Master Xi Wants To Make Official Announcements Every Day

Chapter 960: Ask Ruan Qi to apologize again~ (three shifts)

  Chapter 960 Asking Ruan Qi to apologize again~ (three shifts)

  With the help of Sheng's family, Ye Qingqing braced herself to get up from the ground.

   "Miss Ruan," she said anxiously again, "please allow me to apologize to you!"

  Ran Qi, who had already walked to the gate, slowly turned around and looked at her without speaking.

  Ye Qingqing was afraid that Ruan Qi would not accept herself, and quickly said with a pleading expression, "Please, Miss Ruan, please let me apologize to you!"

  The old man eating melon next to him: "..."

  Good guy! I really beg Xiao Qi to apologize!

  His grandson and daughter-in-law are really amazing!

  Niu Xiaoqi, who is a great critic, glanced at Ye Qingqing, "Miss Ye, if you don’t want to apologize, you really don’t have to force..."

   "Don't force it!" Ye Qingqing immediately shook his head to show his sincerity, "Miss Ruan, please take your seat, I must apologize to you!"

  啧, even "you" is used.

  I'm afraid this girl has never been so respectful to her grandfather.

  Ruan Qi secretly showed a fox-like smile in his heart, then tilted his head and said to Ye Qing: "Hey, Miss Ye, you have to apologize yourself. I didn't force you~"

Ye Qingqing nodded immediately: "Yes! I am deeply aware of the mistake. As a daughter of the Sheng family, I should not have no education, should not try to steal Miss Ruan's boyfriend, let alone insult you. Miss Ruan, all of this is all about it. My fault!"

  "The five-thousand-word review book..."

   "I must write!" Ye Qingqing has learned to rush to answer, "I must personally write five thousand words and send it to the WeChat group!"

  Ruan Qi hooked her lips and was very satisfied.

   So let’s say, there are no bear children in this world, only people who can’t discipline bear children~

  Bear child Ye Qingqing was completely controlled. Ruan Qi asked Xi Jiu to put down the medicine box and returned to sit on the sofa.

   Ye Qingqing, supported by Sheng Kuang and Ye Father, walked up to her in three steps, preparing to bow at ninety degrees.

  "Miss Ye, please wait a moment." Ruan Qi interrupted her suddenly.

   Ye Qingqing raised her head in doubt, and saw the girl sitting on the sofa taking out her mobile phone from her small bag and handing it to Xi Jiu.

   "Jiu Jiu, help me record the video."

  "..." Ye Qingqing's face gradually turned green.

After Ruan Qi handed the phone to Xi Jiu, he raised his head and looked at her gradually discolored face, and said with a smile: "Miss Ye, the video is just to keep evidence. Please rest assured, as long as you don't retaliate in the future. I’ll never post this video out."

   "Of course, if you do anything unfavorable to me, then I will let all the people of China see this video of apology. Miss Ye, do you understand?"

  The little girl spoke softly, but Ye Qingqing shivered severely.

  If I said that I was forced to apologize just to survive, I was not convinced in my heart. Then she really didn't dare to have any resistance at all.

  This girl who is two years younger than her is simply the devil!

  She really can't afford it!

   Ye Qingqing was completely tamed, and respectfully bowed to Ruan Qi for nearly one hundred and eighty degrees, and sincerely apologized.

  At the moment when the phrase ‘I’m sorry’ was uttered, this Sheng Jia’s petty daughter no longer had the idea of ​​confronting Ruan Qi.

  Only deep fear and awe were left in her heart.

  Ruan Qi is very satisfied with the result.

  After Ye Qingqing finished apologizing, she kept her promise and took out a small pill.

  "Take this medicine, and your body will recover more than half an hour later. After you send out the review book tonight, I will send someone to send you the antidote to eradicate toxins tomorrow."


  It was noisy all morning, and the matter was finally resolved satisfactorily.

  Sheng's family left with Ye Qingqing, and only three of Xi Jiaye Sun and Ruan Qi were left in the Xi family mansion.

  The old man Xi who had eaten a big melon finally stopped pretending, closed the door and laughed out loud.

  "Little Qi is still amazing! Even the girl from the Sheng family is subdued by your training! Xiao Qi, grandpa watched a big scene thanks to your blessing today!"

  Listening to Father Xi’s hearty laugh, Ruan Qi couldn’t help showing a real smile.

   "Grandpa Xi, recent events have caused trouble for you and your uncle and aunt. Especially you and the Sheng family..."

"No matter how close I am to the Sheng family, it is better to kiss you!" Father Xi interrupted her, "We are a family, Xiaoqi. If my granddaughter is bullied, my grandfather will naturally help out. Your uncle The same idea as Auntie."

   Ruan Qi: "But the grand occasion, uncle and uncle..."

   "Your uncle and the grand occasion are indeed young, and their relationship is very good. But this is not a reason for your children to be wronged."

The old man Xi patted the little girl's head lovingly, "Don't think about it, Xiao Qi. Although the Xi family has cut off business with the Sheng family, the pomp is on the official career, and the impact is not great. Moreover, you are doing this today. It can be regarded as helping the Sheng family to clean up the door. The grand occasion, the kid, thank you, it's too late!"

  It's not that Mr. Xi was comforting Ruan Qi.

  The most taboo thing about official careers in a pompous situation is that family members act arrogantly, and it is easy to leave words to others. Before, he cared about the two elders of the Sheng family, and couldn't do anything to Sheng Lin and Ye Qingqing. It's all right now. Ruan Qi teaches the mother and daughter how to behave for him.

  Without the bad things of the Sheng family, Ruan Qi is also quite happy. After Xi Xiaoran and Duan Wei came back in the evening, the family happily ate a sumptuous dinner.

  Xi Xiaoyun, who is still working overtime in the company as a social animal: "..."

  This home is not worth it.

   That night, the Imperial Capital Salted Fish School ushered in a depth bomb.

  The head of the Imperial Green Tea Group who is proud of breaking up the couple, Miss Sheng Jia Qianjin Ye Qingqing, actually sent a check! discuss! Book!

  When Ye Qingqing sent the review book to the group in the form of a file, everyone thought she had sent it in the wrong place.

  When the first person clicks on the review book--

  ? ? ?

  What the hell? !

  Apologize to Miss Ruan Qi? ! !

   Ye Qingqing's head was replaced? ! ! !

  So, all the people in the WeChat group exploded.

  Everyone read the review book as quickly as possible.

  Good guy!

  Speaking earnestly, word-by-word, full of emotion, echoing from beginning to end.

  Ye Qingqing first explained in detail the contradiction between Fenglou and Ruan Qi that night in five hundred words, and then expressed his mistakes and regrets in two thousand words. Then there were two thousand five hundred words left, praising Ruan Qi's heart-warming mind and Xi Jiu's loyal and unswerving love for her.

  The full text can be summarized in a few words-I am wrong, sorry, Ruan Qi is awesome, Xi Ye really loves Ruan Qi.

  Everyone who read the review book: "..."

  The Imperial Capital Salted Fish School, which screened 99+ screens every day, was strangely quiet for two minutes.

   Immediately after--

  【Amorous Ferrari: ...I was in the wrong group? Or am I blind? 】

  【Sailor Moon: Ye Qingqing was pierced by a human soul? ! 】

  【Xianyu turned over and slept for a while: No, isn't Ye Qingqing in the hospital? Is there an insider? Tell me what's going on! 】

    Ruan Xiaoqi: Guan Xiong, I am a professional!

     In the past few days, I have coded words for one day every day, hehehe, thousands of words have been saved. Hee hee hee hee hee hee……



  (End of this chapter)

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