Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 959: Begging Ruan Qi to apologize (two more)

  Chapter 959 Asking Ruan Qi to apologize (two more)

   Ye Qing relied on the Sheng family to be the backer, frantically dying. But I don't know that Grandpa Sheng has endured her to the limit.

   "Are you apologizing?!" Father Sheng asked with gritted teeth.

   "I don't!" Ye Qingqing no longer hurts, and she is refreshed, "I don't! Why should I give Xiao Ming--"


  Before he finished speaking, he was completely interrupted by a big slap in the face.

  Master Sheng’s slap made ten percent of his strength, and Ye Qingqin was beaten and almost flew out of the stretcher.

  Sheng Jian'an and the others did not expect that their father would be so angry that they quickly wanted to step forward to dissuade them.

  "None of you are allowed to persuade you!" Grandpa Sheng shouted and drank all his children.

  He stood up with a cold face, and looked at Ye Qingqing condescendingly, "Today I will teach this thing that does not know the heights of the sky!"

  After that, Father Sheng raised his arm and raised the crutches in his hand.

The expressions of everyone in the Sheng family changed instantly.

   Ye Qingqing's current physical condition can't stand the turn of Mr. Sheng!

  It's pure mahogany, and if you hit it, you will have to go directly to the operating room!

   "Dad!" The nearest grand occasion rushed up and hugged Grandpa Sheng's arm, "Dad, if you have something to say, don't do it!"

   "Speak well? I speak well, will she listen!"

Grandpa Sheng trembled with anger, and pointed at Ye Qingqing and yelled: "I used to be too accustomed to you before, and let you get into a catastrophe and hurt the whole family! Ye Qingqing, let me tell you! If you don't today Bow and apologize to Miss Ruan, and get out of the Sheng family tomorrow for me!!! The Sheng family don't want your offspring who are shameless and don't understand black and white!!!"

   Ye Qingqing's head buzzed from the slap, and it just didn't make it easy to slow down, when he heard what Elder Sheng said.

  Her head buzzed again and exploded.

  What did Grandpa say?

  Get out of Sheng's house?

  The grandfather who always loved her the most let her get out of Sheng's house?

How can this be?

   Ye Qingqing didn't want to believe it, but immediately afterwards, the pomp and calm voice rang in her ears.

"Qingqin, because of your greed, many families have interrupted their cooperation with the Sheng family. If you continue to be obsessed, we can only cut off the relationship with you. There are so many people in the Sheng family to support, not because of you alone. , It will ruin everyone's way out."

  "..." Ye Qingqing was completely confused.

How did    become like this?

  She just likes Xi Jiu and wants to be the wife of the Xi family?

  Why did things become like this?

   Ye Qingqing covered his face, raised his head in a daze, his eyes swept across the faces of everyone in the event.

  Disappointment, indifference, complaining, distressed... all kinds of emotions were shown on their faces, like a steel knife pierced into her heart.

   Ye Qingqi's blood was quickly cold.

  She realized that what Sheng Kuang He and Sheng said just now were not angry words, but true.

  If she does not apologize today, she will be removed from the Sheng family tomorrow!

   Ye Qingqin began to tremble violently.

  However, the blow is not over yet.

   "That...I have something to say." Ruan Qi, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke.

  Everyone's attention turned to her.

  The little girl standing next to the tall man tilted her head to Ye Qing and said, “Miss Ye, there is one thing your family hasn’t told you yet.”

   Ye Qingqing's heart suddenly felt uneasy.

Ruan Qi smiled softly, and said to her word by word: "Miss Ye, you are poisoned by me exclusively. Apart from me, only my master can solve this problem in this world. Those who plant poison will endure seven days of torture rather than life. After seven days, you will be free!"

   Ye Qingqing's face suddenly whitened.

   "What does liberation mean?" she asked anxiously.

   "Don't worry, you won't die." The little girl gave her a reassurance especially sincerely.

Then he threw another bomb very inhumanly: "It's just that you will always fall asleep. Of course, Miss Ye is only in deep sleep, but your mind is awake. And this wakingness will continue until you are. The body and the brain die."

  The voice fell, and Ye Qingqing's face instantly turned white for several degrees.

  The body falls asleep and is sane, isn’t that a vegetative person? !

  Why has no one ever told her that this poison will cause such serious consequences? !

   Ye Qingqing didn't want to believe what Ruan Qi said. She looked at Mr. Sheng and others, hoping that her family would tell her that Ruan Qi was lying.

"Miss Ruan is right." The event seemed to have really lost the last trace of affection for this niece, and the tone of her words was cold. "The reason why I didn't tell you before was because your grandpa was afraid that you could not stand it. Hit. But Ye Qingqing, you are also 22 years old, and it's time to bear the bitter fruit that you brewed."

  The grand occasion shattered Ye Qingqing's last fluke.

  She opened her eyes sharply, but her eyes turned black because of the irritation.

  At this time, Ruan Qi’s soft but devil-like voice floated into her ears——

   "So Miss Ye, if you want to apologize, it's up to you. If you really don't want to, don't force it, I will pack my things and leave now."

  Leaving...Leaving...Ye Qingqing was in a daze for a moment, and suddenly a violent spirit.


  Ruan Qi can’t go!

  She don’t lie in bed and be a vegetable!

  The strong desire to survive caused Ye Qingqing to jump up from the stretcher, shocking the surrounding Sheng family.

   "Qing, you..."

   "Ruan Qi!" Ye Qingqing couldn't bother to talk to the family, and eagerly rushed to stop Ruan Qi who was leaving.

  But her body is too weak, the last jump has exhausted her last strength, and her legs fell to the ground with a ‘grumbling’ just two steps.

  If it was normal, Ye Qingqing would never allow herself to be so embarrassed in front of Xi Jiu and his love rival.

  But now she doesn't care about anything anymore, survival is the most important thing!

   "Ruan Qi! You stop!" she yelled, lying on the ground.

   Ruan Qi ignored Ye Qingqing, she packed the medicine box and handed it to Xi Jiu, then lifted her foot and went out.

   Ye Qingqing's anxious face turned white again.

  Can't let her go!

  Ruan Qi is gone, she will die!

  Perhaps the longing for life is too strong, Ye Qingqing's elm brain, which has been decadent for more than two decades, suddenly opened up the two veins of Ren and Du. She finally remembered what she had come for today, and she shouted at Ruan Qi's back without even thinking about it: "Miss Ruan, I apologize to you! I sincerely apologize to you!!!"

  Ruan Qi's footsteps stopped.

   Ye Qingqing was overjoyed when she saw her stop. She quickly looked at everyone in the Sheng family and said anxiously as if she was going to reincarnate, "Dad! Help me up! I want to apologize to Miss Ruan!"

  Father Ye: "..."

  Girl, you didn’t say that five minutes ago.

   Ye Qingqing didn’t want to know what she had said before. In the face of life and death, all love and face are shit.

  She just wants to apologize now! As long as Ruan Qi can save her, it doesn't matter if she makes a hundred bows!

    three shifts in the back



  (End of this chapter)

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