Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 949: Professional households with pitfalls (three shifts)

  Chapter 949 Deceptive professional households (three shifts)

  Sheng Lin: "What, what..."

"This shows that Ruan Qi's position in the Xi family has reached the point where he can drive the palace up at will!" Father Sheng stared at her with red eyes. Being so partial, it shows that it is a certainty for her to become the wife of the Patriarch of the Xi family!"

"Now that Lao Xi is still alive, Ruan Qi doesn't think he will be embarrassed with the Sheng family because of his face. What about afterwards? When Ruan Qi really marries in and takes over the power of the Xi family, do you see if she will do something to the Sheng family? What! Do something to you and Qingqin!"

  Old man Sheng’s words were like a sap, knocking on Sheng Lin's head hard.

  Sheng Lin’s head buzzed.

  She has always only cared about Xiaohui Xiaoli in front of her, seeing that things were not going to be long-term. Now being so slightly shifted, the whole person panicked like a headless fly.

   "Well, what should we do?" Her face was pale, "Should we find a way to prevent Ruan Qi from marrying into Xi's family?"

  Master Sheng: "..."

  How did such a messy thing come into being? !

  Old man Sheng is about to be **** off by the touching IQ of his daughters and daughters.

He glared at her viciously: "Throw away those messy ideas in your mind! Whoever Xi Jiu wants to marry is beyond our control. Beware of playing with fire and self-immolation! You will remember it for me now, and be sincere for a while. Apologize to Ruan Qi. Don't be impulsive, otherwise the entire Sheng family will have to pay for it!"

  Sheng Lin was really shocked this time. She paled and nodded, not even dare to let go.

  Not long after, Gong Qi came back.

  "I have conveyed the two apologies to the old man. Please wait for the two, the old man will be here later."

  This ‘later’, it’s been ‘later’ for more than half an hour all at once.

  The tea on the coffee table was changed three times, and Grandpa Xi finally arrived.

  He sat down on the sofa with a cold temperament, lazily raised his eyes and glanced at the father and daughter of the Sheng family.

  Old man Sheng sat up upright nervously, "Old Xi, I just couldn't help but blame what happened just now. I have already scolded Sheng Lin, and she already knew it was wrong. You see..."

  Master Xi's gaze swept across Sheng Lin's red and swollen face, and he raised his eyebrows meaningfully.

   "It seems that I knew it was wrong." He nodded in satisfaction, "Well, I'll call Xiao Qi again."

  The phone rang again.

The Sheng family's father and daughter tensed their bodies, and the two of them stared straight at the phone, as if they were about to stare Ruan Qi out of the phone.

   Soon, Ruan Qi’s voice came out of the hands-free.

   "Grandpa Xi~"

  The little girl’s tone was habitually with a soft ending, and the cold face of the old man listened to the smile of a big chrysanthemum.

   "Hey, Xiao Qi. Something happened just now. Grandpa cut off the phone. Do you have time now?"

   "Yes." The little girl smiled sweetly, "As long as Grandpa Xi finds Xiao Qi, Xiao Qi has time anytime~"

  Hey, who's from this girl!

   is too good!

  Old man Xi was bloodied, and his big eyes almost disappeared from laughter.

   "Little Qi is really good. Then I put my phone on the table, and the Sheng family has something to tell you. Xiao Qi, grandpa is next to the phone, don’t be afraid."

  Old man Xi finished speaking and put the phone on the coffee table.

  Old man Sheng rubbed his hands nervously, “Miss Ruan, I’m Sheng Li, Ye Qingqing’s grandfather.”

  Ruan Qi on the other end of the phone gave a faint ‘huh’.

  Old man Sheng heard the girl’s response, not knowing why there was some pressure in his heart for some reason. That feeling is like facing the superior, making people feel flustered and overwhelmed.

  It’s really strange, how could a little girl who is only twenty years old feel this way?

  Old man Sheng shook his head, ignoring the strange feeling in his heart.

  He pondered for two seconds, and said cautiously: "Miss Ruan, my daughter Sheng Lin's attitude was not very good just now, don't mind. She is spoiled by me and is ignorant. Sheng Lin, please apologize to Miss Ruan!"

  The named Sheng Lin is reluctant.

   asked her to apologize to a girl who is younger than her own daughter. Miss Sheng Jia, who has always been spoiled, really feels ashamed.

   However, the slap in the face of Grandpa Sheng and the words just now, as well as Ye Qingqing who was lying on the hospital bed, made her have to swallow this shame.

  Sheng Lin gritted her teeth, tightened her veins, and forced a ‘Miss Ruan, I’m sorry’ from between the teeth.

  Ruan Qi laughed softly when he heard this reluctant apology.

   "I have received Ms. Sheng's apology. Is there anything else?"

   "There are some." Grandpa Sheng said quickly, "Miss Ruan, I want to talk about Qingqing."

   "Miss Ye?"

  Ruan Qi chuckled, "Miss Ye should be in the hospital better than to die now, right?"

  Old man Sheng was suddenly startled.

  Ruan Qi she admitted so easily!

  Sheng Lin: "Qing Qing's body is really your hands and feet!"

  Ruan Qi laughed quite cheerfully when she heard her questioning scream.

   "That's right. I poisoned it, is there a problem?"

   "Poisoned?! You actually poisoned my daughter?!" Sheng Lin's sanity was on the verge of collapse, "I can call the police to catch you!"

   "Oh? Do you have any evidence?" Ruan Qi asked with a smile.

  Sheng Lin was taken aback.


   Ye Qingqing's current physical indicators are very healthy, and no toxins have been detected in the blood. Even though she was itchy and ulcerated, there was no problem with her physical indicators.

  Where is the evidence?

  Listening to Ruan Qi’s faint laughter, Sheng Lin’s blood cooled down a little bit.

  Ruan Qi’s wrists and scheming completely exceeded her cognition.

  This girl, two years younger than her daughter, had already anticipated everything, and blatantly played the whole Sheng family in applause!

  I didn't know if it was angry or too scared, Sheng Lin began to tremble violently.

Father Sheng was afraid of her bad things, and quickly said to Ruan Qi on the phone: "Miss Ruan, Sheng Lin is too anxious, not deliberately embarrassing you. This matter is our fault, we will not call the police, please rest assured ."

  Ruan Qi said ‘oh’.

   "It seems that Mr. Sheng is much smarter than your daughter. I still like talking to smart people."

  Old man Sheng gave a wry smile in his heart.

   "Miss Ruan," he said, "You can make an offer. What should you do to help Qing Tian detoxify?"

   Ruan Qi: "My request is very simple."

   "What is it?" Father Sheng asked quickly.

  "Let Ye Qingqing come and apologize to me." Ruan Qi smiled, "He bowed at ninety degrees and apologized sincerely. Oh, let her publish an apology letter in the Imperial Capital Salted Fish School, no less than 5,000 words."

  Isn’t Ye Qingqing like robbing her boyfriend?

   Then let her send a letter of apology in front of all the second and third generations in the Imperial Capital Salted Fish School.

Ruan Xiaoqi is professional! ~

    Ruan Xiaoqi: Who is the strongest professional? Ruan's Xiaoqi is the best! ~

    ——The three shifts today are all fat chapters, so I will make up for yesterday’s. Meme~



  (End of this chapter)

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