the door.

   "Two, please. I will send you out."

Of course, the father and daughter of the Sheng family didn't want to leave just like that.

   Panicked, Sheng Lin grabbed Gong Qi’s arm, “I can’t go! Gong Steward, you let me see Mr. Xi again!”

  "Sorry, Ms. Sheng." Gong Qi let her hold her, smiling unchanged, "Please come back, please."

  How can Sheng Lin go back?

   Ye Qingqing was lying on the hospital bed. If she went back like this, her daughter would be finished!

   Sheng Lin was anxious and angry. In a hurry, she took out a black card from her purse and stuffed it into Gong Qi's hand.

   "Gong housekeeper, this is a little bit of your heart. Please let me see Mr. Xi, my daughter is still lying in bed, I can't go! Is one card enough? Not enough for me!"

  Sheng Lin shook her hands and took out all the cards in the card holder and stuffed them into Gong Qi's hand.

   Gong Qi smiled and watched her movements, the eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses contained endless indifference.

  Isn’t she very angry when she scolded the little lady?

  Now know to ask for help?

   Gong Qi has no good feelings for unreasonable people like Sheng Lin. No matter how Sheng Lin begged, he only had one sentence, "Please, please."

  Sheng Lin was about to vomit blood when Gong Qi’s oil and salt did not enter the air.

  Her eyes are flushed in anxious state, and her mind is almost crazy.

  Old man Sheng couldn't stand it anymore, and pulled her back with a cane.

   "Enough!" He drank.

   "What is enough? Not enough! Qingqing is still in the hospital bed! I want to see Lao Xi!" Sheng Lin was a little bit out of control, screaming and trying to get away from her father's hand.

  Old man Sheng couldn't bear it, raised his hand and slapped her face with a slap.


   A crisp and powerful sound interrupted everything.

  Sheng Lin was holding her hot face, her head a little confused.

  She has lived for more than forty years, and she has been spoilt for choice since she was born. Not to mention the slap, it was just a finger, and the two elders of the Sheng family were reluctant to touch her.

  But now, the father, who loves her like a jewel, slaps her in front of the Xi family!

  Sheng Lin was stunned.

  Old man Sheng looked at his daughter's rapidly swollen cheeks, his eyes flashed unbearable.

But he quickly suppressed this emotion and said coldly, "Isn't it cool for you to scold Ruan Qi just now?! What? Now I know I'm anxious?! Yelling at someone else's house, do you have any education? You lose all the face of the Sheng family!"

  Sheng Lin was beaten and scolded by her father for the first time, and her arrogant arrogance disappeared completely.

  She stared at Mr. Sheng blankly, and said blankly: "I am also for Qingqin..."

"If you are really doing it for Qingqing, you should be polite to Ruan Qi!" The old man Sheng was upset when he saw this daughter, and the tone of his words was extremely rude. "Now only Ruan Qi can save Qingqing and not confess her. That's all, you got stuck in **** to offend her?!"

  Sheng Lin really wants to say what identity Ruan Qi is and what qualifications she has to make a confession.

  But when she thought of Ye Qingqing lying on the hospital bed, she snorted and swallowed all the words back into her stomach.

  Old man Sheng got rid of the messy girl, turned his head to look at Gong Qi.

   "Just now, the housekeeper laughed at the palace." His haggard old face showed a somewhat far-fetched smile, "Sheng Lin is spoiled by me and is ignorant. Don't mind the housekeeper."

   Gongqi pushed on the gold-rimmed glasses, his smile remained unchanged: "Mr. Sheng is polite."

  Old man Sheng really dare not be rude.

He sorted out the card that Sheng Lin had just stuffed Gong Qi into, and then said with a pleading voice: "Gong butler, please go and persuade Lao Xi to let him see me again. I know that Sheng Lin did not do the right thing. I will see Lao Xi in a while, I will definitely make her apologize!"

   Gong Qi smiled, but did not move.

  Old man Sheng looked at him with a mask-like alien smile, gritted his teeth, and said cruelly: "As long as the palace housekeeper can help me once, I will ask Sheng Lin to apologize to Miss Ruan in a moment!"

   "Dad!" Sheng Lin was surprised, "How can I..."

   "If you want to live your life, just shut up!" Mr. Sheng yelled at her.

  Thinking of Ye Qingqing, Sheng Lin's face paled, and Ai Ai closed her mouth in expectation.

  Gong Qi saw this scene, smiled and helped her glasses, "It seems that Ms. Sheng is not very willing to apologize to the little lady. Mr. Sheng, I don’t think I should force..."

   "Don't force it, don't force it!" Father Sheng waved his hand quickly, "Sheng Lin knew she was wrong, she volunteered. Isn't she? Sheng Lin?!"

  Faced with her father's warning gaze, Sheng Lin nodded reluctantly.

   Gong Qi’s mask-like smiling face finally came alive.

  He hooked his thin lips with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Sit down first, I'll ask the old man what he means."

After speaking, Gong Qi turned and left.

  Old man Sheng sat back weakly on the sofa, only to find that sweat was already on his forehead.

   Seeing Gongqi was gone, Sheng Lin couldn’t help it anymore, and said dissatisfied: “Dad, how can you let me apologize to a little girl? She deserves—”

"shut up!"

  Old man Sheng couldn't bear it anymore, and his eyes swept away sternly.

  Sheng Lin's face turned pale when she was frightened by this look.

  Old man Sheng looked at her coldly, and threatened in the most ruthless tone: "I don't care what you think in your heart, today this scene must be performed for me. Unless you want to offend the entire Xi family!"

   "No, it won't be..." Sheng Lin was a little scared, "Isn't it just a woman who hasn't passed the door... The Xi family shouldn't be right for her and the whole Sheng family..."

  Old man Sheng was about to vomit blood from this stupid daughter.

  He suppressed the hand that wanted to slap her, and vented his anger on the crutches to the ground.

"What's the matter with the woman who hasn't passed the door yet? You didn't listen to Lao Xi's words and words, but you helped her? And Gong Qi, I told him to apologize to Lao Xi, but he didn't move. I told him to let you give Ruan Qi apologized, and he immediately let go. Do you know what this means?"

  (End of this chapter)

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